Additional comments from Senator Kerrynne Liddle

Additional comments from Senator Kerrynne Liddle

I have appreciated the comprehensive work done to ensure a range of stakeholders have contributed to the work of the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Community safety, support services and job opportunities in the Northern Territory.

I agree generally with the report and its recommendations, but believe this work would have benefitted from more time for review and reflection of the report and its recommendations.

With that, I provide what I believe are additional specific considerations:

1)The need for investment in social and physical infrastructure in remote communities so that residents travelling between towns and remote communities and service providers have continuity of access and service connection to clients wherever they are;

2)Greater understanding of social impact in decision making, with stakeholder mapping and leading practice engagement, which includes without exception domestic, family violence and alcohol prevention, early intervention and treatment providers to inform the expected effect of decision making and to better prepare them for any intended or unintended consequence.

I look forward to continuing to work with this Committee on improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people not just in the Northern Territory but also across Australia.

Senator Kerrynne Liddle