On 10 August 2023, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit adopted an inquiry into the effectiveness of policy and program planning, design and implementation in meeting government objectives.
The inquiry will have particular regard to any matters contained in or connected to the following Auditor-General Reports:
- No. 6 (2022-23) Implementation of the Export Control Legislative Framework, particularly chapter 4 on performance monitoring and reporting;
- No. 10 (2022-23) Expansion of Telehealth Services, particularly chapter 3 on implementation arrangements and chapter 4 on monitoring and review;
- No. 16 (2022-23) Management of Migration to Australia — Family Migration Program, particularly chapter 3 on implementation and paragraphs 2.5 to 2.9 on stakeholder consultation;
- No. 17 (2022-23) Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s cultural reform, particularly chapter 3 on implementation and chapter 4 on monitoring and reporting;
- No. 39 (2022–23) Implementation of the government response to the Black Economy Taskforce; and
- No. 42 (2022–23) Access and Participation Programs for Regional and Remote Students.
The Committee invites submissions to the inquiry addressing the terms of reference by Friday, 22 September 2023.