Australian Greens

2016 election costings

Correspondence for costings GRN002 to GRN009 PDF icon (247 KB) MS Word (283 KB)

  • GRN003 - Ending subsidies for fossil fuel use and extraction
    Costing request received: 23 June 2016 PDF icon (126 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (375 KB) MS Word (193 KB)
  • GRN006 - High Income Tax Guarantee (The Buffett Rule)
    Costing request received: 23 June 2016 PDF icon (131 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (360 KB) MS Word (188 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN010 to GRN020 PDF icon (162 KB) MS Word (283 KB)

  • GRN010 - Ending Tax Avoidance: Restoring Staff to the Tax Office
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (124 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (346 KB) MS Word (185 KB)
  • GRN013 - Investing in Australian Science and Research
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (132 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (453KB) MS Word (212 KB)
  • GRN016 - Working to close the gap: Equitable and culturally safe health care
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (139 KB) MS Word (215 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (395 KB) MS Word (188 KB)
  • GRN017 - Accelerating the Electric Vehicle Revolution
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (125 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (379 KB) MS Word (196 KB)
  • GRN019 - Political Donation and Lobbyist Reforms: Upgrade Websites
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (289 KB) MS Word (178 KB)
  • GRN020 - Marine reserves: protecting our marine ecosystems
    Costing request received: 24 June 2016 PDF icon (133 KB) MS Word (210 KB)
    Completed costing released: 25 June 2016 PDF icon (402 KB) MS Word (200 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN021 to GRN024 and GRN026 to GRN029
PDF icon (162 KB) MS Word (284 KB)

  • GRN021 - Close offshore detention and build safer pathways
    Costing request received: 27 June 2016 PDF icon (129 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (555 KB) MS Word (209 KB)
  • GRN022 - Community Owned Clean Energy
    Costing request received: 27 June 2016 PDF icon (153 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (506 KB) MS Word (195 KB)
  • GRN026 - Living with Global Warming: Climate Adaptation
    Costing request received: 27 June 2016 PDF icon (131 KB) MS Word (174 KB) 
    Climate Adaptation table MS Excel (10 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (522 KB) MS Word (198 KB)
  • GRN027 - Securing the Future of Farming
    Costing request received: 27 June 2016 PDF icon (129 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (497 KB) MS Word (193 KB)
  • GRN029 - Restoring Turnbull's cuts to R&D Tax Credits
    Costing request received: 27 June 2016 PDF icon (127 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (495 KB) MS Word (187 KB)

Correspondence for costings GRN030 to GRN035 PDF icon (160 KB) MS Word (284 KB)

  • GRN030 - A new assistance payment for Childcare
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (156 KB) MS Word (180 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (513 KB) MS Word (198 KB)
  • GRN031 - Investing in Early Childhood Educators
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (124 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (515 KB) MS Word (194 KB)
  • GRN032 - Better Schools: Full Gonski and Disability Funding
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (130 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (535 KB) MS Word (189 KB)
  • GRN033 - Universities: Base Funding Lift
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (123 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (498 KB) MS Word (191 KB)
  • GRN035 - Boost TAFE Funding and establish VET Ombudsman
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (123 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (482 KB) MS Word (185 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN025 and GRN036 to GRN041
PDF icon (160 KB) MS Word (284 KB)

  • GRN036 - Innovation—Driving research and development through the Future Fund
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (123 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (436 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
  • GRN038 - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Policy
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (132 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (513 KB) MS Word (196 KB)
  • GRN039 - Stopping another stolen generation: Reducing the number of
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out of home care

    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (128 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (521 KB) MS Word (192 KB)
  • GRN040 - Support for people with disability: A Royal Commission into abuse, violence and neglect
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (488 KB) MS Word (184 KB)

Correspondence for costings GRN042 to GRN045 PDF icon (159 KB) MS Word (283 KB)

  • GRN042 - Standing Up for Small Business: Loss Carry-back and GST Threshold
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (124 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (544 KB) MS Word (202 KB)
  • GRN045 - Harm Reduction in Health: Innovation Fund
    Costing request received: 28 June 2016 PDF icon (120 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (477 KB) MS Word (181 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN046 to GRN052 PDF icon (159 KB) MS Word (284 KB)

  • GRN046 - Implementing Primary Health Care
    Costing request received: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (157 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (500 KB) MS Word (192 KB)
  • GRN047 - Primary Health Networks - Funding
    Costing request received: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (152 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (487 KB) MS Word (187 KB)
  • GRN048 - More Funding for Mental Health
    Costing request received: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (161 KB) MS Word (180 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (542 KB) MS Word (203 KB)
  • GRN051 - Reverse Cuts to Legal Aid Services
    Costing request received: 29 June 2016 PDF icon (125 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (424 KB) MS Word (176 KB)

Correspondence for costings GRN053 to GRN059 PDF icon (160 KB) MS Word (285 KB)

  • GRN053 - Foreign Aid: Honouring our UN Commitments
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (442 KB) MS Word (183 KB)
  • GRN054 - Empowering and supporting Aboriginal and
    Torres Strait Islander peoples

    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (135 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (521 KB) MS Word (194 KB)
  • GRN055 - Sustainable Research Excellence Grants
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (123 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (427 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
  • GRN056 - Supporting our Australian Videogames Industry
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (129 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (493 KB) MS Word (190 KB)
  • GRN057 - Independent Office of Animal Welfare
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (125 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (480 KB) MS Word (183 KB)
  • GRN058 - A Royal Commission into Children in Detention
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (430 KB) MS Word (178 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN060 to GRN075 PDF icon (160 KB) MS Word (285 KB)

  • GRN061 - Protecting Our Precious Places
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (142 KB) MS Word (180 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (512 KB) MS Word (198 KB)
  • GRN063 - After Coal: Mine Rehabilitation and Transition planning
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (126 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (492 KB) MS Word (187 KB)
  • GRN066 - Repowering Public and Community Housing
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (134 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (484 KB) MS Word (186 KB)
  • GRN067 - Keeping the Climate Change Authority
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (120 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (427 KB) MS Word (180 KB)
  • GRN069 - Confronting our Domestic Violence Crisis
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (142 KB) MS Word (180 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (409 KB) MS Word (198 KB)
  • GRN074 - Migrant Communities Employment Fund
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (173 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (434 KB) MS Word (182 KB)
  • GRN075 - Guaranteed access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
    Costing request received: 30 June 2016 PDF icon (132 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (205 KB) MS Word (182 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN076 to GRN087 PDF icon (159 KB) MS Word (285 KB)

  • GRN076 - Digital Rights: Abolish Data Retention
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (155 KB) MS Word (213 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (347 KB) MS Word (186 KB)
  • GRN077 - Ending compulsory income management
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (134 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (346 KB) MS Word (184 KB)
  • GRN078 - Public and Community Housing Supply Boost
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (176 KB) MS Word (187 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN079 - Increasing Rent Assistance by 30 per cent
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (134 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (478 KB) MS Word (185 KB)
  • GRN080 - Ensuring the Independence and flourishing of the Arts
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (129 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (363 KB) MS Word (188 KB)
  • GRN081 - Alcohol and other drug treatment
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (119 KB) MS Word (176 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (478 KB) MS Word (184 KB)
  • GRN082 - Removing the Medicare Benefits Schedule Freeze
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN084 - Tackling Obesity: Sugar Sweetened Beverages
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (500 KB) MS Word (189 KB)
  • GRN087 - National Community Infrastructure Fund
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (128 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    Completed costing released: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (436 KB) MS Word (182 KB)

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Correspondence for costings GRN088 to GRN100 PDF icon (159 KB) MS Word (285 KB)

  • GRN088 - Australian Infrastructure Bank: Building the New Economy
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (182 KB) MS Word (141 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN089 - RenewAustralia Authority
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (125 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN090 - Putting a price back on pollution
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (134 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN091 - End Emissions Reduction Fund & Wind Farm Commissioner
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN092 - Coal Export Levy
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (120 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN093 - Climate Finance for Developing Nations
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (123 KB) MS Word (177 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN094 - Phase out Capital Gains Discount and End Negative Gearing
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (175 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN095 - Ceasing VET FEE-HELP to for-profit providers
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN096 - Fairer Paid Parental Leave
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (128 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN097 - Luxury Lifestyles Tax Rate
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (122 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN098 - Not the time for company tax cuts
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (121 KB) MS Word (174 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN099 - Reversing Coalition and ALP cuts to FTB
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (124 KB) MS Word (209 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.
  • GRN100 - Reversing Harsh & Harmful Abbott and Turnbull Budget Measures
    Costing request received: 1 July 2016 PDF icon (141 KB) MS Word (179 KB)
    The PBO was given insufficient time to complete this request and it is taken to have been withdrawn.

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