Statistical summaries—2006

  • 1/2006 - 7 to 9 February

    Business conducted in the Senate - 7 to 9 February

    Government business 23%; General business 58%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 0%; Business of the Senate 7%; Other 1%
      7 to 9 February
    Number of sitting days 3
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 58 mins
    Longest sitting day 13 hrs 27 mins
    (8 February)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 01 min
    (7 February)
    Hours of sitting 29 hrs 55 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      7 to 9 February
    Government business 6 hrs 29 mins
    General business 16 hrs 12 mins
    Questions without notice 3 hrs 05 mins
    Urgency/MPI 0 hrs 0 mins
    Business of the Senate 1 hr 56 mins
    Other 0 hrs 14 mins
    Adjournment debate 1 hr 59 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      7 to 9 February
    Questions placed on notice 132
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 62
    Question time held on: 3 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 20.7
    Petitions presented 17
    Signatories to petitions 7 924
    Divisions 14

    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 9 February 2006 inclusive

      2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0
    private senators' bills 0
    Received from the House of Representatives 6
    Passed in the Senate 8
    Bills negatived 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0
    Bills referred to committees 5
  • 2/2006 - 27 February to 2 March

    Business conducted in the Senate - 27 February to 2 March

    Government business 41%; General business 33%; Questions 12%; MPI/Urgency 6%; Business of the Senate 6%; Other 2%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 33%; General business 44%; Questions 12%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 6%; Other 1%
      27 February to 2 March 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 7
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 00 mins 9 hrs 25 mins
    Longest sitting day 10 hrs 10 mins
    (1 March 2006)
    13 hrs 27 mins
    (8 February 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 7 hrs 19 mins
    (28 February 2006)
    7 hrs 19 mins
    (28 February 2006)
    Hours of sitting 36 hrs 02 mins 65 hrs 57 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      27 February to 2 March 2006 to date
    Government business 13 hrs 38 mins 20 hrs 07 mins
    General business 10 hrs 58 mins 27 hrs 10 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 08 mins 7 hrs 13 mins
    Urgency/MPI 2 hrs 05 mins 2 hrs 05 mins
    Business of the Senate 1 hr 54 mins 3 hrs 50 mins
    Other 0 hrs 32 mins 0 hrs 46 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 47 mins 4 hrs 46 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      27 February to 2 March 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 29^ 161*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 77 139
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 7 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 19.3 19.9
    Petitions presented 7 24
    Signatories to petitions 2 869 10 793
    Divisions 22 36

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 10 February to 2 March 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 2 March 2006 inclusive

      27 February to 2 March 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 1 1
    private senators' bills 0 0
    Received from the House of Representatives 9 15
    Passed in the Senate 15 23
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 0
    Bills referred to committees 3 8
  • 3/2006 - 27 to 30 March

    Business conducted in the Senate - 27 to 30 March

    Government business 67%; General business 15%; Questions 10%; MPI/Urgency 2%; Business of the Senate 5%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 47%; General business 33%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 6%; Other 1%
      27 to 30 March 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 11
    Average length of a sitting day 11 hrs 14 mins 10 hrs 05 mins
    Longest sitting day 15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 44 hrs 57 mins 110 hrs 54 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      27 to 30 March 2006 to date
    Government business 28 hrs 15 mins 48 hrs 22 mins
    General business 6 hrs 29 mins 33 hrs 39 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 07 mins 11 hrs 20 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 02 mins 3 hrs 07 mins
    Business of the Senate 2 hrs 18 mins 6 hrs 08 mins
    Other 0 hrs 06 mins 0 hrs 52 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 40 mins 7 hrs 26 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      27 to 30 March 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 67^ 228*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 79 218
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 11 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 19.8 19.8
    Petitions presented 14 38
    Signatories to petitions 2 549 13 342
    Divisions 25 61

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 3 March to 30 March 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 30 March 2006 inclusive

      27 to 30 March 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 4 5
    private senators' bills 1 1
    Received from the House of Representatives 7 22
    Passed in the Senate 17 40
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 0
    Bills referred to committees 15 23
  • 4/2006 - 9 to 11 May

    Business conducted in the Senate - 9 to 11 May

    Government business 51%; General business 35%; Questions 13%; MPI/Urgency 0%; Business of the Senate 1%; Other 1%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 48%; General business 33%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 2%; Business of the Senate 5%; Other 1%
      9 to 11 May 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 3 14
    Average length of a sitting day 8 hrs 36 mins 9 hrs 46 mins
    Longest sitting day 9 hrs 41 mins
    (10 May 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 6 hrs 52 mins
    (9 May 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 25 hrs 48 mins 136 hrs 42 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      9 to 11 May 2006 to date
    Government business 12 hrs 28 mins   60 hrs 50 mins
    General business 8 hrs 26 mins 42 hrs 05 mins
    Questions without notice 3 hrs 12 mins 14 hrs 32 mins
    Urgency/MPI 0 hrs 0 mins 3 hrs 07 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 09 mins 6 hrs 17 mins
    Other 0 hrs 09 mins 1 hr 01 min
    Adjournment debate 1 hr 24 mins 8 hrs 50 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      9 to 11 May 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 119^ 347*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 59 277
    Question time held on: 3 sitting days 14 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 19.7 19.8
    Petitions presented 9 47
    Signatories to petitions 2 823 16 165
    Divisions 8 69

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 31 March to 11 May 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 11 May 2006 inclusive

      9 to 11 May 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0 5
    private senators' bills 0 1
    Received from the House of Representatives 6 28
    Passed in the Senate 12 52
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 1 1
    Bills referred to committees 12 35
  • 5/2006 - 13 to 16 June

    Business conducted in the Senate - 13 to 16 June

    Government business 55%; General business 15%; Questions 8%; MPI/Urgency 0%; Business of the Senate 19%; Other 2%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 49%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 2%; Business of the Senate 8%; Other 1%
      13 to 16 June 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 18
    Average length of a sitting day 10 hrs 25 mins 9 hrs 54 mins
    Longest sitting day 13 hrs 11 mins
    (15 June 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 7 hrs 13 mins
    (16 June 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 41 hrs 39 mins 178 hrs 21 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      13 to 16 June 2006 to date
    Government business 21 hrs 11 mins   82 hrs 01 min
    General business 5 hrs 43 mins 47 hrs 48 mins
    Questions without notice 3 hrs 09 mins 17 hrs 41 mins
    Urgency/MPI 0 hrs 0 mins 3 hrs 07 mins
    Business of the Senate 7 hrs 14 mins 13 hrs 31 mins
    Other 0 hrs 57 mins 1 hr 58 mins
    Adjournment debate 3 hrs 25 mins 12 hrs 15 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      13 to 16 June 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 283^ 630*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 55 332
    Question time held on: 3 sitting days 17 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 18.3 19.5
    Petitions presented 13 60
    Signatories to petitions 34 305 50 470
    Divisions 10 79

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 12 May to 16 June 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 16 June 2006 inclusive

      13 to 16 June 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0 5
    private senators' bills 3 4
    Received from the House of Representatives 27 55
    Passed in the Senate 14 66
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 1
    Bills referred to committees 3 38
  • 6/2006 - 19 to 22 June

    Business conducted in the Senate - 19 to 22 June

    Government business 55%; General business 19%; Questions 10%; MPI/Urgency 2%; Business of the Senate 13%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 51%; General business 27%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 2%; Business of the Senate 9%; Other 1%
      19 to 22 June 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 22
    Average length of a sitting day 11 hrs 20 mins 10 hrs 10 mins
    Longest sitting day 15 hrs 02 mins
    (22 June 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 54 mins
    (19 June 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 45 hrs 19 mins 223 hrs 40 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      19 to 22 June 2006 to date
    Government business 23 hrs 33 mins 105 hrs 34 mins
    General business 8 hrs 18 mins 56 hrs 06 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 15 mins 21 hrs 56 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 03 mins 4 hrs 10 mins
    Business of the Senate 5 hrs 28 mins 18 hrs 59 mins
    Other 0 hrs 06 mins 2 hrs 04 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 36 mins 14 hrs 51 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      19 to 22 June 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 32^ 662*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 85 417
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 21 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 21.3 19.9
    Petitions presented 15 75
    Signatories to petitions 14 734 65 204
    Divisions 28 107

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 17 June to 22 June 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 22 June 2006 inclusive

      19 to 22 June 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 6 11
    private senators' bills 4 8
    Received from the House of Representatives 13 68
    Passed in the Senate 25 91
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 3 4
    Bills referred to committees 8 46
  • 7/2006 - 8 to 10 August

    Business conducted in the Senate - 8 to 10 August

    Government business 35%; General business 43%; Questions 12%; MPI/Urgency 8%; Business of the Senate 0%; Other 1%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 49%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 8%; Other 1%
      8 to 10 August 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 3 25
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 20 mins 10 hrs 04 mins
    Longest sitting day 10 hrs 20 mins
    (10 August 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 7 hrs 38 mins
    (8 August 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 28 hrs 01 min 251 hrs 41 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      8 to 10 August 2006 to date
    Government business 9 hrs 07 mins 114 hrs 41 mins
    General business 11 hrs 02 mins 67 hrs 08 mins
    Questions without notice 3 hrs 13 mins 25 hrs 09 mins
    Urgency/MPI 2 hrs 09 mins 6 hrs 19 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 0 mins 18 hrs 59 mins
    Other 0 hrs 17 mins 2 hrs 21 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 13 mins 17 hrs 04 mins
    Questions, notices of motion, petitions, divisions
      8 to 10 August 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 223^ 885*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 54 471
    Question time held on: 3 sitting days 24 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 18 19.6
    Petitions presented 10 85
    Signatories to petitions 24 653 89 812
    Divisions 11 118

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 23 June to 10 August 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 10 August 2006 inclusive

      8 to 10 August 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 1 12
    private senators' bills 0 8
    Received from the House of Representatives 3 71
    Passed in the Senate 3 94
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 4
    Bills referred to committees 1 47
  • 8/2006 - 14 to 17 August

    Business conducted in the Senate - 14 to 17 August

    Government business 21%; General business 29%; Questions 13%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 34%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 45%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 11%; Other 1%
      14 to 17 August 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 29
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 13 mins 9 hrs 57 mins
    Longest sitting day 10 hrs 10 mins
    (16 August 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 26 mins
    (15 August 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 36 hrs 54 mins 288 hrs 35 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      14 to 17 August 2006 to date
    Government business 6 hrs 54 mins 121 hrs 35 mins
    General business 9 hrs 38 mins 76 hrs 46 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 12 mins 29 hrs 21 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 02 mins 7 hrs 21 mins
    Business of the Senate 11 hrs 14 mins 30 hrs 13 mins
    Other 0 hrs 5 mins 2 hrs 26 mins
    Adjournment debate 3 hrs 49 mins 20 hrs 53 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      14 to 17 August 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 83^ 968*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 81 552
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 28 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 20.3 19.7
    Petitions presented 13 98
    Signatories to petitions 123 628 213 440
    Divisions 19 137

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 11 August to 17 August 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 17 August 2006 inclusive

      14 to 17 August 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 1 13
    private senators' bills 2 10
    Received from the House of Representatives 8 79
    Passed in the Senate 5 99
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 4
    Bills referred to committees 2 49
  • 9/2006 - 4 to 7 September

    Business conducted in the Senate - 4 to 7 September

    Government business 33%; General business 32%; Questions 13%; MPI/Urgency 6%; Business of the Senate 9%; Other 6%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 44%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 11%; Other 2%
      4 to 7 September 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 33
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 05 mins 9 hrs 51 mins
    Longest sitting day 9 hrs 49 mins
    (6 September 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 00 mins
    (5 September 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 36 hrs 22 mins 324 hrs 57 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      4 to 7 September 2006 to date
    Government business 11 hrs 13 mins 132 hrs 48 mins
    General business 10 hrs 57 mins 87 hrs 43 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 16 mins 33 hrs 37 mins
    Urgency/MPI 2 hrs 11 mins 9 hrs 32 mins
    Business of the Senate 2 hrs 59 mins 33 hrs 12 mins
    Other 2 hrs 11 mins 4 hrs 37 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 35 mins 23 hrs 28 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      4 to 7 September 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 67^ 1035*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 77 629
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 32 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 19.3 19.7
    Petitions presented 7 105
    Signatories to petitions 4 912 218 352
    Divisions 25 162

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 18 August to 7 September 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 7 September 2006 inclusive

      4 to 7 September 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 1 14
    private senators' bills 1 11
    Received from the House of Representatives 5 84
    Passed in the Senate 7 106
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 4
    Bills referred to committees 1 50
  • 10/2006 - 11 to 14 September

    Business conducted in the Senate - 11 to 14 September

    Government business 50%; General business 30%; Questions 13%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 3%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 45%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 10%; Other 1%
      11 to 14 September 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 37
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 02 mins 9 hrs 46 mins
    Longest sitting day 9 hrs 56 mins
    (13 September 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 22 mins
    (12 September 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 36 hrs 08 mins 361 hrs 05 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      11 to 14 September 2006 to date
    Government business 16 hrs 16 mins 149 hrs 04 mins
    General business 9 hrs 52 mins 97 hrs 35 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 14 mins 37 hrs 51 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 01 min 10 hrs 33 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 56 mins 34 hrs 08 mins
    Other 0 hrs 05 mins 4 hrs 42 mins
    Adjournment debate 3 hrs 44 mins 27 hrs 12 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      11 to 14 September 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 9^ 1044*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 80 709
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 36 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 20 19.7
    Petitions presented 9 114
    Signatories to petitions 2 265 220 617
    Divisions 22 184

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 8 September to 14 September 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 14 September 2006 inclusive

      11 to 14 September 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 7 21
    private senators' bills 2 13
    Received from the House of Representatives 7 91
    Passed in the Senate 10 116
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 4
    Bills referred to committees 13 63
  • 11/2006 - 9 to 12 October

    Business conducted in the Senate - 9 to 12 October

    Government business 54%; General business 28%; Questions 12%; MPI/Urgency 6%; Business of the Senate 0%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 46%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 9%; Other 1%
      9 to 12 October 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 41
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 52 mins 9 hrs 46 mins
    Longest sitting day 10 hrs 30 mins
    (10 October 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 47 mins
    (9 October 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 39 hrs 26 mins 400 hrs 31 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      9 to 12 October 2006 to date
    Government business 19 hrs 51 mins 168 hrs 55 mins
    General business 10 hrs 03 mins 107 hrs 38 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 18 mins 42 hrs 09 mins
    Urgency/MPI 2 hrs 15 mins 12 hrs 48 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 0 mins 34 hrs 08 mins
    Other 0 hrs 04 mins 4 hrs 46 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 55 mins 30 hrs 07 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      9 to 12 October 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 66^ 1110*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 75 784
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 40 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 18.8 19.6
    Petitions presented 8 122
    Signatories to petitions 4 139 224 756
    Divisions 17 201

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 15 September to 12 October 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 12 October 2006 inclusive

      9 to 12 October 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0 21
    private senators' bills 1 14
    Received from the House of Representatives 12 103
    Passed in the Senate 7 123
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 0 4
    Bills referred to committees 4 67
    Restored to Notice Paper
    private senators' bills 1 1
  • 12/2006 - 16 to 19 October

    Business conducted in the Senate - 16 to 19 October

    Government business 45%; General business 34%; Questions 12%; MPI/Urgency 6%; Business of the Senate 3%; Other 0%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 46%; General business 29%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 4%; Business of the Senate 9%; Other 1%
      16 to 19 October 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 45
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 27 mins 9 hrs 44 mins
    Longest sitting day 10 hrs 46 mins
    (19 October 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 00 mins
    (17 October 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 37 hrs 48 mins 438 hrs 19 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      16 to 19 October 2006 to date
    Government business 15 hrs 42 mins 184 hrs 37 mins
    General business 11 hrs 49 mins 119 hrs 27 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 08 mins 46 hrs 17 mins
    Urgency/MPI 2 hrs 03 mins 14 hrs 51 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 57 mins 35 hrs 05 mins
    Other 0 hrs 07 mins 4 hrs 53 mins
    Adjournment debate 3 hrs 02 mins 33 hrs 09 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      16 to 19 October 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 30^ 1140*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 80 864
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 44 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 20 19.6
    Petitions presented 9 131
    Signatories to petitions 52 514 277 270
    Divisions 14 215

    ^ Questions placed on notice from13 October to 19 October 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 19 October 2006 inclusive

      16 to 19 October 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0 21
    private senators' bills 3 17
    Received from the House of Representatives 8 111
    Passed in the Senate 14 137
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 2 6
    Bills referred to committees 2 69
    Restored to Notice Paper
    private senators' bills 0 1
  • 13/2006 - 6 to 9 November

    Business conducted in the Senate - 6 to 9 November

    Government business 14%; General business 66%; Questions 10%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 7%; Other 1%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 43%; General business 33%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 4%; Business of the Senate 8%; Other 1%
      6 to 9 November 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 4 49
    Average length of a sitting day 10 hrs 44 mins 9 hrs 49 mins
    Longest sitting day 11 hrs 24 mins
    (6 November 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 10 hrs 10 mins
    (8 November 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 42 hrs 57 mins 481 hrs 16 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      6 to 9 November 2006 to date
    Government business 5 hrs 41 mins 190 hrs 18 mins
    General business 27 hrs 25 mins 146 hrs 52 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 06 mins 50 hrs 23 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 02 mins 15 hrs 53 mins
    Business of the Senate 2 hrs 43 mins 37 hrs 48 mins
    Other 0 hrs 18 mins 5 hrs 11 mins
    Adjournment debate 1 hr 42 mins 34 hrs 51 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      6 to 9 November 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 69^ 1209*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 84 948
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 48 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 21 19.8
    Petitions presented 9 140
    Signatories to petitions 854 278 124
    Divisions 20 235

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 20 October to 9 November 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 9 November 2006 inclusive

      6 to 9 November 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 0 21
    private senators' bills 2 19
    Received from the House of Representatives 6 117
    Passed in the Senate 12 149
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 1 7
    Bills referred to committees 3 72
    Restored to Notice Paper
    private senators' bills 0 1
  • 14/2006 - 27 November to 1 December

    Business conducted in the Senate - 27 November to 1 December

    Government business 68%; General business 22%; Questions 9%; MPI/Urgency 0%; Business of the Senate 0%; Other 1%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006 to date

    Government business 45%; General business 32%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 8%; Other 1%
      27 November to 1 December 2006 to date
    Number of sitting days 5 54
    Average length of a sitting day 9 hrs 43 mins 9 hrs 49 mins
    Longest sitting day 12 hrs 46 mins
    (30 November 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 7 hrs 07 mins
    (1 December 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 48 hrs 37 mins 529 hrs 53 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      27 November to 1 December 2006 to date
    Government business 30 hrs 48 mins 221 hrs 06 mins
    General business 10 hrs 02 mins 156 hrs 54 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 09 mins 54 hrs 32 mins
    Urgency/MPI 0 hrs 0 mins 15 hrs 53 mins
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 0 mins 37 hrs 48 mins
    Other 0 hrs 26 mins 5 hrs 37 mins
    Adjournment debate 3 hrs 12 mins 38 hrs 03 mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      27 November to 1 December 2006 to date
    Questions placed on notice 250^ 1459*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 79 1027
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 52 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 19.8 19.8
    Petitions presented 7 147
    Signatories to petitions 1419 279 543
    Divisions 29 264

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 10 November to 1 December 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 1 December 2006 inclusive

      27 November to 1 December 2006 to date
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 1 22
    private senators' bills 3 22
    Received from the House of Representatives 10 127
    Passed in the Senate 13 162
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 12 19
    Bills referred to committees 0 72
    Restored to Notice Paper
    private senators' bills 0 1
  • 15/2006 - 4 to 7 December

    Business conducted in the Senate - 4 to 7 December

    Government business 58%; General business 27%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 0%; Other 1%

    Business conducted in the Senate - 2006

    Government business 46%; General business 32%; Questions 11%; MPI/Urgency 3%; Business of the Senate 7%; Other 1%
      4 to 7 December 2006
    Number of sitting days 4 58
    Average length of a sitting day 10 hrs 25 mins 9 hrs 51 mins
    Longest sitting day 12 hrs 36 mins
    (7 December 2006)
    15 hrs 21 mins
    (30 March 2006)
    Shortest sitting day 8 hrs 58 mins
    (4 December 2006)
    6 hrs 50 mins
    (27 March 2006)
    Hours of sitting 41 hrs 39 mins 571 hrs 32 mins
    Business conducted in the Senate
      4 to 7 December 2006
    Government business 22 hrs 35 mins 243 hrs 41 mins
    General business 10 hrs 28 mins 167 hrs 22 mins
    Questions without notice 4 hrs 11 mins 58 hrs 43 mins
    Urgency/MPI 1 hr 08 mins 17 hrs 01 min
    Business of the Senate 0 hrs 0 mins 37 hrs 48 mins
    Other 0 hrs 22 mins 5 hrs 59 mins
    Adjournment debate 2 hrs 55 mins 40 hrs 58mins
    Questions, petitions, divisions
      4 to 7 December 2006
    Questions placed on notice 22^ 1481*
    Questions without notice (including supplementary questions) 84 1111
    Question time held on: 4 sitting days 56 sitting days
    Average daily number of questions without notice 21 19.8
    Petitions presented 14 161
    Signatories to petitions 4022 283 565
    Divisions 35 299

    ^ Questions placed on notice from 4 December to 7 December 2006 inclusive
    * Questions placed on notice from 10 December 2005 to 7 December 2006 inclusive

      4 to 7 December 2006
    Introduced in the Senate
    government bills 5 27
    private senators' bills 3 25
    Received from the House of Representatives 4 131
    Passed in the Senate 10 172
    Bills negatived 0 0
    Bills exempted from the 'cut-off' 3 22
    Bills referred to committees 28 100
    Restored to Notice Paper
    private senators' bills 0 1

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2930311 Other2 Other3 Other4
5 Both6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Other10 Senate11
12 Both13 Both14 Both15 Both16 Senate17 Other18
19 Other20 Other21 Other22 Senate23 Senate2425
26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other