Bills referred to committees—2008

Number of bills referred to committees:
Referred in 2008: 92
Referred in 2007, report (or interim report) tabled 2008: 3
Bill short title Committee Status
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Customs) Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Excise) Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—General) Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
Aged Care Amendment (2008 Measures No. 2) Bill 2008 CA Referred 16/10/08
Presented 20/11/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007 [2008] — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) CA Referred 14/02/08
Tabled 18/06/08
Additional information tabled 25/06/08; 26/08/08
ATMs and Cash Facilities in Licensed Venues Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Xenophon) CA Referred 04/09/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Additional information tabled 25/11/08
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Fair Bank and Credit Card Fees) Amendment Bill 2007 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) Eco Referred 16/08/07
Interim report tabled 17/09/07
Further interim report presented 11/02/08
Tabled 12/02/08
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Fair Bank and Credit Card Fees) Amendment Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) Eco Referred 19/03/08
Tabled 16/09/08
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Bill 2008 ECA Referred 25/09/08
Tabled 13/10/08
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Television Switch-over) Bill 2008 ECA Referred 25/09/08
Tabled 25/11/08
Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Workplace Rights) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill  (Senator Siewert) EEWR Referred 03/09/08
Presented 28/11/08
Tabled 01/12/08
Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Bob Brown) EM Referred 14/05/08
Report date unspecified; in conjunction with the committee's inquiry into the 2007 Federal Election
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2008 EM Referred 18/06/08
Advisory report tabled 10/11/08
Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Repeal and Consequential Amendment) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Ludlam) ECA Referred 25/09/08
Presented 18/12/08
Corporations Amendment (Short Selling) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 13/11/08
Tabled 27/11/08
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Child Sex Tourism Offences and Related Measures) Bill 2007 LC Referred 20/09/07
Report presented 10/10/07
Additional information presented 30/11/07
Report and additional information tabled 12/02/08
Defence Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2008 FADT Referred 04/12/08
Report due 20/02/09
Disability Discrimination and Other Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 LC Referred 04/12/08
Report due 24/02/09
Drink Container Recycling Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) ECA Referred 20/03/08
Tabled 03/09/08
(in conjunction with the committee's inquiry into management of Australia's waste streams)
Economic regeneration—A Bill for an Act about the Building Australia Fund, the Education Investment Fund and the Health and Hospitals Fund, and for other purposes [Nation-building Funds Bill 2008] Eco Referred 15/10/08
Tabled 02/12/08
Economic regeneration—A related bill [Nation-building Funds (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008] Eco Referred 15/10/08
Tabled 02/12/08
Economic regeneration—A bill to establish the COAG Reform Fund, and for other purposes [COAG Reform Fund Bill 2008] Eco Referred 15/10/08
Tabled 02/12/08
Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 EEWR Referred 15/10/08
Tabled 27/11/08
Emergency Water (Murray-Darling Basin Rescue) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Xenophon) RRAT Referred 28/08/08
Interim report presented 03/10/08
Report presented 10/10/08
Reports tabled 13/10/08
(in conjunction with the committee's inquiry into the management of the Murray-Darling Basin system)
Evidence Amendment Bill 2008 LC Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 25/09/08
Excise Legislation Amendment (Condensate) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 27/08/08
Excise Tariff Amendment (Condensate) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 27/08/08
Fair Work Bill 2008 EEWR Referred 25/11/08
Report due 27/02/09
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (2008 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2008 FPA Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 24/06/08
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Emergency Response Consolidation) Bill 2008 CA Referred 19/03/08
Interim report presented 07/05/08
Tabled 13/05/08
Report tabled 15/05/08
Additional information tabled 25/06/08
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further 2008 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2008 CA Referred 18/09/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Bill 2008 LC Referred 26/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
Additional information tbled 25/09/08
Federal Court of Australia Amendment (Criminal Jurisdiction) Bill 2008 LC Referred 04/12/08
Report due 20/02/09
Federal Justice System Amendment (Efficiency Measures) Bill (No. 1) 2008 LC Referred 04/12/08
Report due 17/02/09
Freedom of Information (Removal of Conclusive Cetificates and Other Measures) Bill 2008 FPA Referred 26/11/08
Report due 10/03/09
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 ECA Referred 01/09/08
Tabled 15/09/08
Additional comments tabled 18/09/08
Horse Disease Response Levy Bill 2008 RRAT Referred 04/09/08
Interim report presented 03/10/08
Tabled 13/10/08
Report tabled 13/11/08
Horse Disease Response Levy Collection Bill 2008 RRAT Referred 04/09/08
Interim report presented 03/10/08
Tabled 13/10/08
Report tabled 13/11/08
Horse Disease Response Levy (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 RRAT Referred 04/09/08
Interim report presented 03/10/08
Tabled 13/10/08
Report tabled 13/11/08
Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Laws Bill 2008 [No. 2] — private senators' bill (Senators Troeth and Humphries) LC Referred 02/09/08
Tabled 14/10/08
Interstate Road Transport Charge Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2008 RRAT Referred 15/10/08
Presented 21/11/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Migration Legislation Amendment (Worker Protection) Bill 2008 LC Referred 15/10/08
Interim report presented 07/11/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Report tabled 10/11/08
National Fuelwatch (Empowering Consumers) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Interim report tabled 27/08/08
Report tabled 14/10/08
National Fuelwatch (Empowering Consumers) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Interim report tabled 27/08/08
Report tabled 14/10/08
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical and Other Benefits—Cost Recovery) Bill 2008 CA Referred 18/06/08
Presented 22/08/08
Tabled 26/08/08
Additional information tabled 26/08/08
National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2007 — private senator's bill (Senator Allison) Eco Referred 16/08/07
Interim report tabled 17/09/07
Further interim report presented 11/02/08
Tabled 12/02/08
National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2007 [2008] — private senator's bill (Senator Allison) Eco Referred 12/03/08
Presented 30/05/08
Tabled 16/06/08
National Rental Affordability Scheme Bill 2008 CA Referred 25/09/08
Presented 12/11/08
Tabled 13/11/08
National Rental Affordability Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 CA Referred 25/09/08
Presented 12/11/08
Tabled 13/11/08
Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/06/08
Tabled 23/09/08
Offshore Petroleum (Annual Fees) Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/06/08
Tabled 23/09/08
Offshore Petroleum (Registration Fees) Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/06/08
Tabled 23/09/08
Offshore Petroleum (Safety Levies) Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Storage) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/06/08
Tabled 23/09/08
Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2008 LC Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 24/06/08
Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Bob Brown) FPA Referred 13/11/08
Report due 15/06/09
Poker Machine Harm Minimisation Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) CA Referred 25/06/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Additional information tabled 25/11/08
Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) CA Referred 12/03/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Additional information tabled 25/11/08
Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Bob Brown) CA Referred 04/09/08
Tabled 02/12/08
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Milne) ECA Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Renewable Energy Legislation Amendment (Renewable Power Percentage) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Allison) Eco Referred 12/03/08
Presented 30/05/08
Tabled 16/06/08
Reserve Bank Amendment (Enhanced Independence) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 14/05/08
Interim report presented 30/05/08
Report presented 11/06/08
Reports tabled 16/06/08
Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Bob Brown) LC Referred 12/03/08
Tabled 26/06/08
Road Charges Legislation Repeal and Amendment Bill 2008 RRAT Referred 15/10/08
Presented 21/11/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—General Law Reform) Bill 2008 LC Referred 04/09/08
Tabled 14/10/08
Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws—Superannuation) Bill 2008 LC Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 14/10/08
Save Our Solar (Solar Rebate Protection) Bill 2008 [No. 2] — private senator's bill (Senator Johnston) ECA Referred 25/06/08
Interim report presented 15/08/08
Report presented 25/08/08
Reports tabled 26/08/08
Schools Assistance Bill 2008 EEWR Referred 15/10/08
Tabled 27/11/08
Social Security and Veterans' Entitlements Legislation Amendment (Schooling Requirements) Bill 2008 CA Referred 03/09/08
Tabled 13/11/08
Additional information tabled 25/11/08
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008 EEWR Referred 25/09/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Stolen Generation Compensation Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Bartlett) LC Referred 12/03/08
Tabled 16/06/08
Superannuation (Departing Australia Superannuation Payments Tax) Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/09/08
Presented 18/11/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Minority report by Senator Xenophon tabled 24/11/08
Tax Agent Services Bill 2008 Eco Referred 26/11/08
Report due 12/02/09
Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 1) Bill 2008—Schedule 1 EM Referred 19/03/08
Tabled 17/06/08
Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 3) Bill 2008 —Schedules 1 and 2 EM Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 4) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 26/06/08
Tabled 26/08/08
Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 5) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/09/08
Interim report tabled 13/10/08
Report tabled 10/11/08
Additional comments by Opposition senators tabled 24/11/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 24/06/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Education Refund) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/09/08
Tabled 13/10/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Luxury Car Tax) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 28/08/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Medicare Levy Surcharge Thresholds) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 27/08/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Personal Income Tax Reduction) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 12/03/08
Presented 01/05/08
Tabled 13/05/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Political Contributions and Gifts) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 03/09/08
Presented 20/10/08
Tabled 10/11/08
Tax Laws Amendment (Taxation of Financial Arrangements) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 04/12/08
Report due 20/02/09
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2008 LC Referred 19/03/08
Interim report presented 01/05/08
Report presented 06/05/08
Reports tabled 13/05/08
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Communications Fund) Bill 2008 ECA Referred 19/03/08
Presented 30/04/08
Tabled 13/05/08
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008 ECA Referred 20/03/08
Interim report presented 07/05/08
Report presented 09/05/08
Reports tabled 13/05/08
Temporary Residents' Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 25/09/08
Presented 18/11/08
Tabled 24/11/08
Minority report by Senator Xenophon tabled 24/11/08
Trade Practices Amendment (Cartel Conduct and Other Measures) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 04/12/08
Report due 20/02/09
Trade Practices (Creeping Acquisitions) Amendment Bill 2007 [2008] — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) Eco Referred 26/06/08
Tabled 26/08/08
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 Eco Referred 26/06/08
Tabled 26/08/08
Unit Pricing (Easy comparison of grocery prices) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Fielding) Eco Referred 18/06/08
Tabled 01/09/08
Uranium Royalty (Northern Territory) Bill 2008 Eco Referred 04/12/08
Report due 30/04/09
Water Amendment Bill 2008 RRAT Referred 15/10/08
Interim report presented 19/11/08
Report presented 21/11/08
Reports tabled 24/11/08
Corrigendum tabled 27/11/08
Water Amendment (Saving the Goulburn and Murray Rivers) Bill 2008 — private senator's bill (Senator Birmingham) ECA Referred 04/12/08
Report due 27/03/09
Workplace Relations Amendment (Transition to Forward with Fairness) Bill 2008 EEWR Referred 14/02/08
Tabled 17/03/08

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