House of Representatives Practice, 6th edition – HTML version

Appendix 14 - Referendums to alter the Constitution

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Subject (bold type indicates referendum carried) Date of referendumStates in which majority of electors voted in favourPercentage of formal votes in favour
Senate Elections12.12.06All82.65
Finance13.4.10Qld, WA, Tas.49.04
State Debts13.4.10All except NSW54.95
Legislative Powers26.4.11WA39.42
Trade and Commerce31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.38
Corporations31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.33
Industrial Matters31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.33
Railway Disputes31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.13
Trusts31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.78
Nationalization of Monopolies31.5.13Qld, SA, WA49.33
Legislative Powers13.12.19Vic., Qld, WA49.65
Nationalization of Monopolies13.12.19Vic., Qld, WA48.64
Industry and Commerce4.9.26NSW, Qld43.50
Essential Services4.9.26NSW, Qld42.80
State Debts17.11.28All74.30
Aviation6.3.37Vic., Qld53.56
Post-war Reconstruction and Democratic Rights19.8.44SA, WA45.99
Social Services28.9.46All54.39
Organized Marketing of Primary Products28.9.46NSW, Vic., WA50.57
Industrial Employment28.9.46NSW, Vic., WA50.30
Rents and Prices29.5.48None40.66
Powers to Deal with Communists and Communism22.9.51Qld, WA, Tas.49.44
Simultaneous Elections18.5.74NSW48.30
Mode of Altering the Constitution18.5.74NSW47.99
Democratic Elections18.5.74NSW47.20
Local Government Bodies18.5.74NSW46.85
Simultaneous Elections21.5.77NSW, Vic., SA62.22
Senate Casual Vacancies21.5.77All73.32
Retirement of Judges21.5.77All80.10
Terms of Senators1.12.84NSW, Vic.50.64
Interchange of Powers1.12.84None47.06
Fair Elections3.9.88ACT37.60
Local Government3.9.88None33.62
Parliamentary Terms3.9.88None
Rights and Freedoms3.9.88None30.79
Preamble to Constitution6.11.99None39.34

NB Referendums have been held for purposes other than alterations to the Constitution—i.e. referendums held in 1916 and 1917 relating to compulsory military service (both rejected).