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Lisa Cahill's Woe unto the birds

Woe unto the birds by artist Lisa Cahill is a kiln-formed and powder-printed glass panel referencing the appearance of the skies and trees through the smoke of the 2019-2020 bushfires on the east coast of Australia.wake.

The work links to the artist’s deep concern for the environment while allowing viewers to draw associations with their own experience of this time and the impact of the fires on the landscape.

Lisa Cahill
Lisa Cahill was born in Geelong in 1974 and is a glass artist. After living in her mother’s homeland of Denmark during the 1990s she decided to pursue glass as her chosen artistic medium. She completed a Bachelor of Arts at Monash University in 2000. Cahill established her own studios in Melbourne in 2002, Sydney in 2004 and Canberra in 2011. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in solo and group exhibitions for twenty years, and has been a regular finalist in the Ranamok, Tom Malone and Hindmarsh Glass Prizes.

Lisa Cahill (born 1974),

Woe unto the birds, 2022

kiln formed and powder printed glass,
Parliament House Art Collections.


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