FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

'Convoluted and Byzantine': Federal Court calls for better scrutiny of laws by ministers and parliament

The Federal Court has called for better scrutiny of ‘convoluted’ child support laws, saying such complex legislation puts governance in jeopardy. In Child Support Registrar v CMU23 (1 February 2024), Justice Logan said ministers or parliament should reject complicated drafting: Our society is governed by the rule of law, but such governance is put in jeopardy when legislation becomes so complex as not readily to admit of administration by ordinary, good, honest civil servants or ready comprehension of ordinary Australians of average intelligence … There must come a time, surely, when Ministers of State discharging their duty, or, if they do not, P... Read more...

Nature Positive reforms – April 2024 update

On 16 April 2024 the Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek announced the ‘second stage’ of the Albanese Government’s Nature Positive reforms. The minister said the changes ‘will deliver stronger environment powers, faster environment approvals, and better environment information and transparency’. Read more...

What's New in Statistics . . . May 2024

In this month’s release: Inequality in Australia and consumption of selected foods. Read more...

Four-year parliamentary terms

Four-year parliamentary terms

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton have recently expressed support for changing Australia’s 3-year parliamentary terms to 4 years, renewing public discussion on the merits of a longer electoral cycle. However, voters appear ambivalent on the proposal, with a recent Newspoll showing only 51% support for the idea with 37% against. This Flagpost article contextualises the current arrangements, identifies the arguments for and against longer terms, and summarises the processes for any change. Read more...

The Digital Government Index: How does Australia measure up?

Earlier this year, Australia ranked 5th in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) 2023 Digital Government Index (DGI). This placed Australia ahead of the European Union’s digital government pioneer, Estonia, and just behind Denmark and Norway. Among the 38 countries listed in the DGI, Australia also scored 1st in the government services category ‘digital by design’ and received special mention for being one of only five OECD countries with an integrated approach to investments in digital technology and services. To explain Australia’s DGI success, this Flagpost brings attention to the Australian Government Architecture (AGA),... Read more...

What’s New in Statistics . . . April 2024

In this month’s release: latest National Drug Strategy Household Survey, women’s experiences with the health system and the latest scam/fraud data. Read more...

Cook by-election 2024
Australian Electoral Commission

Cook by-election 2024

A by-election for the electoral division of Cook will take place on Saturday 13 April 2024. This will fill the vacancy created when former Prime Minister Scott Morrison resigned from Parliament on 27 February 2024. Read more...

Media regulation - what to expect in 2024

This FlagPost provides an update on key pieces of expected media regulation and reform expected in 2024. Read more...

Counting her in – International Women’s Day 2024

The United Nation’s theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Count her in: Invest in women. Accelerate progress’. This theme focuses on strengthening women’s economic inclusion through providing the tools and opportunities to participate in economic decision-making. Women’s economic empowerment assists to close gaps in pay, industry employment, occupation choices and transitional pathways, while their higher workforce participation generally leads to better health, education, and political outcomes. This article summarises key employment and business statistics for women (15 to 64 years unless otherwise noted), their involvement in agriculture, he... Read more...

Women in Cabinet

Women in Cabinet

On 6 March 2024 Senator Penny Wong becomes the longest serving female Cabinet Minister. Her cumulative 2,769 days in Cabinet (over 7 and a half years from 2007–13 and 2022 onwards) sees her overtake fellow South Australian Amanda Vanstone (who served from 1996–7 and 2001–7). Upon such a notable achievement, this Flagpost article reflects on the broader history of women in Cabinet and highlights their important and varied contributions.  Read more...


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