

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        National Children's Commissioner, Children's Rights Report 2013, Australian Human Rights Commission, 5 November 2013, pp 25–26.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 45–17 July 2014, p. 1239.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, No. 74–4 December 2014, p. 1986.

[4]        Journals of the Senate, No. 92–12 May 2015, p. 2555.

[5]        See: Journals of the Senate, No. 104 – 22 August 2015, p. 2898; Journals of the Senate, No. 108–18 August 2015, p. 2612.

[6]        See: Senate Community Affairs Committee, Completed inquiries and reports, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[7]        See: Senate Community Affairs Committee,, (accessed 7 August 2015).

[8]        Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services, 2015, Chapter 15: Child protection, p. 15.3.

[9]        Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36, pp 4–6.

[10]      Ms Kiraly notes this estimate, based on international comparisons, is likely to underestimate the actual number of children in informal care placements. See: Ms Meredith Kiraly, A review of kinship carer surveys: the 'Cinderella' of the care system? Child Family Community Australia, Paper No. 31, 2015, p. 2.

[11]      Quoted in: Association of Child Welfare Agencies (ACWA), Submission 94, p. 2.

[12]       See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren, October 2014.

[13]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, Canberra: AIHW, 2015, p. 9. See also: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.18.

[14]      AIFS, Trends in child protection notifications and children living in out-of-home care in Australia: 1989–90 to 2013–14, tabled 20 March 2015.

[15]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 6.

[16]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 6.

[17]      According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2006 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children and young people accounted for an estimated 4.2 per cent of all Australian children and young people. The Productivity Commission reported at 30 June 2014 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children and young people accounted for 34.8 per cent of all children in out-of-home care. See: ABS, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing: a focus on children and youth, April 2011, and Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.18.

[18]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.18.

[19]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.18.

[20]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.24.

[21]      Dr Marilyn McHugh, 'A Stitch in Time: Projected downstream savings to governments: foster care integrated model', University of NSW Social Policy Research Centre. See: Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 3, p. 6.

[22]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, pp 15.13–15.14.

[23]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.1.

[24]      The Productivity Commission warns data relating to annual real expenditure per child in out‑of‑home care need to be interpreted with care as they do not represent a measure of unit costs. Expenditure per child in care at 30 June 2014 overstates the cost per child because significantly more children are in care during a year than at a point in time. In addition, the indicator does not reflect the length of time that a child spends in care. See: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, p. 15.51.

Chapter 2 - Out-of-home care frameworks

Source: Refer to footnotes.

[1]        Department of Social Services (DSS), Submission 78, p. 3; DSS, Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020, (accessed 22 April 2015).

[2]        See: DSS, National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020: Second Action Plan 2012–2015 and National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children: Implementing the first three-year action plan 2009–2012, (accessed 30 July 2015).

[3]        See, for example: Mr Matthew Gardiner, Executive Director, Benevolent Society, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 51; Mr Julian Pocock, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 6; Child Wise, Submission 31, p. 13; Anglicare, Submission 87, p. 1; Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs, Submission 67, p. 1.

[4]        Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 6.

[5]        Leah Bromfield, Abuse and neglect: Australia’s child protection 'crisis', The Conversation, 23 October 2014, (accessed 20 May 2015).

[6]        Child Wise, Submission 31, p. 13.

[7]        See: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, (accessed 13 August 2015). The Royal Commission held a public hearing in Sydney in March and June 2015 that examined preventing child sexual abuse in out-of-home care and responding to allegations of child sexual abuse occurring in out-of-home care. See: Case Study 24, June 2015, Sydney,,-march-2015,-sydney (accessed 13 August 2015).

[8]        NSW Government, Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW: Executive Summary and Recommendations,  (accessed 21 April 2014).

[9]        Victorian Government, Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry, (accessed 23 April 2015).

[10]      Queensland Government, Child Protection Commission of Inquiry, (accessed 20 April 2015).

[11]      Prudence Ford, Review of the Department for Community Development, Western Australia, January 2007.

[12]      South Australian Government, Children in state care, (accessed 23 April 2015).

[13]      South Australian Government, Child Protection Systems Royal Commission, (accessed 25 March 2015).

[14]      Parliament of Tasmania, Select Committee on Child Protection, (accessed 1 May 2015).

[15]      ACT Community Services Directorate, Out of Home Care Strategy 2015-2020, (accessed 1 May 2015).

[16]      NT Government, Inquiry into the Child Protection System in the Northern Territory, (accessed 5 March 2015).

[17]      Mr Paul McDonald, CEO Anglicare Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 37.

[18]      Mr Mark Johns, State Coroner, South Australia, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' 9 April 2015, (accessed 10 April 2015).

[19]      Patricia Hansen & Frank Ainsworth, Submission 89, Attachment 2, 'Viewpoints: Australian child protection services: a game without end,' International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 22, 2013, pp 106–107.

[20]      Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Child Protection Australia 201314, Canberra: AIHW, 2015, p. 1.

[21]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[22]      Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1. See also: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989, (accessed 5 March 2015).

[23]      United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, 'Concluding observations: Australia,' (CRC/C/AUS/CO/4), 28 August 2012, (accessed 5 March 2015).

[24]      Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[25]      Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1. See: United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, 'Concluding observations: Australia', 28 August 2012.

[26]      Leah Bromfield & Prue Holzer, A National Approach for Child Protection: Project report, Australian Institute of Family Studies, National Child Protection Clearinghouse, 2008, p. ix.

[27]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, pp 3–4.

[28]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 4.

[29]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 4.

[30]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, pp 4–5.

[31]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 4.

[32]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 33.

[33]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, Table A24.

[34]      Australian Institute of Family Studies, 'Australian child protection legislation,' Child Family Community Australia Fact Sheet, August 2014, (accessed 31 March 2015).

[35]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, pp 49–50.

[36]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 3.

[37]      NSW Government, Keep Them Safe, (accessed 21 April 2015).

[38]      NSW Department of Family and Community Services, A Safe Home for Life: Report on the outcomes of public consultation on the child protection legislative reforms discussion paper 2012, p. 1, (accessed 7 May 2015).

[39]      NSW Government, Keep Them Safe, 'Out-of-home care', (accessed 21 April 2015).

[40]      NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Safe Home for Life: Report on the outcomes of public consultation on the child protection legislative reforms discussion paper 2012, (accessed 7 May 2015).

[41]      Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, Department of Family and

          Community Services NSW, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 62.

[42]      Safe Home for Life, p. 10.

[43]      Ms Maree Walk, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 63.

[44]      Ms Maree Walk, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 66.

[45]      Department of Human Services, Victoria, Victoria's Vulnerable Children – Our Shared Responsibility Strategy 20132022,,-programs-and-projects/plans-and-strategies/children,-youth-and-family-services/victorias-vulnerable-children-strategy-2013 (accessed 23 April 2015).

[46]      Department of Human Services, Victoria, Out-of-home care: a five year plan, (accessed 23 April 2015).

[47]      Queensland Government response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry final report, December 2013, (accessed 20 April 2015).

[48]      Queensland Government, Submission 69, p. 4.

[49]      Queensland Government, Submission 69, p. 16.

[50]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2012–13, Appendix G, pp 27–28.

[51]      Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Out-of-home Care Strategic Directions for Western Australia 2015–2020 Discussion Paper, December 2014, (accessed 4 May 2015).

[52]      South Australian Government, 'Children in state care,' (accessed 23 April 2015).

[53]      Mr Anthony Harrison, Chief Executive, Department for Education and Child Development, South Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 59.

[54]      Tasmanian Government, Submission 1, Attachment 1, 'Out of home care reform in Tasmania'.

[55]      'A Step Up for Our Kids – One Step Can Make a Lifetime of Difference,' ACT Government Community Services, (accessed 1 April 2015).

[56]      ACT Government, Submission 16, p. 2.

[57]      ACT Government, Submission 16, p. 7.

[58]      ACT Government, Submission 16, p. 8.

[59]      NT Government, Submission 23, p. 6.

[60]      Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, Out-of-Home Care, Northern Territory Department of Children and Families, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, pp 3–4.

[61]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, pp 15.6–15.8.

[62]      Department of Social Services (DSS), Submission 78, p. 3; DSS, Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020, (accessed 22 April 2015).

[63]      Australian Institute of Family Studies, 'Australian child protection legislation,' Child Family Community Australia Fact Sheet, August 2014, (accessed 31 March 2015).

[64]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 6.

[65]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 5.

[66]      DSS, Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020, (accessed 22 April 2015).

[67]      DSS Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020.

[68]      Ms Barbara Bennett, Deputy Secretary, DSS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 1.

[69]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 6.

[70]      Ms Barbara Bennett, Deputy Secretary, DSS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 5.

[71]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 6.

[72]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 7.

[73]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 6.

[74]      The Productivity Commission noted its out-of-home care performance indicator framework already includes and reports upon several performance indicators identified in the National Framework and National Standards. The Productivity Commission noted it will align further developments in its out-of-home care performance indicator framework with developments in the National Framework and National Standards. See: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, p. 15.60.

[75]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[76]      AIHW, A new approach to national child protection data: implementation of the Child Protection National Minimum Data Set, Child Welfare Series no. 59, 2014, p. vi.

[77]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[78]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[79]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 7.

[80]      Ms Justine Boland, Acting Group Head, Community Services and Communication Group, AIHW, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 43.

[81]      AIHW, answer to question on notice, 16 April 2015 (received 20 May 2015).

[82]      AIHW, answer to question on notice, 16 April 2015 (received 20 May 2015).

[83]      Ms Judith Garsed, Advocate for Children in Care, Western Australian Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 52.

[84]      Ms Barbara Bennett, Deputy Secretary, DSS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 6.

[85]      AIFS, Submission 41, p. 2.

[86]      Marina Paxman, Lucy Tully, Sharon Burke and Johanna Watson, 'Pathways of Care: Longitudinal study on children and young people in out-of-home care in New South Wales,' Family Matters, No. 94, 2014, p. 16.

[87]      Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 2.

[88]      See: Anglicare Australia, Submission 87, p. 5; RANZCP, Submission 17, p. 9; Mr Paul McDonald, CEO, Anglicare Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 24.

[89]      Ms Michelle Waterford, Director, Research and Policy, Anglicare Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 14.

[90]      Dr Nicholas Halfpenny, Director of Policy and Quality, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 9.

[91]      Anglicare Australia, Submission 87, p. 5; RANZCP, Submission 17, p. 9; Mr Paul McDonald, CEO, Anglicare Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 24.

[92]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[93]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 4.

[94]      See: National Disability Services, Submission 54, p. 2.

[95]      See: Jatinder Kaur, Submission 107, p. 4.

[96]      See for example: MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70; Families Australia, Submission 77; Berry Street, Submission 92.

[97]      Mr Chris Twomey, Director of Policy, Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS), Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 8.

[98]      Mr Andrew McCallum AM, CEO, Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 49.

[99]      Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 17.

[100]    Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, pp 2–3.

[101]    Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[102]    Ms Helen Bedford, Policy Officer, Families Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 49.

[103]    DSS, The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-2022, (accessed 20 May 2015).

[104]    Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 5.

[105]    Ms Emma White, Director General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, 16 February 2015, p. 64; Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 3.

[106]    See: Berry Street, Submission 92; Barnardos Australia, Submission 20; and MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70.

[107]    Mrs Connie Salamone, Executive Director, VACCA, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 39.

[108]    Mr Michael Geaney, Chair, Alliance for Children at Risk, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 22.

[109]    Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Director, NTCOSS Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 10.

[110]    Barnardos Australia, Submission 20, pp 5-6.

[111]    Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 3.

[112]    MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70, p. 6.

[113]    Council of Australian Governments (COAG), COAG Councils, (accessed 12 May 2015).

[114]    The Children and Families Secretaries Group (CAFS) comprise heads of departments responsible for children and families. At the 2014–15 Additional Estimates Hearings, the Department of Social Services advised that CAFS oversees the National Forum for Protecting Australia's Children (the Forum). The Forum comprises representatives from Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and the non-government sector represented by members of the Coalition of Organisations Committed to the Safety and Wellbeing of Australia’s Children. The Forum is responsible for progressing and implementing selected actions under the National Framework that require collaboration between jurisdictions and the NGO sector. The Forum held its first meeting on 3 December 2014. See: Department of Social Services, answer to question on notice no. SQ15-000214 and SQ15-000216, received 7 April 2015, Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, 2014–2015 Additional Estimates Hearings, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[115]    Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 3.

[116]    Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 10.

[117]    Ms Patricia Murray, CEO, Wanslea Family Services, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 29.

[118]    Mr Matthew Gardiner, Executive Director, Community Services, Benevolent Society, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 51.

[119]    Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 6.

Chapter 3 - Drivers for out-of-home care trends

[1]        See: Terms of Reference, (a).

[2]        Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 3.

[3]        Mr Andrew McCallum AM, CEO, Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 49.

[4]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Submission 22, p. 2.

[5]        Ms Justine Boland, Acting Group Head, Community Services and Communication Group, AIHW, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, pp 42 – 43.

[6]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[7]        Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[8]        AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, Canberra, 2015, p. 4.

[9]        AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 17.

[10]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, Table A11.

[11]      Ms Emma White, Director-General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 62.

[12]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201314, p. 26.

[13]      See, for example: Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9, p. 4.

[14]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[15]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 2.

[16]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 5.

[17]      Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 1.

[18]      Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia (CFWAA), Submission 65, p. 2.

[19]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 13

[20]      PeakCare Queensland, Submission 84, p. 13.

[21]      See, for example: ALSWA, Submission 25, pp 7–9, Child Wise, Submission 31, p. 6; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60, p. 3; Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 8; AASW, Submission 18, p. 3.

[22]      Patricia Hansen & Frank Ainsworth, Submission 89, Attachment 2, 'Viewpoints: Australian child protection services: a game without end,' International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 22, 2013, p. 108.

[23]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 5.

[24]      Mr Matthew Lupi, Executive Director, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 62.

[25]      Ms Emma White, Director-General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 62.

[26]      See, for example: Melbourne City Mission, Submission 76, p. 7; Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 3; Western Australia Council of Social Service (WACOSS), Submission 51, p. 2; Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS), Submission 72, p. 30.

[27]      Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60, p. 4.

[28]      See, for example: National Family Violence Prevention Legal Service (NFVPLS), Submission 29, p. 7. The impact of family violence on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is discussed in detail below.

[29]      Ms Susan Heylar, Director, ACTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 15.

[30]      Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 3.

[31]      Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36, p. 1.

[32]      Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36, p. 2.

[33]      Lillian de Bortoli, Jan Coles and Mairead Dolan, 'Parental substance misuse and compliance as factors determining child removal: A sample from the Victorian Children's Court in Australia', Children and Youth Services Review, no. 35, 2013, p. 1323.

[34]      De Bortoli et al, 'Parental substance misuse', p. 1319.

[35]      See: Australian Association of Social Workers, Submission 18, p. 3; Baptcare, Submission 50, p. 2.

[36]      See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren, October 2014, pp 8–11.

[37]      Mr Tony Kemp, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 69.

[38]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 14.

[39]      Ms Kirsty Raithel, Acting Unit Head, Child Welfare and Prisoner Health Unit, AIHW, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 46.

[40]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 5–6.

[41]      Ms Natalie Lewis, CEO, QATSICPP, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 48.

[42]      Ms Mary Cowley, CEO, Aboriginal Family Law Services, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 39.

[43]      Mr Neil Anderson, Managing Solicitor, Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 39.

[44]      Ms Melissa Kean, Child and Family Wellbeing Service Manager, Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 15.

[45]      Ms Andrea Smith, Policy and Compliance Coordinator, AFLSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 39.

[46]      Mr Matthew Lupi, Executive Director, Child and Family Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 62.

[47]      See: Healing Foundation, Submission 7; SNAICC, Submission 93; Grandmothers Against Removal, Submission 64.

[48]      NFVPLS, Submission 29, p. 6.

[49]      Mr Frank Hytten, CEO, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 43.

[50]      Mr Frank Spry, CEO, Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 27.

[51]      Ms Lisa Hillan, Programs Director, Healing Foundation, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 34.

[52]      See: Aboriginal Family Law Services, Submission 46, p; NFVPLS, Submission 29, p. 7; Ms Musk, North Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 16.

[53]      AFLSWA, Submission 46, p. 4.

[54]      FVPLS, Submission 24, p. 5.

[55]      Ms Antoinette Braybrook, CEO, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 42.

[56]      FVPLS, Submission 24, p. 6.

[57]      Ms Janette Kennedy, Manager Aboriginal Strategy and Policy, Commission for Children and Young People Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 34.

[58]      Ms Janette Kennedy, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 34; FVPLS, Submission 24, p. 5. Since the commencement of the Taskforce 1000 project, the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Victoria has risen to 1 308 (as at 30 June 2014 – see Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.18).

[59]      Ms Janette Kennedy, Aboriginal Strategy and Policy, Commission for Children and Young People Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 35.

[60]      Ms Andrea Smith, Policy and Compliance Coordinator, AFLSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 37.

[61]      Ms Sandra Nelson, Executive Officer, KWILS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 12.

[62]      Ms Kate Lightfoot, Outreach Services Solicitor, KWILS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 14.

[63]      Ms Kate Lightfoot, Outreach Services Solicitor KWILS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 14.

[64]      NFVPLS, Submission 29, p. 12.

[65]      NFVPLS, Submission 29, p. 12.

[66]      Ms Melissa Kean, Child and Family Wellbeing Service Manager, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 16 April 2015, p. 16.

[67]      Ms Mary Cowley, CEO, AFLSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 40.

[68]      ALSWA, Submission 25, p. 7.

[69]      Mr Neil Anderson, Managing Solicitor, ALSWA Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 41.

[70]      Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9, p. [4].

[71]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 4–5.

[72]      Patricia Hansen & Frank Ainsworth, Submission 89, Attachment 2, 'Viewpoints: Australian child protection services: a game without end,' International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 22, 2013, p. 104.

[73]      Patricia Hansen & Frank Ainsworth, Submission 89, Attachment 1, 'Children in out-of-home care: what drives the increase in admissions and how to make a change,' Children Australia, vol. 33, no. 4, 2008, pp 15–17.

[74]      Queensland Government, Taking Responsibility: A roadmap for Queensland Child Protection, June 2013, p. xi.

[75]      Leah Bromfield & Prue Holzer, A National Approach for Child Protection: Project report, Australian Institute of Family Studies, National Child Protection Clearinghouse, 2008, p. 14.

[76]      Queensland Government, Taking Responsibility, xiii.

[77]      Ms Michelle Waterford, Director, Research and Policy, Anglicare Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 14.

[78]      Anglicare, Submission 87, p. 4.

[79]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 3–4.

[80]      See: Alliance for Forgotten Australians, Submission 34, p. 3; Women's Legal Service NSW, Submission 86, p. 8; Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Submission 99, p. 10; Jan Barham MLC, Submission 98, pp 2 – 3; Anglicare, Submission 87, p. 11; Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 9; Wesley Mission, Submission 104, p. 3.

[81]      Ms Glenys Wilkinson, CEO, Australian Association of Social Workers, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 51.

[82]      See: National Disability Services, Submission 54.

[83]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Intellectual Disability Rights Service, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 37.

[84]      See: Intellectual Disability Rights Service, Submission 21; Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43; National Disability Services, Submission 54; ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS), Submission 71; People with Disability Australia (PWDA), Submission 74; Children with Disability Australia (CDA), Submission 80.

[85]      Mr Neil Anderson, Managing Solicitor, ALSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 36.

[86]      Mr Matthew Lupi, Executive Director, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, pp 61–62.

Chapter 4 - Outcomes for children and young people in out-of-home care

[1]        Julia, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, pp 12–13.

[2]        See, for example: Elizabeth Fernandez, 'Children's wellbeing in care: Evidence from a longitudinal study of outcomes,' Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 31, 2009, pp 1092–1100; Philip Mendes, 'Abuse and Neglect in Care – Then and Now', Centre for Policy Development, October 2008, (accessed 18 June 2015); Judy Cashmore and Marina Paxman, Longitudinal Study of Wards Leaving Care, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, 2006.

[3]        See: Leah Bromfield, Daryl Higgins, Alexandra Osborn, Stacey Panozzo & Nicholas Richardson, Out-Of-Home Care in Australia: Messages from Research, National Child Protection Clearinghouse, June 2005; Alexandra Osborn & Leah Bromfield, 'Getting the big picture': A synopsis and critique of Australian out-of-home care research', National Child Protection Clearinghouse Issues, no. 26, October 2007; Alexandra Osborn & Leah Bromfield, 'Outcomes for children and young people in care,' Australian Institute of Family Studies, Research Brief, no. 3, 2007.

[4]        Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 2.

[5]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 4.

[6]        Ms Michelle Waterford, Director, Research and Policy, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 15.

[7]        Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 11.

[8]        See: Commission for Children and Young People Victoria (CCYPV), Submission 45, p. 4; Child Wise, Submission 31, p. 9; Mr David Fox, Director of Operations, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 12; Mr Jerry Ham, Senior Manager, Children Youth and Families, Wesley Mission Victoria, Committee Hansard, 20 March 2015, p. 12.

[9]        Anglicare Victoria, Submission 101, p. 7.

[10]      See, for example: Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9; Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), Submission 17; OzChild, Submission 19; Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Submission 65.

[11]      Mr Basil Hanna, Chairman, Community Sector Roundtable for NGOs and Government, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 44.

[12]      In 2013, the CREATE Foundation undertook a survey of over 1000 children and young people in out-of-home care. The findings of the survey are published as the CREATE Report Card 2013 and formed the basis of CREATE's submission to the committee. See: Joseph McDowall, Experiencing out-of-home care in Australia: the view of children and young people (CREATE Report Card 2013), CREATE Foundation, 2013.

[13]      Julia, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 12.

[14]      Name withheld, Submission 42, p. [1].

[15]      Mr Bernie Geary, Commissioner for Children and Young People, Victoria, Committee Hansard, 20 March 2015, p. 45.

[16]      Brooke, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2015, p. 14.

[17]      Brooke, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2015, p. 14.

[18]      See: CCYPV, Submission 45; Dr Phil West, Submission 102, Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9, Salvation Army, Submission 50.

[19]      Mr Gregory Nicolau, CEO, Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, pp 25–26.

[20]      Dr Phil West, Submission 102, p. 21.

[21]      Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 16.

[22]      See: Chapter 2, Table 2.3.

[23]      Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 16.

[24]      Brooke, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 14.

[25]      Adina, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 20.

[26]      Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 3.

[27]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, 18 February 2015, pp 2–3.

[28]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 7.

[29]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 3.1.

[30]      Brooke, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 13.

[31]      Ms Jarcinta Short, Committee Hansard, 12 March 2015, p. 7.

[32]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, pp 17–18.

[33]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 17.

[34]      See, for example: Australian Association of Social Workers, Submission 18; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60; Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Submission 94.

[35]      Ms Patricia Murray, CEO, Wanslea Family Services, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 21.

[36]      Adina, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 15.

[37]      Ms Jarcinta Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 9.

[38]      See, for example: Barnardos Australia, Submission 20; Berry Street, Submission 92.

[39]      Mr Basil Hanna, CEO, Parkerville Children and Youth Care Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 17.

[40]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 4.

[41]      See: Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Submission 99;  Mr Michael Geaney and Ms Gail White, Alliance for Children at Risk, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 15–18; Ms Sarah Isip, St Luke's Anglicare, Bendigo, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, pp 26 – 27.

[42]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 8.

[43]      Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 16.

[44]      Ms Catherine Moynihan, Official Solicitor, Office of the Public Guardian, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 60.

[45]      Mr Justin Cooper, Program Manager, Therapeutic Youth Residential Service, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 12.

[46]      Ms Sarah Isip, St Luke's Anglicare, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 27.

[47]      Ms Jarcinta Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 9.

[48]      Julia, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 20.

[49]      Julia, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 20.

[50]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 10.

[51]      AIHW, Submission 22, Table 10.

[52]      NT Government, Submission 23, p. 7.

[53]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services, Table 15A.17.

[54]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 19.

[55]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 18.

[56]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 4.

[57]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 18.

[58]      CREATE's 2013 Report Card found that 35 per cent of children had five or more caseworkers during their time in care, and 29 per cent reported having one or two. CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 18.

[59]      Mr Chris Field, Ombudsman Western Australia, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 3.

[60]      Ombudsman Western Australia, Planning for children in care: An Ombudsman’s own motion investigation into the administration of the care planning provisions of the Children and Community Services Act 2004, November 2011, p. 9.

[61]      Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia, Submission 15, p. 3.

[62]      Youth Movement Initiative, Spaghetti Bolognaise on a Tuesday Night: Reflections on the DHS Child Protection Best Interest Plan Process, May 2014, (accessed 3 August 2015).  See: CFECFW, Submission 99, p. 25; Ms Sarah Isip, St Luke's Anglicare Bendigo, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 27.

[63]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren, October 2014, p. 21.

[64]      Additional Information, National Children's Commissioner, received 4 May 2015, (accessed 14 August 2015).

[65]      Additional Information, National Children's Commissioner, received 4 May 2015, (accessed 14 August 2015).

[66]      Additional Information, Council for the Care of Children SA, received 1 July 2015, (accessed 14 August 2015).

[67]      Additional Information, Council for the Care of Children SA, received 1 July 2015, (accessed 14 August 2015).

[68]      Xena, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 10.

[69]      Xena, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, pp 10–11.

[70]      Xena, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 11.

[71]      In May 2015, the ACCG agreed to write to the Minister for Social Services in May 2015 raising its concerns and encouraging the inclusion of the issue in the Third National Action Plan 2015‑2018 for the National Framework. See: Australian Children's Commissioners & Guardians, Meeting Communique, 20-21 May 2015, (accessed 2 July 2015). See also: Additional Information, National Children's Commissioner, received 4 May 2015, (accessed 14 August 2015).

[72]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 13.

[73]      Anglicare Victoria, Children in Care Report Card, Report No. 2, 2014, p. 3, (accessed 4 August 2015).

[74]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 19.

[75]      Mr Paul McDonald, CEO, Anglicare Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 27.

[76]      Ms India Spicer, St Luke's Anglicare, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 27.

[77]      Ms Kate Finn, St Luke's Anglicare, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 28.

[78]      Ms Kate Finn, St Luke's Anglicare, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, pp 27-28.

[79]      See: Dr Andrew Harvey, Director, Access and Achievement Research Unit, La Trobe University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 25.

[80]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 12.

[81]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 19.

[82]      Anglicare Victoria, Children in Care Report Card, Report No. 2, 2014, p. 3.

[83]      See: Families Australia, Submission 77; Berry Street, Submission 92; Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Submission 94.

[84]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 13.

[85]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 13.

[86]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 13.

[87]      Alexandra Osborn & Leah Bromfield, 'Outcomes for children and young people in care,' Australian Institute of Family Studies, Research Brief no. 3, 2007, p. 13.

[88]      Anglicare Victoria, Children in Care Report Card 2014, p. 3.

[89]      See, for example: Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9; RANZCP, Submission 17; OzChild, Submission 19; Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Submission 65.

[90]      RANZCP, Submission 17, p. 3.

[91]      Dr Sara McLean, Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 31.

[92]      See: Dr Sara McLean, Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 31; CCYPV, Submission 45; Victorian Government, Submission 106.

[93]      Victorian Government, Submission 106, pp 11–12.

[94]      See: SNAICC, Submission 93; AbSec, Submission 97; NPY Women's Council, Submission 61; Grandmothers Against Removal, Submission 64; Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney (Jumbunna), Submission 79.

[95]      Professor Cathy Humphreys, Professor of Social Work, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 51.

[96]      See: Chapter 1.

[97]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 11.

[98]      See, for example: University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66; AASW, Submission 18; OzChild, Submission 19, Barnardos, Submission 20; Benevolent Society, Submission 30; Child Wise, Submission 31; Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Baptcare, Submission 50; OzChild, Submission 19.

[99]      Benevolent Society, Submission 30, p. 5.

[100]    CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 28

[101]    Ms Sarah Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 8.

[102]    Anglicare Victoria, Submission 101, p. 3.

[103]    CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 27.

[104]    Mr Basil Hanna, CEO, Parkerville Children and Youth Care, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 21.

[105]    Adina, Young Consultant, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 20.

[106]    Rev. Graham Guy, Submission 39, p. [1].

[107]    Mr Basil Hanna, CEO, Parkerville Children and Youth Care, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 21.

[108]    Alexandra Osborn & Leah Bromfield, 'Young people leaving care', Australian Institute of Family Studies, Research Brief no. 7, 2007, p. 8.

[109]    See: Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Submission 6.

[110]    AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2012-13, pp 45–47.

[111]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May-June 2015).

[112]    AIFS, Submission 41, p. 2; AIFS, Beyond 18: the longitudinal study of leaving care, (accessed 4 June 2015).

[113]    Dr Daryl Higgins, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 4.

[114]    CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 5.

[115]    WA Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 18 May 2015).

[116]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Department of Social Work, Monash University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 17.

[117]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 17.

[118]    NSW Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 14 May 2015, p. 7).

[119]    DSS, Submission 78, p. 6.

[120]    Department of Social Services, Transitioning from out-of-home care to Independence: A Nationally Consistent Approach to Planning, October 2011, (accessed 19 June 2015).

[121]    Ms Sarah Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, pp 8 – 9.

[122]    CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 5.

[123]    Ms Jarcinta Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 9.

[124]    Ms Brooke Gregson, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 18.

[125]    Ms Angela Adams, Practice Manager, Out-of-home care, UnitingCare Burnside, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 40.

[126]    Ms Brooke Gregson, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 8.

[127]    Mr Bryan Seymour, Submission 33, p. 1.

[128]    Ms Angela Adams, Practice Manager, Out-of-home care, UnitingCare Burnside, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 40.

[129]    Mr John Avent, Manager (Retired), Westcare, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 16.

[130]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May-June 2015).

[131]    Ms Toni Beauchamp, Principal Policy Officer, UnitingCare Children, Young People and Families, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 41.

[132]    Mr Justin Cooper, Program Manager, Therapeutic Youth Residential Service, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 11.

[133]    See: Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Submission 6, p. 4.

[134]    Mr Justin Cooper, Program Manager, Therapeutic Youth Residential Service, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 11.

[135]    Swinburne University, Institute for Social Research, The Cost of Youth Homelessness in Australia Study, Snapshot Report 1: The Australian Youth Homeless Experience, 2015, p. 8;

[136]    Ms Jessica Fielding, Policy Officer, Yfoundations, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 40.

[137]    Ms Jessica Fielding, Policy Officer, Yfoundations, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 45.

[138]    DSS, Submission 78, p. 19.

[139]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 18.

[140]    CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 5.

[141]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Submission 6, p. 4; Ms Jessica Fielding, Policy Officer, Yfoundations, Committee Hansard, Sydney 18 February 2015, p. 40.

[142]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Department of Social Work, Monash University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, pp 18 – 19.

[143]    Ms India Spicer, St Luke's Anglicare Bendigo, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 23.

[144]    YFoundations, Submission 84, p. 14.

[145]    Dr Andrew Harvey, Dr Patricia McNamara, Lisa Andrewartha & Michael Luckman, Out of care, into university: Raising higher education access and achievement of care leavers, Access & Achievement Research Unit, La Trobe University, March 2015, p. 5

[146]    Ms India Spicer, St Luke's Anglicare Bendigo, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 27.

[147]    Harvey et al, Out of care, into university: Raising higher education access and achievement of care leavers, p. 5; See: La Trobe University, Submission 83, pp 3–4.

[148]    Dr Andrew Harvey, Director of the Access and Achievement Research Unit, La Trobe University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 25.

[149]    Dr Andrew Harvey, Director of the Access and Achievement Research Unit, La Trobe University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 25.

[150]    Ms Jarcinta Short, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 9.

[151]    Mr Basil Hanna, CEO, Parkerville Children and Youth Care Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 21.

[152]    See: La Trobe University, Submission 83; Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Submission 6; YFoundations, Submission 84; Ms Jan Barham MLC, Submission 98.

[153]    Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 16.

[154]    Queensland Government, Submission 69, p. 13.

Chapter 5 - Support for families

[1]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[2]        See: Family Inclusion Network Townsville, Submission 13; Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter, Submission 32; Family Inclusion Network Victoria, Submission 75;  Family Inclusion Network Western Australia, Submission 82; Australian Legislative Ethics Commission, Submission 91.

[3]        Mrs Denise Smith, Secretary and Treasurer, Family Inclusion Network Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 53.

[4]        NSW Department of Family and Community Services, A Safe Home for Life: Report on the outcomes of public consultation on the child protection legislative reforms discussion paper 2012, p. 1, (accessed 7 May 2015).

[5]        Barnardos Australia, Submission 20, p. 1.

[6]        See, for example: Benevolent Society, Submission 30; Berry Street, Submission 92.

[7]        See, for example: Australian Association of Social Workers, Submission 18; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60; Alliance for Forgotten Australians, Submission 34, p. 6.

[8]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 1.

[9]        Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Officer, NTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 1.

[10]      Dr Tim Moore & Dr Myfanwy McDonald, Acting Early, Changing Lives: How prevention and early action saves money and improves wellbeing (prepared for The Benevolent Society). Parkville, Victoria: Centre for Community Child Health at The Murdoch Children's Research Institute and The Royal Children’s Hospital, 2013, p. 2.

[11]      Benevolent Society, Submission 30, p. 6.

[12]      Ms Louise Voight, Barnardos Australia, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 57.

[13]      Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC), The Evaluation of Brighter Futures, NSW Community Services’ Early Intervention Program: Final Report, Report 13/10, September 2010, pp 3–4.

[14]      SPRC, Report 13/10, p. 115.

[15]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 5.

[16]      Ms Emma White, Director General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 60.

[17]      Australian Institute of Family Studies, 'Defining the public health model for the child welfare services context,' Child Family Community Australia Resource Sheet, December 2014,  (accessed 28 April 2015). 

[18]      See: Chapter 2.

[19]      Council of Australian Governments (COAG), Protecting children is everyone's business: National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009-2020, 2009, p. 8, (accessed 22 April 2015).

[20]      See, for example: Benevolent Society, Submission 30; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Commission for Children and Young People Victoria, Submission 45; Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Submission 65; MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70, Northern Territory Council of Social Services, Submission 72.

[21]      The Productivity Commission's 'Pathways Project' aims to provide performance data on a range of child protection services. This data is still in the development phase. See: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, p. 15.2.

[22]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Table 15A.31.

[23]      Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Child Protection Australia 2013-14, p. 61.

[24]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2013-14, Table A37, p. 104.

[25]      Ms Barbara Bennett, Deputy Secretary, Department of Social Services, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 2.

[26]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 13; Ms Barbara Bennett, Deputy Secretary, Department of Social Services, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2015, Canberra, p. 2. Recent changes to the DSS grants funding process is currently the subject of another inquiry by this committee. See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social Services, (accessed 17 August 2015).

[27]      Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 10.

[28]      Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Officer, NTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 1.

[29]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter (FISH), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 15.

[30]      See: Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Family Inclusion Network of Western Australia (Fin WA), Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 34.

[31]      Ms Susan Heylar, Director, ACTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 12.

[32]      Melbourne City Mission (MCM), Submission 76, p. 31.

[33]      MCM, Submission 76, p. 35.

[34]      WA Department for Child Protection and Family Support, answer to question on notice, 16 February 2015 (received 12 April 2015), pp [1 – 2].

[35]      Mr Matthew Lupi, Executive Director, Child and Family Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 57.

[36]      See: Chapter 2.

[37]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2013-14, p. 17.

[38]      Ms Felicity Kime, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 13.

[39]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 11.

[40]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 12.

[41]      See: Ms Mary Moore, Alliance for Family Preservation and Restoration, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 38.

[42]      Angelique Donnellan, 'Excessive number of child protection reports' clogging system, SA Government says, ABC News, 29 June 2015, (accessed 7 July 2015).

[43]      Queensland Government, Submission 69, pp 14–17.

[44]      See: Chapter 2.

[45]      See: OzChild, Submission 19, p. 7; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60, p. [8]; MCM, Submission 76, p. 6; Ms Kelly Stanton, General Manager Services, Wesley Mission Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 14; Mr John Avent, Manager (Retired), Westcare, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 13.

[46]      AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2012-13, pp 131 – 132. 

[47]      Mr John Avent, Manager (Retired), Westcare, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, pp 13 – 14.

[48]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 18.

[49]      Mrs Carleene O'Brien, Operations Manager, Kennerley Children's Homes, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 16

[50]      Mr Barry Titmus, General Manager, Kennerley Children's Homes, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 15.

[51]      Debbie Brennan & Meredith Crowe, 'Aunts and Uncles: Working to Reduce Risks for Children and Young People in Taree through Planned Respite Care,' Developing Practice: the Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, n 4, 2002, pp 34–38.

[52]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convener, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 11.

[53]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convener, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 11.

[54]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convener, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 10.

[55]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convener, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 10.

[56]      See: Ms Emma White, Director General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 60.

[57]      Mr Andrew McCallum AM, CEO, Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 57.

[58]      Ms Melissa Kean, Child and Family Wellbeing Service Manager, Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 17.

[59]      Mr Tony Kemp, Deputy Secretary, Children and Youth Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 69.

[60]      Ms Kelly Stanton, General Manager Services, Wesley Mission Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 8.

[61]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 12.

[62]      Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 2.

[63]      Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, AIFS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 5.

[64]      Mr Chris Twomey, Director of Policy, Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS), Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 12.

[65]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 7.

[66]      Child Aware Conference, (accessed 17 July 2015).

[67]      See: Ms Helen Bedford, Families Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 49.

[68]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 1–2.

[69]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 5.

[70]      Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 24.

[71]      See: Family Inclusion Network Townsville, Submission 13; Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter, Submission 32; Family Inclusion Network Victoria, Submission 75; Family Inclusion Network Western Australia, Submission 82; Australian Legislative Ethics Commission, Submission 91.

[72]      Quoted in: Family Inclusion Network WA (Fin WA), Submission 82, p. 9.

[73]      Maria Harries, The Experiences of Parents and Families of Children and Young People in Care, Report Commissioned by Anglicare WA, August 2008, p. 34.

[74]      Fin WA, Submission 82, p. 8.

[75]      Mrs Denise Smith, Secretary and Treasurer, FINV, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 53.

[76]      Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, Submission 81 Attachment 6, 'Complex Lives, Complex Needs, Complex Service Systems: Community worker perspectives on the needs of families involved with ACT Care and Protection Services', Regulatory Institutions Network, Occasional Paper, n 21, July 2014, pp i–ii.

[77]      Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 32.

[78]      See: Alecomm, Submission 91, p. 4. The majority of the 151 submissions were received in confidence. Of these, 16 submitters gave permission for their submissions to be made public. These submissions were published on the inquiry's website. See: (accessed 1 August 2015).

[79]      Alecomm, Submission 91, pp 14–15.

[80]      Ms Susan Coleman, Additional submission 4, p. 3, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[81]      Alecomm, Submission 91, p. 7.

[82]      Alecomm, Submission 91, p. 7.

[83]      Professor Valerie Braithwaite, Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 24.

[84]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convener, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 7.

[85]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 15.

[86]      Tabled document, Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter, Building Better Relationships: Outcomes of the family inclusion practice forum 18 July 2014, received 18 February 2015, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[87]      Ms Felicity Kime, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 13.

[88]      Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 11.

[89]      See: FINV, Submission 75; FINT, Submission 13; Fin WA, Submission 82.

[90]      Quoted in: FINV, Submission 75, p. 4.

[91]      Fin WA, Submission 82, p. 1; Ms Debbie Henderson, Executive Officer, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 30.

[92]      Fin WA, Submission 82, p. 9.

[93]      Ms Debbie Henderson, Executive Officer, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 32.

[94]      Sarah, Member, FINV, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 57.

[95]      Sarah, Member, FINV, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 57.

[96]      Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 31.

[97]      See: Alecomm, Submission 91, Attachment 1.

[98]      See: Alecomm, Submission 91, pp 16–17.

[99]      See: Alecomm, Submission 91, p. 7.

[100]    Ms Wightman, Grandmothers Against Removals, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 24.

[101]    Ms Meredith McLaine, Solicitor, Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 9.

[102]    See: Michelle Parker, Submission 95, p. [4]; Alecomm, Submission 91, pp 62–70.

[103]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 34.

[104]    Nathan Harris, 'Family group conferencing in Australia 15 years on', National Child Protection Clearinghouse Issues, n. 27, February 2008, (accessed 1 July 2015).

[105]    Hayley Boxall et al, 'Evaluation of the Family Group Conferencing pilot program', Australian Institute of Criminology Reports, Research and Public Policy Series, no.121, 2012, pp xiii–xiv.

[106]    Boxall, 'Evaluation of the Family Group Conferencing pilot program', pp xii–xiii. 

[107]    The report noted a successful pilot of FGCs in Alice Springs in 2012 provided evidence for the 'transformative power of FGCs' in the Northern Territory. See: Additional Information, North Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA), The Northern Territory – Fertile Ground For Family Group Conferencing In Child Protection Matters, received 2 April 2015, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[108]    See: ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 7.

[109]    Professor Valerie Braithwaite, Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 25.

[110]    Ms Mary Ivec, Researcher, Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 23.

[111]    WLSNSW, Submission 86, pp 6–7.

[112]    See: Macarthur Legal Centre, Submission 58; Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Submission 63; WLSNW, Submission 86; Alecomm, Submission 91. In particular, submitters noted the lack of legal assistance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. This will be examined in detail in Chapter 8. See: Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria, Submission 24; Aboriginal Legal Service of WA, Submission 25; National Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum, Submission 29.

[113]    Mr Adam Fraser, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 13.

[114]    Ms Mary Moore, Convenor, Alliance for Family Preservation and Restoration, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 35.

[115]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 32.

[116]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 31.

[117]    Ms Mary Moore, Convenor, Alliance for Family Preservation and Restoration, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, pp 35–36.

[118]    See: Macarthur Legal Centre, Submission 58; Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Submission 63.

[119]    Ms Meredith McLaine, Solicitor, Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Committee Hansard, 18 February 2015, p. 8.

[120]    Ms Susan Coleman, Additional submission 4, p. 19, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[121]    Under section 90 of the NSW Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998, parents seeking restoration of their children placed in out-of-home care on a care order can apply to the Children's Court change the care order. See: Ainsworth & Hansen, Additional Documents, 19 February 2015; Patricia Hansen, 'Rescission or Variation of Children’s Court Orders: A Study of Section 90 Applications in New South Wales', Children Australia, vol. 37, no. 2, 2012, p. 69.

[122]    Hansen, 'Rescission or Variation of Children’s Court Orders', p. 71.

[123]    See: Shoalcost Community Legal Centre, Submission 63, p. 2.

[124]    Ms Meredith McLaine, Solicitor, Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Committee Hansard, 18 February 2015, p. 8.

[125]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 35.

[126]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 31.

[127]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 35.

[128]    Connections UnitingCare, Submission 10, pp 3 – 7.

[129]    Ms Mary Ivec, Researcher, Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 23.

[130]    Ms Felicity Kime, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 13.

[131]    Ms Karen Crossley, Parent Representative, Fin WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 33.

[132]    Ms Teegan Bain, Committee Member, FISH, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 12.

[133]    Mr Tony Kemp, Deputy Secretary, Children and Youth Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 68.

[134]    Mr Leith Cowley, Manager, Children and Family Stream, Salvation Army Tasmania Division, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 12.

[135]    Mr Leith Cowley, Manager, Children and Family Stream, Salvation Army Tasmania Division, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 12.

Chapter 6 - Out-of-home care models and supports

[1]        Dr Daryl Higgins, Deputy Director, Research, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 3.

[2]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Submission 22, Table 6.

[3]        The Productivity Commission notes that data on the breakdown of expenditure by type of care is not available for all jurisdictions. Data measuring the annual real expenditure on residential and non-residential out-of-home care are not comparable across jurisdictions. See: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, p. 15.51.

[4]        Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services, Table 15A.3.

[5]        The Productivity Commission notes that these are proxy indicators and must be interpreted with care as they do not represent a measure of unit costs. Expenditure per child in care at 30 June overstates the cost per child because significantly more children are in care during a year than at a point in time. In addition, the indicator does not reflect the length of time that a child spends in care. See: Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2015, Box 15.23.

[6]        See: Ms Meredith Kiraly, Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 23.

[7]        AIHW, Submission 22, Table 6.

[8]        AIHW, Child Protection Australia 201213, p. 4.

[9]        See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren, October 2014, p. 21.

[10]      Additional Information, Ms Meredith Kiraly, 'A review of kinship carer surveys: the 'Cinderella' of the care system?' Child Family Community Australia Paper, no. 31, 2015, p. 7, received 24 March 2015, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[11]      Ainslie Yardley, Jan Mason & Elizabeth Watson, Kinship Care in NSW: Finding a way forward, Social Justice Social Change Research Centre, University of Western Sydney, 2009, pp 31 – 36.

[12]      Yardley, Mason & Watson, Kinship Care in NSW, p. 35.

[13]      Quoted in: Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Submission 94, p. 2.

[14]      Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 7.

[15]      Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 7.

[16]      See: AASW, Submission 18; OzChild, Submission 19, Barnardos Australia, Submission 20; Benevolent Society, Submission 30; Child Wise, Submission 31; Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Karen Lizasoain, Submission 48; Baptcare, Submission 50; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60; Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS), Submission 51; University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66; PeakCare, Submission 84.

[17]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 16.

[18]      Kiraly, 'A review of kinship carer surveys', p. 25.

[19]      Benevolent Society, Submission 30, p. 4; Marilyn McHugh, A Framework of Practice for Implementing a Kinship Care Program (report for The Benevolent Society). Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, July 2009.

[20]      In WA, SA, Tasmania and NT, relative/kinship carers are assessed and supported by government departments only.

[21]      State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May‑June 2015).

[22]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 19.

[23]      Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 6.

[24]      Rachel Breman, 'Peeling back the layers – kinship care in Victoria', Baptcare Research Unit, October 2014, p. 8; University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 19.

[25]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 20.

[26]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 23.

[27]      See: Baptcare, Submission 50, p. 4; Child Wise, Submission 31, p. 21.

[28]      Ms Judith Wilkinson, State Director, Key Assets WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 14.

[29]      Graham Dangerfield & Rachel Breman, 'Policy Briefing Paper: Complexity in Kinship Care in Victoria', October 2014. See: Baptcare, Submission 50, Attachment 1, pp 1–4.

[30]      Baptcare, Submission 50, p. 4.

[31]      Baptcare, Submission 50, p. 4.

[32]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 19.

[33]      CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 19.

[34]      Queensland Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 19 May 2015).

[35]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 19

[36]      Ms Meredith Kiraly, Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 23.

[37]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 19

[38]      Ms Meredith Kiraly, Research Fellow, Department of Social Work, University of Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 20 March 2015, p. 30.

[39]      State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May‑June 2015).

[40]      Yardley, Mason & Watson, Kinship Care in NSW, p. 35.

[41]      Victorian Government, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 22 May 2015).

[42]      NSW Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015, (received 14 May 2015).

[43]      Kinship Carers Victoria, (accessed 25 May 2015).

[44]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 24.

[45]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 24.

[46]      Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 1, Dr Marilyn McHugh & Ms Anita Pell, 'A New Model of Support, Education and Payment for Foster parents: Call to Action for State and Federal Governments and Community Sector Organisations', September 2013, p. 4.

[47]      See: Foster Care Association of Victoria (FCAV), Submission 11, p. 3; Dr Kim Backhouse, CEO, Foster Care Association of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 10.

[48]      For jurisdictions where data were available, 2 208 households commenced foster care and 1 755 households exited foster care. AIHW, Child Protection Australia 2013-14, p. 58.

[49]      The number of non-active carers in Victoria increased from 302 in 2013 to 428 by March 2014. See: FCAV, Carer snapshot trend 2010-2014, Submission 11, Attachment A, p. 1.

[50]      Mr Bernie Geary, Commissioner for Children and Young People Victoria, Committee Hansard, 20 March 2015, p. 41.

[51]      Dr McHugh notes that the calculation of FCEs should be considered as estimates only due to inconsistencies in payment regimes across jurisdictions, including supplementary allowances and age categories. See: Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 5, Dr Marilyn McHugh, 'Victoria's declining foster care allowances: a comparative analysis,' University of New South Wales, Social Policy Research Centre, August 2014, p. 1.

[52]      Mr Andrew McCallum, CEO, Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 58.

[53]      Ms Judith Wilkinson, Chair, Children's Youth and Families Agency Association (CYFAA), Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 14.

[54]      See: FCAV, Submission 11, p. 3; Dr Kim Backhouse, Foster Care Association of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 March 2015, p. 10; Ms Katie Hooper, Committee Hansard, 20 March 2015, p. 28; Ms Judith Wilkinson, Key Assets, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 14; Mr Bernie Geary, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 41.

[55]      Mr Bernie Geary, Commissioner for Children and Young People Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 41.

[56]      Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 1, p. 50.

[57]      FCAV, Submission 11, p. 3.

[58]      Dr Kim Backhouse, CEO, Foster Care Association of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, 12 March 2015, pp 9 – 10.

[59]      Ms Anita Pell, Senior Adviser, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 14.

[60]      See, for example: Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia (CFWAA), Submission 65, CCYPV, Submission 45; Berry Street, Submission, 92; Ms Judith Wilkinson, Chair, Children's Youth and Families Agency Association, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 14.

[61]      CFWAA, Submission 65, p. 6.

[62]      Mackillop Family Services, Submission 70, p. 5.

[63]      Ms Mary McKinnon, National Director of Practice and Quality, Life Without Barriers, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 49; Mr David Pugh, CEO Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 2.

[64]      Anglicare Victoria, Submission 101, p. 6.

[65]      See: ACT Government, Submission 16; Victorian Government, Submission 106.

[66]      Association of Children's Welfare Agencies NSW, Submission 94, p. 5.

[67]      Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 3, Dr Marilyn McHugh, A Stitch in Time: Projected Downstream Savings to Government: Foster Care Integrated Model, Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW, 2013, p. 7.

[68]      ACIL Allen Consulting, Professional Foster Care: Barriers, opportunities and options, Report to the Department Of Families, Housing, Community Services And Indigenous Affairs, October 2013, p. v.

[69]      ACIL Allen Consulting, Professional Foster Care, p. vi – vii.

[70]      ACIL Allen Consulting, Professional Foster Care, p. vi – vii.

[71]      Australian Children's Commissioners and Guardians (ACCG), Meeting Communique, 20‑21 May 2015, (accessed 2 July 2015).

[72]      See: MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70, p. 6; CECFW, Submission 99, p. 19.

[73]      AASW, Submission 18, p. 15.

[74]      Anglicare Victoria, Submission 101, p. 7.

[75]      See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May–June 2015).

[76]      Anglicare Australia, Submission 87, p. 15.

[77]      Victorian Auditor-General, Residential Care Services for Children, 26 March 2014, p. ix, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[78]      WA Government, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 18 May 2015).

[79]      See: CCYPV, Submission 45, p. 10; Baptcare, Submission 50, p. 4; Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 18; Berry Street, Submission 92, pp 6–7.

[80]      Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services, Table 15A.3.

[81]      Victorian Auditor-General, Residential Care Services for Children, 26 March 2014, p. xi.

[82]      Victorian Auditor-General, Residential Care Services for Children, 26 March 2014, p. x.

[83]      Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 5.

[84]      Mr David Fox, Director of Operations, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 12.

[85]      Mr John Avent, Manager (Retired), Westcare, Salvation Army, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 14.

[86]      See: RANZCP, Submission 17; AASW, Submission 18; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Commission of Children and Young People, Victoria, Submission 45; Anglicare, Submission 87.

[87]      Anglicare, Submission 87, p. 11 & 18.

[88]      Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmanian Government, Submission 1, p. 9.

[89]      Victorian Government, Submission 106, p. 10.

[90]      See: OzChild, Submission 19; Child Wise, Submission 31; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Commission for Children and Young People, Victoria, Submission 45; Baptcare, Submission 50; Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Submission 65; Life Without Barriers, Submission 68; MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70; Family Inclusion Network, Victoria, Submission 75; Berry Street, Submission 92; Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Submission 94.

[91]      Aboriginal Family Law Services, WA, Submission 46; NPY Women's Council, Submission 61; Northern Territory Council of Social Services, Submission 72; Indigenous Issues Committee of the Law Society of NSW, Submission 73.

[92]      Sara McLean, Rhys Price-Robertson & Elly Robinson, 'Therapeutic residential care in Australia: taking stock and looking forward,' National Child Protection Clearinghouse Issues, no. 35, 2011, p. 2.

[93]      McLean, Price-Robertson & Robinson, 'Therapeutic residential care in Australia,' p. 6; Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia, Submission 65, p. 4.

[94]      Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 11.

[95]      See: Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmanian Government, Submission 1; ACT Government, Submission 16; Queensland Government, Submission 69; Victorian Government, Submission 106.

[96]      Queensland Government, Submission 69, pp 4-6.

[97]      Victorian Government, Submission 106, p. 7.

[98]      Victorian Government, Out-of-home care: a five year plan, March 2014, p. 33.

[99]      ACT Government, Submission 16, p. 7.

[100]    See: Connections Uniting Care, Submission 10; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Baptcare, Submission 50; Berry Street, Submission 92.

[101]    Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 7.

[102]    Centre of Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (CECFW), 'Their Needs: improving outcomes, options and systems in out-of-home care', Issues Paper Two – Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry 2011, p. 11.

[103]    Mr Basil Hanna, Chairman, Community Sector Roundtable for NGOs and Government, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 17.

[104]    See: Mr Gregory Nicolau, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 27; Mr Julian Pocock, Director, Public Policy, Berry Street, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 11; Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 7.

[105]    See: University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66; AASW, Submission 18; OzChild, Submission 19, Barnardos, Submission 20; Benevolent Society, Submission 30; Child Wise, Submission 31; Mirabel Foundation, Submission 36; Salvation Army, Submission 40; Karen Lizasoain, Submission 48; Baptcare, Submission 50; Wanslea Family Services, Submission 60; WACOSS, Submission 51.

[106]    University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 20.

[107]    See: OzChild, Submission 19, p. 7; Ms Sonia Brown, Submission 38; Berry Street, Submission 92.

[108]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May–June 2015).

[109]    Key Assets, Submission 88, p. 5.

[110]    Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 1, p. 11

[111]    In 2011, the then Queensland Department of Communities undertook a review of specialist foster care models as part of a discussion paper on professional foster care. The review identified examples of 'enhanced' foster care in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia. See: Queensland Department of Communities, Specialist Foster Care Review: Enhanced foster care literature review and Australian programs description, 2011, (accessed 27 May 2015).

[112]    Mr Rob Ryan, State Director, Key Assets, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 26.

[113]    Margarita Frederico et. al., The Circle Program: an Evaluation of a therapeutic approach to Foster Care, Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Melbourne, 2012, p. 14.

[114]    Berry Street, Submission 92, p. 12.

[115]    Mr Rob Ryan, State Director, Key Assets, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 27.

[116]    Mr Rob Ryan, State Director, Key Assets, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 27.

[117]    See: Life Without Barriers, Submission 68; CFWAA, Submission 65; AASW, Submission 18; NTCOSS, Submission 72; Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 6; Baptcare, Submission 50.

[118]    Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 6.

[119]    MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70, p. 6.

[120]    See: Salvation Army, Submission 40, p. 14.

[121]    MacKillop Family Services, Submission 70, p. 5.

[122]    Verso Consulting, Evaluation of the Therapeutic Residential Care Pilot Programs: Final Summary & Technical Report, 4 November 2011, pp 4 – 5, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[123]    Dr Nicholas Halfpenny, Director of Policy and Quality, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 8.

[124]    Mr Gregory Nicolau, CEO, Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 26.

[125]    Australian Childhood Trauma Group, Submission 9, p. [6].

[126]    The most commonly claimed Commonwealth family assistance and income support payments for which foster carers and relative/kinship carers are eligible include the Foster Child Health Care Card; Double Orphan Pension; Family Tax Benefit; Schoolkids Bonus; Carer Payment; Childcare Benefit; Grandparent Child Care Benefit; Childcare Rebate; Parenting Payment; and Newstart Allowance. See: DSS, Submission 78, pp 9–10.

[127]    See: NT and Queensland Governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May-June 2015).

[128]    See: Ms Maria Scott, General Manager, Baptcare, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 6; University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 23; OzChild, Submission 19, p. 6; CFWAA, Submission 65, p. 9.

[129]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May–June 2015).

[130]    Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 2.

[131]    University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 17.

[132]    Training package details: CHC08 - Community Services Training Package, (accessed 13 May 2015).

[133]    Berry Street, Submission 92, Attachment 1, p. 16.

[134]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May–June 2015).

[135]    See, for example: Ms Alison Kearns, Expert Witness, Australian Association of Social Workers, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 55.

[136]    See: Queensland Government, Taking Responsibility: A roadmap for Queensland Child Protection, June 2013, p. 192; Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW: Executive Summary and Recommendations, November 2008, p. xx.

[137]    NSW Government, Keep Them Safe, (accessed 21 April 2015).

[138]    NSW Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 14 May 2015).

[139]    See: NSW and Queensland Governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May–June 2015).

[140]    Life Without Barriers, Submission 68, p. 6.

[141]    WA Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 18 May 2015).

[142]    Mr Chris Twomey, Director of Policy, WACOSS, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 8.

[143]    Life Without Barriers, Submission 68, p. 6.

[144]    Mr Chris Twomey, Director of Policy, WACOSS, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 8.

[145]    WACOSS, Submission 51, p. 4.

[146]    Mr George Potkonyak, Submission 27, p. [7].

[147]    Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 2.

Chapter 7 - Permanent models of care

[1]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 2–3.

[2]        Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 65.

[3]        Department of Human Services Victoria, 'Changes to child protection law,',-guidelines-and-legislation/changes-to-child-protection-law (accessed 15 May 2015).

[4]        Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, Out-of-home Care, NT Department of Community and Family, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 9; NT Department of Children and Families, FAQ Sheet – Permanent Care Order, (accessed 8 April 2015).

[5]        Ms Judith Wilkinson, Chair of the Children's Youth and Families Agency Association, told the committee: 'permanency can mean permanent return to parent, permanency can mean return to family'. See: Ms Judith Wilkinson, Committee Hansard, 16 February 2015, p. 18; Additional Information, Life Without Barriers, received 13 March 2015, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[6]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 2.

[7]        Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 19.

[8]        Professor Clare Tilbury & Dr Jennifer Osmond, 'Permanency planning in foster care: a research review and guidelines for practitioners,' Australian Social Work, v 59, n 3, 2006, pp 265-280.

[9]        See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May-June 2015).

[10]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 2–3.

[11]      See: Additional Information, Life Without Barriers, p. 1, received 13 March 2015, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[12]      Parenting Research Centre, Evidence review: Analysis of the evidence for Out-of-Home Care Final Report, commissioned by the ACT Community Services Directorate, August 2013, p. 11.

[13]      AIHW, Submission 22, p. 2.

[14]      Women's Legal Service NSW (WLSNSW), Submission 86, p. 13.

[15]      AbSec, Submission 97, p. 28.

[16]      Barnardos, Submission 20, 'Promoting restoration of children to their families,' p. 5.

[17]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013-14, pp 45–46.

[18]      See also: Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, 'Children Youth and Families (Permanent Care and Other Matters),' Fact Sheet, 14 August 2014, (accessed 12 August 2015); Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, 'Transfer of Guardianship', (accessed 12 August 2015); NT Department of Children and Families, 'FAQ Sheet – Permanent Care Order', (accessed 12 August 2015); WA Department of Child Protection, 'Special Guardianship Orders', (accessed 12 August 2015); Families SA, 'Other Person Guardianship Fact Sheet', (accessed 12 August 2015).

[19]      Ms Laura Vines, Senior Policy Officer, Aboriginal FVPLS, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 45.

[20]      AbSec, Submission 97, pp 7–8.

[21]      See: Mr Jared Sharp, Law and Justice Projects Manager, North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 24; Ms Sandra Nelson, Executive Officer, Katherine Women's Information and Legal Service (KWILS), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 13; Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Director, NTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 6; Ms Sally Bolton, Acting Manager, Family Law Section, Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (NTLAC), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 21.

[22]      See: NAAJA and NTLAC, Joint Submission – Care and Protection of Children Amendment Bill 2014, 2014, pp 13 – 14, (accessed 6 July 2015).

[23]      See: Mr Jared Sharp, NAAJA and Ms Sally Bolton, NTLAC, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 22.

[24]      Mr Padraic Gibson, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning Research Unit, University of Technology Sydney, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 23.

[25]      Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, Out-of-Home Care, DCF, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 9.

[26]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia, 2013–14, p. 1.

[27]      See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices, 29 February 2012, (accessed 6 August 2015).

[28]      Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families, 1997, Chapter 22.

[29]      See: Dr Virginia Marshall, Committee Member and Acting Chair, Indigenous Issues Committee, Law Society of New South Wales, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 21

[30]      SNAICC, Submission 93, pp 6–7.

[31]      Mrs Louise Voight, CEO and Director of Welfare, Barnardos Australia, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 60.

[32]      Ms Louise Voight, CEO and Director of Welfare, Barnardos Australia, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 54.

[33]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013–14, p. 1.

[34]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013–14, p. 25.

[35]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013–14, Table A22.

[36]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013–14, Table A23.

[37]      AIHW, Adoptions Australia 2013–14, p. 45.

[38]      See: NSW Government, A Safe Home for Life: Report on the outcomes of public consultation on the child protection legislative reforms discussion paper 2012, p. 7.

[39]      NSW Government, A Safe Home for Life, p. 11.

[40]      Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 66.

[41]      Mr Etienne Scheepers, Deputy Chief Executive, Child Safety, Department for Education and Child Development South Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 65.

[42]      Mr Mark Johns, State Coroner, South Australia, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' 9 April 2015, (accessed 10 April 2015).

[43]      See: Johns, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' p. 114; Dr Jeremey Sammut, 'Still Damaging and Disturbing: Australian Child Protection Data and the Need for National Adoption Targets,' Centre for Independent Studies Issues Analysis, no. 145, 16 April 2014, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[44]      Mr Matthew Lupi, Executive Director, Child and Family Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 64.

[45]      Mr Tony Kemp, Deputy Secretary, Children and Youth Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 69.

[46]      Mr Paul McDonald, Anglicare Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 29

[47]      Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 3.

[48]      Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 3.

[49]      Barnardos Australia, Submission 20, p. 4.

[50]      Ms Louise Voight, CEO and Director of Welfare, Barnardos Australia, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 54.

[51]      Ms Louise Voight, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 54.

[52]      See, for example: Mr Michael Geaney, Alliance for Children at Risk, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 18; Ms Meredith McLaine, Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre, Community Affairs, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 9; Ms Toni Beauchamp, UnitingCare Children, Young People and Families, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 44.

[53]      Mr Tony Kemp, Deputy Secretary, Children and Youth Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 70.

[54]      CREATE Foundation, Submission 96, p. 25.

[55]      Ms Noelle Hudson, National Policy and Advocacy Manager, CREATE Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 19.

[56]      Ms Mary McKinnon, National Director of Practice and Quality, Life Without Barriers, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 55.

[57]      Mr Michael Geaney, Chair, Alliance for Children at Risk, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 17.

[58]      Mr Judith Wilkinson, State Director, Key Assets WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 18.

[59]      Additional Information, Life Without Barriers, received 13 March 2015, p. 3, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[60]      Additional Information, Life Without Barriers, received 13 March 2015, p. 7, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[61]      Ms Jessica Cocks, Convenor, Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter (FISH), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 10.

[62]      See: Ms Karen Lizasoain, Submission 48, p. 1; Mr Gregory Nicolau, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 28.

[63]      C.A. Rees and J. Selwyn, Non-infant adoption from care: lessons for safeguarding children, Child: care, health and development, vol. 35, no. 4, 2009, pp 561–567. See: Additional Information, DHHS Tasmania, received 1 May 2015, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[64]      Rebecca Orsi, 'Predicting re-involvement for children adopted out of a public child welfare system,' Child Abuse & Neglect, n 39, 2015, p. 183. See: Additional Information, DHHS Tasmania, received 1 May 2015, (accessed 18 August 2015).

Chapter 8 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

[1]        See: Healing Foundation, Submission 7; Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (FVPLS) Victoria, Submission 24; National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum (NFVPLS), Submission 29; Aboriginal Family Law Services WA (AFLSWA), Submission 46; Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS), Submission 51; Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women's Council, Submission 61; Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR), Submission 64; Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS), Submission 72; Indigenous Issues Committee of the Law Society of NSW, Submission 73; Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC), Submission 93, pp 2–3.

[2]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, pp 5–6.

[3]        See: SNAICC, Submission 93; AbSec, Submission 97; NPY Women's Council, Submission 61; Grandmothers Against Removal, Submission 64; Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney (Jumbunna), Submission 79.

[4]        SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 15.

[5]        Ms Wendy Hermeston, Adviser, Aboriginal Child, Family and Community State Secretariat (AbSec) NSW, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 21.

[6]        See: SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 5; AbSec, Submission 97, p. 24.

[7]        Mr Frank Hytten, CEO, SNAICC, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 43.

[8]        See, for example: NPY Women's Council, Submission 61; NTCOSS, Submission 72; SNAICC, Submission 93.

[9]        Ms Eileen Cummings, Chair, Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 28.

[10]      Ms Wendy Hermeston, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 21.

[11]      Ms Hannah Stanley, Child Advocacy Officer, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 15.

[12]      Ms Janette Kennedy, Aboriginal Strategy and Policy, Commission for Children and Young People Victoria (CCYPV), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 63.

[13]      Mr Padraic Gibson, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning Research Unit, University of Technology Sydney, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 31.

[14]      Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney, Submission 79, p. [5].

[15]      Mr Craig Ardler, CEO, South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 37.

[16]      Mr Neil Anderson, Managing Solicitor, Family Law Unit, Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA), Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 36.

[17]      Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 19.

[18]      See: NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Annual Report 2013–14, vol. 1, pp 52–53; Queensland Government, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 19 May 2015), p. 7.

[19]      See: WA Government, answer to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 18 May 2015), p. [6]; SA Government, answer to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 18 May 2015), p. 5.

[20]      NT Government, answer to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received 19 June 2015), p. 3.

[21]      Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, Out-of-Home Care, NT Department of Children and Families (DCF), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 10.

[22]      Ms Simone Jackson, NT DCF, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 10.

[23]      See: Ms Regina Bennett, Manager, Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter Incorporated, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 28.

[24]      Ms Melissa Kean, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 15.

[25]      Ms Sandra Nelson, Katherine Women's Information and Legal Service, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 22.

[26]      See: Ms Wightman, Grandmothers Against Removals, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 17; Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Chairperson, Winangay Resources, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 18.

[27]      See: Ms Eileen Cummings, Chair, Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 29.

[28]      Ms Regina Bennett, Manager, Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 28.

[29]      Mr Padraic Gibson, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 23.

[30]      See, for example: FVPLS Victoria, Submission 24, p. 8; University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 22; AbSec, Submission 97, p. 27.

[31]      Prior to the legislation change in Victoria, cultural support plans were only required for Aboriginal children on guardianship orders. See: Ms Janette Kennedy, Commission for Children and Young People Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 49.

[32]      Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 20

[33]      See: Mr Neil Anderson, ALSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 36.

[34]      Ms Janette Kennedy, Commission for Children and Young People Victoria (CCYPV), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 49.

[35]      FVPLS Victoria, Submission 24, p. 9.

[36]      Ms Janette Kennedy, CCYPV, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 65.

[37]      Mr Jared Sharp, Law and Justice Projects Manager, NAAJA, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 19.

[38]      Mr Frank Hytten, CEO, SNAICC, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 43.

[39]      See: FVPLS Victoria, Submission 24, p. 9.

[40]      NFVPLS, Submission 29, p 13.

[41]      Healing Foundation, 'Our Children Our Dreaming: a call for a more just approach for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families,' Submission 7, Attachment 1, p. 3.

[42]      'Our Children Our Dreaming', Submission 7, Attachment 1, p. 4.

[43]      See, for example: Mr Chris Twomey, WACOSS, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 9; Broadway Glebe Catholic Social Justice, Submission 57; SNAICC, Submission 93.

[44]      Ms Patricia Murray, CEO, Wanslea Family Services, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 16.

[45]      ALSWA, Submission 25, p. 8.

[46]      Mr Michael Geaney, Chair, Alliance for Children at Risk, Committee Hansard, Perth 16 February 2015, p. 15.

[47]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 13.

[48]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 13. DSS notes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families are able to access a range of other services provided by DSS (outlined in Chapter 5).

[49]      See: FVPLS Victoria, Submission 24, NFVPLS, Submission 29.

[50]      NFVPLS, Submission 29, p. 8.

[51]      As discussed in Chapter 5, the Cradle to Kinder program in Victoria has a specific stream for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, but currently only supports a small number of families (see Chapter 5, Box 5.2).

[52]      DSS, Submission 78, p. 13.

[53]      Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 4. Recent changes to the DSS grants funding process is currently the subject of another inquiry by this Committee. See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social Services, (accessed 11 August 2015).

[54]      Mr David Pugh, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 4.

[55]      Ms Karen Harmon, Abt JTA, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 49.

[56]      Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 26.

[57]      Ms Wendy Hermeston, AbSec, Committee Hansard, 18 February 2015, Sydney, p. 26.

[58]      Ms Mary Cowley, CEO, AFLSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 39.

[59]      See: Grandmothers Against Removals, Submission 64.

[60]      See: Ms Karen Fusi, Ms Toni McPherson, Mr Sonny Williams and Mrs Cephia Williams, Brisbane Sovereign Grannies Group, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 33.

[61]      Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 30.

[62]      Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 30.

[63]      Ms Hannah Stanley, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 21.

[64]      Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 17.

[65]      Mrs Gillian Bonser, Board Member, Winangay Resources, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 29.

[66]      Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 30.

[67]      Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 28.

[68]      Ms Sally Bolton, NTLAC, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 20.

[69]      Ms Hannah Stanley, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 16.

[70]      Mr David Pugh, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2015, p. 3.

[71]      See: Broadway Glebe Catholic Social Justice, Submission 57; Macarthur Legal Centre, Submission 58, FVPLS Victoria, Submission 24.

[72]      NFVPLS Forum, Submission 29, p. 20.

[73]      See: Chapter 1.

[74]      SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 8.

[75]      See: Dr Virginia Marshall, Acting Chair, Indigenous Issues Committee, Law Society of NSW, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 21; Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 18; Ms Andrea Smith, AFLSWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 16 February 2015, p. 38.

[76]      Ms Janette Kennedy, CCYPV, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, pp 48–49.

[77]      SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 8.

[78]      Ms Wendy Hermeston, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p, 25.

[79]      SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 9.

[80]      Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 25.

[81]      Mr Frank Hytten, CEO, SNAICC, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 43.

[82]      Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 20.

[83]      AIHW does not report on the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander relative or kinship carers. See: AIHW, Submission 22.

[84]      Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, NT DCF, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, pp 1–2.

[85]      NT Government, Submission 23, p. 4.

[86]      Mr Frank Hytten, CEO, SNAICC, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 43.

[87]      See: AbSec, Submission 97, p. 24.

[88]      Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Winangay Resources, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 18.

[89]      Ms Eileen Cummings, NT Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 30.

[90]      Ms Mary McKinnon, National Director of Practice and Quality, Life Without Barriers, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 59.

[91]      Ms Simone Jackson, Executive Director, Out-of-home care, DCF, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 2.

[92]      See: Mr Jared Sharp, Law and Justice Projects Manager, NAAJA, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 18; Ms Bolton, Darwin, p. 21.

[93]      See: Briefing Paper, tabled by North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, at Darwin public hearing 2 April 2015, pp 6–7.

[94]      Mr Jared Sharp, NAAJA, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2015, pp 17–18.

[95]      Ms Sally Bolton, Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 21.

[96]      University of Melbourne Department of Social Work, Child, Youth and Families Research Cluster, Submission 66, p. 15.

[97]      See: Winangay Resources Inc., Submission 62; AbSec, Submission 97.

[98]      See: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren, October 2014, pp 115–116 and p. 122.

[99]      Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Chairperson, Winangay Resources, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 19.

[100]    Aunty Suzanne Blacklock, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 19.

[101]    Queensland Government, Submission 69, p. 8.

[102]    SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 7.

[103]    SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 9.

[104]    Healing Foundation, 'Our Children Our Dreaming: a call for a more just approach for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families,' Submission 7, Attachment A, p. 4.

[105]    See: Australian Human Rights Commission, Bringing Them Home: National inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, 1997, Recommendation 43a.

[106]    Mr Padraic Gibson, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 23.

[107]    Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 19.

[108]    Mrs Gillian Bonser, Board Member, Winangay Resources, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 28.

[109]    Justice reinvestment in Australia five years on, excerpt from the Social Justice and Native Title Report 2014, from the National Children’s Commissioner, received 13 April 2015.

[110]    Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 6.

[111]    Ms Megan Mitchell, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 6.

[112]    See: NTCOSS, Submission 72, p. 6; SNAICC, Submission 93, pp 17–18; Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, Submission 79, p. [11].

[113]    SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 14.

[114]    Ms Suellyn Tighe, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 24.

[115]    Ms Toni McPherson, Brisbane Sovereign Grannies Group, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 38.

[116]    Ms Mary Moore, Alliance for Family Preservation and Restoration, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 40.

[117]    Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Community Service Organisations, Koorie Kids: Growing Strong in their Culture: Five year plan for Aboriginal children in out-of-home care, November 2013, (accessed 18 August 2015). See: Families Australia, Submission 77, p. 4; CCYPV, Submission 45, pp 11–12; Mr Rod Jackson, Deputy Chairperson, Victorian Aboriginal Child and Young People's Alliance, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 45.

[118]    Mrs Connie Salamone, Executive Director, VACCA, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 48.

[119]    Ms Dana Clarke, Chairperson, AbSec, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 25.

[120]    Ms Wightman, GMAR, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 18.

[121]    See: Ms Regina Bennett, Darwin Aboriginal and Islander Women's Shelter, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 31; Ms Melissa Kean, NPY Women's Council, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 1 April 2015, p. 20.

[122]    Mr Robert Dalton, Policy Advisor, Northern Land Council, Finance and Public Administration References Committee Hansard, 10 March 2015, p. 22.

[123]    See: State and territory governments, answers to questions on notice, 30 April 2015 (received May-June 2015).

[124]    See: SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 12; Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 3.

[125]    AbSec, Submission 97, p. 6.

[126]    SNAICC, Submission 93, p. 12.

[127]    Professor Clare Tilbury, Moving to Prevention research report: Intensive family support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, SNAICC, 2014, p. 31.

[128]    Mrs Natalie Lewis, CEO, Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP), Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 48.

[129]    Mrs Connie Salamone, VACCA, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 44.

[130]    Mrs Connie Salamone, VACCA, Committee Hansard, Melbourne 20 March 2015, p. 33.

[131]    Mr David Pugh, CEO, Anglicare NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 3.

[132]    Mr Ross Councillor, Services Development Manager, Western Australia, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 32.

[133]    Mr Ross Councillor, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 33.

Chapter 9 - Specific needs of particular groups

[1]        See: Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS), Submission 21; Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43; National Disability Services, Submission 54; ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS), Submission 71; People with Disability Australia (PDA), Submission 74; Children with Disability Australia (CDA), Submission 80.

[2]        National Disability Service, Submission 54, p. 10; Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Director, Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 9; Ms Tessa Thompson, National Policy Manager, National Disability Services (NDS), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 22.

[3]        Ms Ngila Bevan, Human Rights Adviser. People with Disability Australia (PDA), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 34.

[4]        See: Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, National Disability Services (NDS), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 17; CDA, Submission 80, p. 4.

[5]        CREATE Foundation, Supporting children and young people with a disability living in out of home care in Australia: Literature Review, 2012, p. 11, (accessed 10 August 2015).

[6]        CDA, Submission 80, p. 4.

[7]        CDA, Submission 80, p. 4.

[8]        Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 17

[9]        See: Ms Fiona May, CEO, ACT Disability Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, pp 10 – 11; PDA, Submission 74, p. 7.

[10]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 37.

[11]      See: CDA, Submission 80, p. 5; PDA, Submission 74, p. 10; Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, pp 5 – 7; NDS, Submission 54, p. 9.

[12]      Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 18.

[13]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Solicitor, Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 35.

[14]      Mr Simon Nugus, National Business Manager, Children, Youth and Education Services, Endeavour Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 30.

[15]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 6.

[16]      See: NDS, Submission 54; PDA, Submission 74; ADACAS, Submission 71.

[17]      Dr Nicholas Halfpenny, Director of Policy and Quality, MacKillop Family Services, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 9.

[18]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 7.

[19]      Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 18.

[20]      Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 18.

[21]      See: NDS, Submission 54; CDA, Submission 80.

[22]      Ms Fiona May, CEO, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, pp 10–11.

[23]      See: ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 2; PDA, Submission 74, p. 3.

[24]      ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 2.

[25]      PDA, Submission 74, p. 8.

[26]      See: PDA, Submission 74, p. 8; ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 2; Mrs Fiona May, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 11.

[27]      Dr Susan Barnes, Manager Individual and Group Advocacy NSW, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 35.

[28]      See: PDA, Submission 74, p. 10.

[29]      ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 7.

[30]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Solicitor, Intellectual Disability Rights Service, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 33.

[31]      NDS, Submission 54, p. 3.

[32]      IDRS, Submission 21, p. 3.

[33]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Solicitor, IDRS, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 35.

[34]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Solicitor, IDRS, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 36.

[35]      Dr Susan Barnes, Manager Individual and Group Advocacy, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 37.

[36]      Ms Marissa Sandler, Solicitor, IDRS, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 37.

[37]      See: IDRS, Submission 21, p. 4; CDA, Submission 80, p. 5; ADACAS, Submission 71, p. 7.

[38]      Ms Fiona May, CEO, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 19.

[39]      The Department of Social Services noted it funds a series of programs including the Respite Support for Carers of Young People with Severe or Profound Disability, the Outside School Hours Care for Teenagers with Disability, MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical Condition, Helping Children with Autism and Better Start for Children with Disability. See: DSS, Submission 78, p. 14.

[40]      See: Dr Susan Barnes, Manager Individual and Group Advocacy, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 36; Ms Fiona May, CEO, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 11.

[41]      See: Parenting Research Centre, Healthy Start, (accessed 28 July 2015).

[42]      Ms Fiona May, CEO, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 19.

[43]      Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 20.

[44]      CDA, Submission 80, p. 7.

[45]      NDS, Submission 54, p. 3.

[46]      Dr Susan Barnes, Manager Individual and Group Advocacy, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 39.

[47]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 8.

[48]      Mr Simon Nugus, National Business Manager, Children, Youth and Education Services, Endeavour Foundation, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 24.

[49]      Mr Simon Nugus, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 April 2015, p. 24.

[50]      PDA, Submission 74, p. 6.

[51]      United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 'Concluding observations on the initial report of Australia', 2-13 September 2013, CRPD/C/AUS/CO/1, p. 3.

[52]      UNCRPD, 'Concluding observations', p. 3. See: PDA, Submission 74, p. 3.

[53]      Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Department of Social Work, Monash University Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, pp 21–22.

[54]      PDA, Submission 74, p. 6.

[55]      Ms Ngila Bevan, Human Rights Adviser, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 38.

[56]      Ms Fiona May, CEO, ADACAS, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 16.

[57]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 10.

[58]      CDA, Submission 80, p. 6.

[59]      NDS, Submission 54, p.4.

[60]      NDS, Submission 54, p. 4.

[61]      NDS, Submission 54, p. 4.

[62]      NDS, Submission 54, p. 2.

[63]      PDA, Submission 74, p. 9.

[64]      Dr Susan Barnes, Manager Individual and Group Advocacy, PDA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 39.

[65]      Ms Philippa Angley, Executive Officer, NDS, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 21.

[66]      Professor Philip Mendes, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 21.

[67]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 14.

[68]      Endeavour Foundation, Submission 43, p. 14.

[69]      See: Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Australia (RFFADA), Submission 105.

[70]      Dr Sara McLean, Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 April 2015, p. 31.

[71]      Ms Wendy Morton, Executive Director, NTCOSS, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 2 April 2015, p. 6.

[72]      RFFADA, Submission 105, p. [6].

[73]      See: RFFADA Australia, Submission 105; NTCOSS, Submission 72.

[74]      NTCOSS, Submission 72, p. 22.

[75]      See: Settlement Services International, Submission 55; Jatinder Kaur, Submission 107; ISS, Submission 49.

[76]      Settlement Services International, Submission 55, p. [3].

[77]      Settlement Services International, Submission 55, p. [3].

[78]      Mr Joseph Ferrer, Manager, Business and Community Development, Settlement Services International (SSI), Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 52.

[79]      SSI noted it manages two residential services for unaccompanied minors that can accommodate up to 1 200 children and young people. See: SSI, Submission 55, p. [5]; Mr Joseph Ferrer, Settlement Services International, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 51.

[80]      SSI, Submission 55, p. [5].

[81]      See: International Social Service (ISS) Australia, Submission 29.

[82]      ISS, Submission 49, p. 2.

[83]      ISS, Submission 49, p. 6.

[84]      Ms Helen Freris, National Services Manager, ISS Australia, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 9.

[85]      ISS, Submission 49, p. 10.

[86]      ISS, Submission 49, p. 10.

[87]      Ms Helen Freris, National Services Manager, ISS Australia, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 20 March 2015, p. 9.

[88]      See: Council of Australian Governments (COAG), Protecting children is everyone's business: Second three year action plan, 2012–2015, 2012, p. 23, (accessed 10 August 2015).

Chapter 10 - Conclusion and recommendations

[1]        Associate Professor Philip Mendes, Submission 6, p. 1.

[2]        Ms Megan Mitchell, National Children's Commissioner, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 2. See: Bryan Samuels, Executive Director, Chapin Hall, University of Chicago, 'Redefining success for vulnerable children through public systems,' Rights Talk, Australian Human Rights Commission, 19 September 2014, (accessed 6 August 2015).

Additional Comments—Coalition Senators

[1]        Barnardos Australia, Submission 20, p. 2.

[2]        Ms Louise Voight, CEO and Director of Welfare, Barnardos Australia, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 50.

[3]        Dr Jeremey Sammut, 'Still Damaging and Disturbing: Australian Child Protection Data and the Need for National Adoption Targets,' Centre for Independent Studies Issues Analysis, no. 145, 16 April 2014, p. 16,  (accessed 18 August 2015).

[4]        Barnardos Australia, Submission 20, p. [28].

[5]        Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 66.

[6]        Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 66.

[7]        Dr Jeremy Sammut, 'Still Damaging and Disturbing', p. 17.

[8]        NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Safe Home for Life: Report on the outcomes of public consultation on the child protection legislative reforms discussion paper 2012, p. 7, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[9]        NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Safe Home for Life, p. 10.

[10]      NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Safe Home for Life, p. 1.

[11]      Ms Maree Walk, Deputy Secretary, Programs and Service Design, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 18 February 2015, p. 66.

[12]      Mr Mark Johns, State Coroner, South Australia, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' 9 April 2015, p. 146, (accessed 18 August 2015).

[13]      Mr Mark Johns, State Coroner, South Australia, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' 9 April 2015, p. 147.

[14]      Mr Mark Johns, State Coroner, South Australia, 'Inquest into the death of Chloe Lee Valentine,' 9 April 2015, p. 117.