
The Hon Robert French AC

The Hon. Robert French AC served as Chief Justice of Australia from 1 September 2008 until 29 January 2017. He served as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia from November 1986 until his appointment as Chief Justice of the High Court on 1 September 2008. He was elected as Chancellor of the University of Western Australia in December 2017.

Harry Hobbs

Harry Hobbs is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology Sydney. As a constitutional and human rights lawyer his work explores questions of sovereignty, statehood, and democracy.

Marija Taflaga

Marija Taflaga is a Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University and Director of the Australian Politics Studies Centre. She is also the co-host of the Democracy Sausage podcast. Marija’s work focuses on the interaction between political elites and other political institutions such as political parties, parliament and the executive and gendered pathways into office.

Leena Rikkilä Tamang

Leena Rikkilä Tamang is Director for the Asia and the Pacific region at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). She manages regional programs and oversees country programs in Myanmar, Nepal, Fiji and Bhutan and has published about democracy at the global level, on women's political participation, and on inclusive democratic processes.

George Williams AO

George Williams AO is the Vice-Chancellor at the Western Sydney University. Prior to his appointment as Vice-Chancellor, he was a Professor of Constitutional Law and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UNSW Sydney. As a barrister he has appeared in High Court cases on freedom of speech, freedom from racial discrimination and the rule of law.