DPS @ work

Behind the lens

David Foote, Auspic photographer

For a quarter of a century, more than one and a half million images have been captured by David Foote, photographer for the Australian Government Photographic Service (Auspic). To celebrate 25 years of service, an exhibition of some of David’s most memorable photos was on display at APH from March to May 2017. The Content, Art Collections and Exhibitions team collaborated with David to create an exhibition that put the limelight on an impressive career spent photographing some of the world’s most recognisable leaders.

The biggest challenge for any photographer is catching that perfect moment. ‘One of my favourite images on display is of the former Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she visited the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul,’ David said.

‘Ms Gillard wore a blue scarf. She looked up at the mosaic ceiling for a split second and I took the photo. Some images just fall into place, expression, location, and this one did.’

David Foote Auspic Photographer

To ensure the preservation of digital assets including Auspic photos—DPS has acquired licences for a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS). Once the system is implemented work will commence to catalogue existing assets. Other assets that will be documented in the DAMS include artworks, exhibitions and historical projects that relate to the design, creation and use of the APH building.