Papers on Parliament and other resources

A collection of publications and papers on parliamentary and governance issues.

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The list below can be sorted by title, author, category and year or you can search a key word.

Title Author Year
Global state of democracy: how parliaments can rejuvenate democracy ( PDF 255KB) Tamang, Leena Rikkilä 2024
‘Not parliamentary?’: Australian semi-parliamentarism and the role of the Australian Senate ( PDF 386KB) Taflaga, Marija 2024
Did Australian parliaments meet regularly during the COVID-19 pandemic? ( PDF 393KB) Hobbs, Harry and Williams AO, George 2024
How responsible is responsible government — parliament, statutes, the executive and the courts ( PDF 211KB) French AC, The Hon Robert 2024
Australian political opinion: from the 2019 election to COVID-19 ( PDF 751KB) Cameron, Sarah and McAllister, Ian 2024
Reflections on the 10th anniversary of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights ( PDF 636KB) Coles, Anita and Fletcher, Charlotte 2024
Committees of influence: evaluating the role and impact of parliamentary committees ( PDF 490KB) Moulds, Dr Sarah 2024
The Senate's new role in protecting our democracy ( PDF 380KB) Browne, Bill and Oquist, Ben 2024
Accountability for cross-jurisdictional bodies ( PDF 202KB) Saunders, Cheryl 2024
Law and border—who has the power to control movement across state borders? ( PDF 189KB) Twomey, Anne 2024
The Senate's Power to Obtain Evidence Evans, Harry 2010
Bills of Rights and Legislative Scrutiny: Two different worlds Evans, Harry 2009
The intertwined history of Canberra and the Parliament Evans, Harry 2009
Accountability and Corporate Governance in the new Parliament Evans, Harry 2008
Legislative Power and Executive Privilege in the Courts Evans, Harry 2008
Parliamentary Privilege and Search Warrants: Will the US Supreme Court Legislate for Australia? Evans, Harry 2008
The Senate, accountability and government control Evans, Harry 2008
Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Australasia Conference, 26 July 2007 Evans, Harry 2007
Elections: Constitutional complexities and consequences Evans, Harry 2007
GetUp! Seminar on the Senate Evans, Harry 2007
Parliament in the Twenty-first Century: Institutional reform and emerging roles Evans, Harry 2007
Having the Numbers Means Not Having to Explain: The Effect of the Government Majority in the Senate Evans, Harry 2007
Constitutionalism, Bicameralism and the Control of Power Evans, Harry 2006
Ethics and public service governance Evans, Harry 2006
The government majority in the Senate: A nail in the coffin of responsible government? Evans, Harry 2006
Monarchical and parliamentary government in Australia Evans, Harry 2006
Senate estimates hearings and the Government majority in the Senate Evans, Harry 2006
The Traditional, the Quaint and the Useful: Pitfalls of Reforming Parliamentary Procedures Evans, Harry 2004
Fitzpatrick and Browne: Imprisonment by a House of the Parliament Evans, Harry 2003
The Australian Parliament: Time for reformation Evans, Harry 2002
The Pedigree of the Practices: Parliamentary Manuals and Australian Government Evans, Harry 2002
An Elected President for an Australian Republic: Problems and Solutions Evans, Harry 2001
Bryce's Bible: Why did it impress the Australian founders? Evans, Harry 2001
Hobbes Versus Madison and Isaacs Versus Baker: Contrary Theories and Practices in Australian Democracy Evans, Harry 2001
The Role of the Senate Evans, Harry 2001
The Australian Constitution and the 1911 Myth Evans, Harry 2000
The 1911 Myth Embellished, by Gough Evans, Harry 2000
Reasonably Necessary Powers: Parliamentary Inquiries and Egan v Willis and Cahill Evans, Harry 1999
Enough of Executive Arrogance?: Egan v Chadwick and Others Evans, Harry 1999
Franca Arena and parliamentary privilege Evans, Harry 1998
The other metropolis: The Australian Founders' knowledge of America Evans, Harry 1998
Bad King John and the Australian Constitution Evans, Harry 1997
Constitution, Section 57: Comments on Article by George Williams Evans, Harry 1997
Federalism: an idea whose time has come? Evans, Harry 1997
Protection of persons who provide information to Members Evans, Harry 1997
The Australian Head of State: Putting Republicanism into the Republic Evans, Harry 1996
1975 Revisited: Lost Causes and Lost Remedies Evans, Harry 1995
Electing a President: the elite versus the public Evans, Harry 1995
Parliamentary privilege and statutory secrecy provisions Evans, Harry 1992
Parliamentary Reform: New Directions and Possibilities for Reform of Parliamentary Processes Evans, Harry 1992
Parliament: An Unreformable Institution Evans, Harry 1992
Parliamentary privilege: Reasons of Mr Justice Hunt—an analysis Evans, Harry 1987
Parliamentary privilege: The reasons of Mr Justice Cantor—an analysis Evans, Harry 1986
Enriching Democracy—Achievements of the Senate Crossbench and Backbench in the 45th Parliament ( PDF 415KB) Weeks, Maureen 2019
Wilkie v Commonwealth and Parliamentary Control of Appropriations ( PDF 825KB) Ryall, Glenn 2019
Richard Chaffey Baker and the Shaping of the Senate ( PDF 578KB) Laing, Rosemary 2018
The Concept of 'The Same in Substance': What Does the Perrett Judgment Mean for Parliamentary Scrutiny? ( PDF 141KB) Powell, Ivan 2017
Scrutiny Committees: A Vehicle for Safeguarding Federalism and the Constitutional Rights of Parliament ( PDF 182KB) Ryall, Glenn and Strout, Jessica 2017
The Pursuit of State Interests in the Senate ( PDF 1.9MB) Waring, Paula 2016
The Williams Decisions and the Implications for the Senate and its Scrutiny Committees ( PDF 989KB) Hodder, Patrick 2016
Representation of Commonwealth Territories in the Senate ( PDF 989KB) Sloane, Michael 2016
Commonwealth executive power and accountability following Williams (No. 2) ( PDF 1.5MB) Ryall, Glenn 2015
Senate actions upon the deaths of prime ministers of Australia ( PDF 44KB) Senate Table Office 2015
Prayers in the Senate: abolition, retention or change ( PDF 241KB) Jolly, Jarrod 2015
Williams v Commonwealth—a turning point for parliamentary accountability and federalism in Australia? ( PDF 1.5MB) Ryall, Glenn 2014
Is it futile to petition the Australian Senate? ( PDF 2.8MB) Waring, Paula 2013
This is a procedure on which we should not lightly embark: orders for the production of documents in the Australian Senate ( PDF 1.7MB) Waring, Paula 2012
Curbing the grand inquest: legislature v. executive in the United States and Australia ( PDF 348KB) Bannear, Bill 2012
Swearing-in of senators and members outside of General Elections ( PDF 40KB) Jongsma, Annemieke 2011
The Senate committee system: historical perspectives ( PDF 5.4MB) Laing, Rosemary 2011
The Senate committee system: historical perspectives ( PDF 824KB) Laing, Rosemary and Uhr, John 2010
Two global crises, two Senate committees ( PDF 118KB) Hawkins, John 2010
Control of delegated legislation in the Australian Senate ( PDF 1.8MB) Pye, Richard 2010
Can we account for parliamentary committees? A survey of committee secretaries ( PDF 1.2MB) Grant, Richard 2009
Senate committees and the legislative process ( PDF 1137KB) Holland, Ian 2009
Factors that affect participation in Senate committee inquiries ( PDF 1.2MB) Morris, Jackie and Power, Sophie 2009
Annotated standing orders of the Australian Senate ( PDF 1668KB) Laing, Rosemary 2009
Consideration of legislation by Australian Senate committees and the Selection of Bills Committee ( PDF 601KB) Pye, Richard 2008
Questions without answers: joint meetings of the Australian Senate and the House of Representatives ( PDF 552KB) Laing, Rosemary 2004
Platypus and the Parliament: The Australian Senate in Theory and Practice Bach, Stanley 2003
Can responsible government survive in Australia? Hamer, David 1994