FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

Should Australia's referendum rules be reformed?

With the Government committing to a constitutional referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, an important question has become whether the Referendums (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 (Referendums Act) remains fit for purpose. Australia has two main pieces of legislation that cover the conduct of federal electoral events. The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act) covers federal elections and election-related issues. Alongside this is the Referendums Act, which covers constitutional referendums. While the Electoral Act has seen various reforms over recent parliaments, including to the enrolment process and telephone voting, the Referendums Act may be showing its age. Read more...

Wish list: sitting calendar, compliant with norms and school holidays

While children—young and old—in the countdown to Christmas are probably more focused on chocolate advent calendars, parliamentarians need to settle on a new sitting calendar. Balancing the norms of a sitting calendar with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s promise not to sit during school holidays across all states and territories, requires careful programming. This Flagpost article discusses the various considerations that go into developing a sitting calendar including avoiding school holidays.  Read more...

The Suburban Rail Loop: an infrastructure case study

The Australian Government’s largest infrastructure commitment in the October 2022–23 Budget is $2.2 billion for the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) in Victoria. The October 2022–23 Budget started a budget repair fiscal narrative, which included a focus on increased ‘value for money’. The SRL funding announcement precedes the evaluation of the SRL business case by Infrastructure Australia to recommend whether the project represents value for money and should be placed on the Infrastructure Priority List. Read more...

Snapshot of employment by industry, 2022

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases quarterly estimates of employed people by industry (in their main job, if a person holds more than one job) in the publication Labour Force, Australia, Detailed. Quarterly data is available since November 1984, with the most recent data being August 2022. Read more...

House Estimates

House Estimates

Now that the Treasurer’s Budget speech is over, the work of legislating the Budget begins. This includes parliamentarians sitting in the Federation Chamber for the Consideration in Detail (CiD) stage of Appropriation Bill No. 1 (the Bill), navigating House Estimates. If you’re not familiar with any of these terms, don’t worry – you’re definitely not alone. House Estimates gets significantly less attention than it’s Senate counterpart, so this Flagpost seeks to provide some clarity and context around this largely unknown aspect of House of Representatives procedure. Read more...

Corruption risks and political donations

The Government's introduction of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) legislation has led to discussion about the potential for political donations (particularly large donations) to have a corrupting influence. This is occurring in the context of a federal parliamentary committee inquiry into the 2022 election and two state anti-corruption agencies’ recent comments on links between political finance rules and corruption. Read more...

What's new in statistics. . .November

This month: How Australians use their time, renewable energy and National Diabetes Month. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Building Approvals, September 2022 2 Nov ABS Selected Living Cost Indexes, September 2022 2 Nov ABS Lending Indicators, September 2022 2 Nov ABS ... Read more...

I’m sorry senator, I’ll have to take it on notice

I’m sorry senator, I’ll have to take it on notice

Observe Senate Estimates (Estimates) and you will quickly become familiar with the phrase ‘on notice’. Up to three times a year the Senate Legislation Committees hold Estimates hearings to examine the particulars of proposed or revised expenditure of departments and agencies. At these hearings senators can question the responsible Minister and senior officials from the departments and agencies. This Flagpost article examines the development of Estimates committees’ questions on notice (QoNs) and what lessons can be learnt as the Estimates hearings commence in the 47th parliament.  Read more...

The submerged history of Lake Burley Griffin

On this day 58 years ago, Prime Minister Robert Menzies formally inaugurated Canberra’s iconic Lake Burley Griffin. The lake’s development was both protracted and contentious, ostensibly as it involved submerging the Royal Canberra Golf Club (RCGC). This Flagpost article recounts the bureaucratic machinations involved in this story, including whether senior officials delayed the lake’s construction to maintain access to the golf course.     Read more...

Sitting times, screens and Standing Orders: an update on changes in the chambers

There are currently 270 House Standing Orders and 210 in the Senate. These Standing Orders are rules which govern the operation and conduct of House and Senate business, as provided for in The Constitution (section 50). House Practice and Senate Odgers set out that ‘Standing Orders are made and amended via a motion moved on notice in the usual way’ or ‘ordinary way’ respectively. It’s become the custom of incoming governments to review Standing Orders in the new parliament. This review started in the first sitting week of the 47th Parliament, as explained in the previous Flagpost article Sitting times and Standing Orders: recent changes in the House. The Ho... Read more...


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