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Liam Fleming's Transitory Form #4

Transitory Form #4 is a glass sculpture by Adelaide-based artist Liam Fleming. In his ‘transitory forms’ series, Fleming reflects on perceptions of objects as being perfect or complete.

Through mould-blown glass, Fleming creates abstract sculptural forms that reflect light in ways that make the sculptures appear to balance precariously, be in the process of being crushed, or to be on the verge of collapse. The artist describes his creative process as making forms through industrial glassblowing techniques and then treating them to ‘a playground of obstacles and destruction’.1

Liam Fleming
Liam Fleming was born in Adelaide in 1989, and is a glassblower, artist, and designer. Inspired by seeing a glass exhibition in Canberra when he was young, Fleming undertook work experience at a glass studio when he was 16. Fleming graduated from the University of South Australia’s visual arts program in 2011, and the Jam Factory glass training program in 2012. The recipient of many awards, Fleming has made work for the Pilchuck Glass School in Washington, USA, the International Glass Art Society conference in Venice, Italy, and the Australasian Glass conference in Whanganui, New Zealand. Fleming has undertaken artist residencies in India, Mexico, Italy, and the USA.

1. Sabia Gallery, 2023. Accessed June 2024 via: https://www.instagram.com/sabbiagallery/p/CpOzbscpqZ7/

Liam Fleming (born 1989),

Transitory Form #4, 2023

mould blown glass, cold worked, fused and slumped,
Parliament House Art Collections.


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