
Number of divisions:
Divisions in the Senate: 117
Divisions in committee of the whole: 35
Total: 152
*Government in majority: 114
#Ayes and noes were equal and so the question was negatived: 16
Date Type Subject Govt Opp AG DLP FFP Ind
9/02/2011 Senate Address–in–reply—Proposed Opposition amendment* No Yes No   No No
9/02/2011 Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee—Reference No Yes No   Yes Yes
9/02/2011 Senate Environment—Murray–Darling Basin Authority* No No Yes   No Yes
10/02/2011 Senate Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010—AG second reading amendment* No No Yes   No No
10/02/2011 Senate Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010—Second reading No Yes No   Yes Yes
10/02/2011 Senate Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010—Third reading No Yes No   Yes Yes
10/02/2011 Senate Finance—Bank switching options for consumers—Opposition amendment* Yes Yes No   No No
10/02/2011 Senate Finance—Bank switching options for consumers—Government amendment* Yes Yes No   No No
10/02/2011 Senate Industry—Supermarket milk prices* No No Yes   Yes Yes
28/02/2011 Senate Proposed censure of Government* No Yes No   No No
28/02/2011 Senate Proposed suspension of standing orders* No No Yes   Yes Yes
28/02/2011 Senate Transport—Oil supplies* No No Yes   No
2/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010—AG Amendment* No No Yes   No
2/03/2011 Senate Health Insurance (Eligible Collection Centres) Approval Principles 2010—Proposed disallowance* No Yes No   No No
3/03/2011 Senate Protecting Children from/06/2011k Food Advertising (Broadcasting Amendment) Bill 2010—Second reading* No No Yes   No Yes
3/03/2011 Committee National Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2010—AG Amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
3/03/2011 Committee National Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2010—AG Amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
3/03/2011 Senate National Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2010—Third reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
21/03/2011 Senate Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and a related bill – Second reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
22/03/2011 Senate Women – Board appointments* No No Yes   No No
22/03/2011 Senate Economics References Committee – Proposed reference* No No Yes   No Yes
22/03/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – East Turkistan and Tibet* No No Yes   No Yes
22/03/2011 Senate Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and a related bill – Third reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
23/03/2011 Senate Schools Assistance Amendment (Financial Assistance) Bill 2011 – Third Reading* Yes Yes No   Yes Yes
23/03/2011 Senate National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010 [2011] and 2 related bills – Second reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
23/03/2011 Senate Administration – Government advertising – Proposed carbon tax No Yes No   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – AG second reading amendment* No No Yes   No No
24/03/2011 Senate Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – Xenophon second reading amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate Hours of meeting and routine of business – Variation* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate Environment – Tasmanian Forestry Negotiations report – Order for the production of document No Yes No   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate Taxation* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Senate Food processing sector – Establishment of a select committee No Yes No   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate Australian Learning and Teaching Council* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Senate Environment – Cattle grazing in the Alpine National Park# No Yes No   Yes No
24/03/2011 Senate Environment – Bilby habitat in Western Australia# Yes No Yes   No Yes
24/03/2011 Senate National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 and a related bill – Second reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 and a related bill – Motion that the committee report progress* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 – Clauses stand as printed (Opposition amendment)* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010* – Opposition amendment No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 – Question that the bill as amended be agreed to* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Motion that the committee report progress* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Government amendments* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendment to government amendment* No Yes No   No No
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Government amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Australian Greens/Senator Xenophon amendment to Government amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Government amendment* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures—Access Arrangements) Bill 2011 – Part 3 stand as printed* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
24/03/2011 Senate National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 and a related bill – Third reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
11/05/2011 Senate Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Provisional Voting) Bill 2011—Third reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
11/05/2011 Committee Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Enrolment and Prisoner Voting) Bill 2010—Opposition amendments# No Yes No   Yes No
11/05/2011 Senate Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Enrolment and Prisoner Voting) Bill 2010—Third reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
11/05/2011 Senate Environment and Communications References Committee—Proposed reference* No No Yes   No Yes
11/05/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs—Israel No Yes No   Yes Yes
11/05/2011 Senate Culture and the Arts—Efficiency dividend* No No Yes   No No
12/05/2011 Senate Defence—Cluster munitions* No No Yes   No Yes
12/05/2011 Committee Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010—Schedule 1, item 18 stand as printed* Yes No Yes   Yes No
12/05/2011 Committee Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010—Schedule 1, item 18 stand as printed—Question put again# Yes No Yes   Yes No
14/06/2011 Senate Productivity Commission – Establishment of a sovereign wealth fund – Proposed order for the production of documents* No No Yes   Yes Yes
14/06/2011 Senate Environment – Deep seabed mining* No No Yes   No Yes
15/06/2011 Senate Animal welfare – Live exports* No Yes No   Yes No
16/06/2011 Committee Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – Opp amendments# No Yes No   Yes No
16/06/2011 Committee Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – Opp amendment# No Yes No   Yes No
16/06/2011 Committee Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – Opp amendment# No Yes No   Yes No
16/06/2011 Senate Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Amendment (Fair Indexation) Bill 2010 – Third reading# No Yes No   Yes No
16/06/2011 Senate Environment – Tasmania – Tarkine wilderness* No No Yes   No Yes
16/06/2011 Senate Environment – Phosphates in laundry detergent* No No Yes   No Yes
16/06/2011 Senate Environment – DeforestACTION* No No Yes   No Yes
20/06/2011 Committee Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 5) Bill 2010 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No   No No
20/06/2011 Committee Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011 – AG amendment* No No Yes   No No
20/06/2011 Committee Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011 – Opp amendments* No Yes No   No No
20/06/2011 Senate Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Bill 2011 and related bills – Second reading* Yes No Yes   Yes Yes
20/06/2011 Committee Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Bill 2011 and related bills – Opposition amendments* No Yes No   No No
21/06/2011 Committee Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No   No No
21/06/2011 Senate Consideration of certain private senators’ bills* No Yes No   No No
21/06/2011 Senate Indigenous Australians – Northern Territory Emergency Response* No No Yes   No No
22/06/2011 Senate Carbon Tax Plebiscite Bill 2011 – Proposed suspension of standing orders# No Yes No   No Yes
22/06/2011 Senate Aged Care Amendment bill 2011 – Opposition second reading amendment# No Yes No   No Yes
22/06/2011 Senate National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment Regulations–Proposed disallowance# No Yes No   No Yes
23/06/2011 Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee – Proposed reference# No Yes No   No Yes
23/06/2011 Senate Radiation detection research* No No Yes   No Yes
23/06/2011 Senate Consideration of a private senator’s bill – Proposed suspension of standing orders# No Yes No   No Yes
23/06/2011 Committee Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 – AG amendment* No No Yes   No Yes
4/07/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – Libya, Syria and Bahrain – Student visas* No No Yes No   Yes
4/07/2011 Committee National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Home Loans and Credit Cards) Bill 2011 – Senator Xenophon amendment* No No No Yes   Yes
4/07/2011 Committee Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 – Schedule 1, items 3, 7 and 13 stand as printed* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
4/07/2011 Committee Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No Yes   No
4/07/2011 Senate Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011 – Third reading* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
5/07/2011 Senate Taxation – Proposed mining tax and carbon tax* No Yes No Yes   Yes
5/07/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – Boycotts of Israel – AG amendment to motion* No No Yes No   No
5/07/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – Boycotts of Israel – Senator Xenophon amendment to motion* No No Yes No   Yes
5/07/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – Boycotts of Israel* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
5/07/2011 Senate Social issues –/03/2011riage equality* No No Yes No   No
6/07/2011 Senate Carbon Credits (Carbon Faming Initiatinve) Bill 2011 – Opposition second reading amenment* No Yes No Yes   Yes
6/07/2011 Senate Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 – Xenephon second reading amendments* No Yes No Yes   Yes
6/07/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
6/07/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs – Baghdad – Abu Gharib prison* No No Yes No   Yes
6/07/2011 Senate Joint Standing Committee on Treaties – Proposed reference* No No Yes No   Yes
6/07/2011 Senate Environment – James Price Point, WA – Land clearing* No No Yes No   No
7/07/2011 Senate Australia Network tender process – Proposed order for the production of documents* No Yes No Yes   Yes
7/07/2011 Senate Live animal trade* No No Yes No   No
17/08/2011 Senate Compensation to Gunns Ltd—AG amendment* No No Yes No  
17/08/2011 Senate Compensation to Gunns Ltd* No Yes No Yes   No
18/08/2011 Senate Australian Capital Territory (Self–Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010—Opposition second reading amendment* No Yes No Yes   No
18/08/2011 Senate Australian Capital Territory (Self–Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010—Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
18/08/2011 Senate Australian Capital Territory (Self–Government) Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2010—Third reading* Yes No Yes No   Yes
18/08/2011 Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations References Committee—Proposed reference* No Yes No Yes   Yes
18/08/2011 Senate Education—Funding of non–government schools* No Yes No Yes   Yes
18/08/2011 Senate Senate—Allocation of questions without notice* No No Yes No   No
18/08/2011 Senate Environment—James Price Point, WA—Bilby colonies* No No Yes No   Yes
18/08/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   Yes
22/08/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Xenophon amendments* No Yes No No   Yes
22/08/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Xenophon amendments* No Yes No No   Yes
22/08/2011 Committeee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Xenophon amendments* No Yes No No   Yes
22/08/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Xenophon amendments* No Yes No No   Yes
22/08/2011 Committee Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011—Bill, as amended, be agreed to* Yes No Yes No   Yes
22/08/2011 Senate Act of grace payments—Order for the production of documents—AG amendment* Yes No Yes No   No
22/08/2011 Senate Proposed amendment to standing order 104 relating to the correction of divisions* No No Yes No   No
22/08/2011 Senate Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011 and 2 related bills—Third reading* Yes No Yes No   Yes
23/08/2011 Senate Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2010—Third reading* Yes No Yes Yes   Yes
24/08/2011 Committee Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Budget Measures) Bill 2010—Government amendments* Yes No Yes No   No
24/08/2011 Committee Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Budget Measures) Bill 2010—Bill, as amended, be agreed to* Yes No Yes No   No
25/08/2011 Senate Economics—Queensland—Townsville Enterprise Limited—AG amendments* Yes No Yes No   No
25/08/2011 Senate Environment—Proposed biomass power plant in Eden, New South Wales* No No Yes No   No
25/08/2011 Senate Access of protesters into the Australian Capital Territory and the parliamentary precinct* No No Yes No   No
25/08/2011 Senate Immigration—Processing of asylum seekers* No No Yes No   Yes
12/09/2011 Committee Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011–Committee to report progress* No Yes No Yes   Yes
12/09/2011 Committee Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011–Committee to report progress* No Yes No Yes   Yes
12/09/2011 Committee Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011–Schedule 2 stand as printed* Yes No Yes No   No
12/09/2011 Committee Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011 – AG amendment to Xenophon proposed request* No No Yes Yes   Yes
12/09/2011 Committee Veterans’ Entitlements Amendment Bill 2011 – Xenophon request* No No Yes Yes   Yes
13/09/2011 Senate Deportation of Mr Stefan Nystrom–Breach of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights* No No Yes No   No
13/09/2011 Senate Coal seam gas–Moratorium on approvals* No No Yes No   No
13/09/2011 Senate Global Boycott Divestments and Sanctions campaign–Max Brenner chocolate cafes* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
13/09/2011 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders–Motion moved by Senator Abetz* No Yes No Yes   Yes
13/09/2011 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2011 – Opp amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
14/09/2011 Committee Higher Education Support Amendment (Demand Driven Funding System and Other Measures) Bill 2011–Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
14/09/2011 Senate Appointment of new committee–Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Clean Energy Future Legislation* Yes No Yes No   No
14/09/2011 Senate Carbon tax and ‘Convoy of No Confidence’ rallies* No Yes No Yes   Yes
14/09/2011 Senate National Threatened Species Day* No No Yes No   No
14/09/2011 Senate Proposed visit by Mr Geert Wilders* No No Yes No   No
15/09/2011 Senate National Broadband Network Financial Transparency Bill 2010 (No. 2)–Second reading* No Yes No Yes   No
15/09/2011 Senate Japanese hunting of cetaceans* No No Yes No   No
19/09/2011 Committee Schools Assistance Amendment Bill 2011–Mason amendments* No Yes No Yes   Yes
20/09/2011 Senate General business–Microbreweries* No No Yes No   Yes
20/09/2011 Senate General business–Dispute between Gunns and Forestry Tasmania* No Yes No Yes   No
21/09/2011 Senate Variations–Days and hours of meeting and routine of business* Yes No Yes No   No
21/09/2011 Senate Proposed legislation relating to asylum seekers–Leader of the Opposition* No Yes No Yes   Yes
21/09/2011 Senate International Day of Peace* No No Yes No   Yes
21/09/2011 Senate Migration Amendment Regulations 2011 – proposed disallowance* No No Yes   Yes
22/09/2011 Senate Selection of Bills 13th report – amendment to adoption of report* No Yes No Yes   Yes
22/09/2011 Senate Administration–Tasmania–Forestry transition–proposed suspension of standing orders* No No Yes No   No
22/09/2011 Senate Australia’s Clean Energy Future Legislation Joint Select Committee – Administration of committee* No Yes No Yes   Yes
22/09/2011 Senate Foreign Affairs–Sri Lanka* No No Yes No   No
11/10/2011 Committee Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010–That the question be put* Yes No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Committee Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010–Bill stand as printed* Yes No Yes No   No
11/10/2011 Senate Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010–That the question be put* Yes No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Senate Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010–That the bill be read a third time* Yes No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Senate Container deposit scheme* No No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Senate Australia’s international refugee obligations* No No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Senate Palestine* No No Yes No   Yes
11/10/2011 Senate Consideration of private senators’ bills* No No Yes No   No
11/10/2011 Senate Equal marriage rights* No No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Variation–Hours of meeting and routine of business, Wednesday, 12/10/2011ober 2011–That the question be put* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Variation–Hours of meeting and routine of business, Wednesday, 12/10/2011ober 2011–Be agreed* Yes No Yes No   Yes
12/10/2011 Senate Exemption of the Clean Energy Bill 2011 and related bills, and the Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011–That the question be put* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Exemption of the Clean Energy Bill 2011 and related bills, and the Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011–Exemption from cut–off* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Censure motion – proposed suspension of standing orders* No Yes No Yes   Yes
12/10/2011 Senate General business–SIEV X* No No Yes No   Yes
12/10/2011 Senate General business–Expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine* No No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills be taken without formalities–Question be put* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Question be put* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Be taken together* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–First reading* Yes No Yes No   Yes
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Motion to suspend standing orders Macdonald* Yes No Yes No   Yes
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Suspension of standing orders Macdonald* No Yes No Yes   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Ludwig motion that the question now be put* Yes No Yes No   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Ronaldson motion to suspend standing orders* No Yes No Yes   No
12/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Motion to adjust second reading* Yes No Yes No   No
13/10/2011 Senate Proposed suspension of standing orders–Senator Abetz* No Yes No Yes   No
13/10/2011 Committee Auditor–General Amendment Bill 2011–Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
13/10/2011 Senate Treaties – Leave to meet during sitting* Yes No Yes No   Yes
13/10/2011 Senate Reference to the Environment and Communications References Committee–Senator Milne* No No Yes No   Yes
13/10/2011 Senate Australian Building and Construction Commission–Senator Abetz* No Yes No Yes   No
13/10/2011 Senate Immigration – Border security – question be now put No Yes Yes Yes  
13/10/2011 Senate Immigration – Border security* No Yes No Yes  
13/10/2011 Senate Ruling of President – dissent – Senator Macdonald* No Yes No Yes  
31/10/2011 Senate Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011 – proceed without formalities* Yes No Yes No   Yes
31/10/2011 Senate Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011 – first reading* Yes No Yes No   Yes
31/10/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bill 2011 and related bills – Consideration – Proposed suspension of standing orders* No Yes No Yes   Yes
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 471* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 481* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notce of motion no. 482* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 487* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 495* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 489–Siewert amendment* No No Yes No   No
31/10/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 489–Motion be agreed to* No Yes No Yes   No
31/10/2011 Senate Urgency motion–Afghanistan campaign* No No Yes No   No
1/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 491–Weapons* No No Yes No   Yes
1/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 502–West Papua* No No Yes Yes   Yes
2/11/2011 Senate Bob Brown amendment to Abetz amendment–Goventment business notice on notion no. 2* No No Yes No   No
2/11/2011 Senate Abetz amendment to Ludwig's motion be agreed to–Government business notice of motion no. 2* No Yes No Yes  
2/11/2011 Senate Motion moved by Senator Ludwig be agreed to–Chair of Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee* Yes No Yes No  
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 510* No No Yes No  
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no.517* No No Yes No  
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 521–Amendments be agreed to* No Yes No Yes  
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 521–Be agreed to* No No Yes No  
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 507–Greens amendment* No No Yes No   No
2/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 507–Be agreed to* No Yes No Yes  
3/11/2011 Senate Government businss notice of motion no.3–Variation hours of meeting and routine business* Yes No Yes No  
3/11/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bill 2011 and 17 related bills–Second reading* Yes No Yes No   No
7/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bill 2011 – Opp/Xenophon amendment* No Yes No Yes   Yes
7/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bill 2011 and 17 related bills – committee to report progress* No Yes No Yes   Yes
8/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bills–Suspension of standing orders Evans* Yes No Yes No   No
8/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bills–Suspension of standing orders Abetz* No Yes No Yes   Yes
8/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bills–Amendments 1+2 on sheet 7173 be agreed to* No Yes No Yes   Yes
8/11/2011 Committee Clean Energy Bills–Be agreed to without amendments* Yes No Yes No   No
8/11/2011 Senate Clean Energy Bills–Final stahes be agreed to and the bills be now passed* Yes No Yes No   No
9/11/2011 Senate Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011 – AG second reading amendment* No No Yes No  
9/11/2011 Senate Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011 – second reading* Yes No Yes No  
9/11/2011 Senate Steel Transformation Plan Bill 2011 – Remaining stages* Yes No Yes No  
9/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 546* No No Yes No   No
9/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 533* No No Yes No   No
9/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no.547* No No Yes No   No
9/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 548* No No Yes No   No
9/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 550* No No Yes No   No
10/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 534* No Yes No Yes  
10/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 557* No No Yes No   No
10/11/2011 Senate Trade/03/2011ks Amendment (Tobacco Plan Packaging) Bill 2011 – second reading* Yes No Yes Yes  
21/11/2011 Senate Government notice of motion no. 1 – Routine of business* Yes No Yes No   No
21/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 3 – Greens amendment* No No Yes No   No
21/11/2011 Committee Social security and other legislation amendment bill 2011 – stand as printed* Yes Yes No Yes   No
21/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 561* No No Yes Yes   Yes
21/11/2011 Senate Urgency motion –/03/2011riage equality* No No Yes No   No
21/11/2011 Committee National Health Reform Amendment (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No Yes   Yes
21/11/2011 Committee National Health Reform Amendment (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) Bill 2011 – Xenophon amendment* No No No Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 1* No No Yes Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 562* No No Yes No   No
22/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 575* No No Yes No   No
22/11/2011 Senate Proposed suspension of standing orders* No Yes No Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 – second reading* Yes No Yes No   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 –  remaining stages agreed to* Yes No Yes No   No
22/11/2011 Senate Aviation Transport Security Amendment (Air Cargo) Bill 2011 – Xenophon amendment* No No No Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Participants in British Nuclear Tests) Bill 2011 – Xenophon and Ludlam second reading amendment* No No Yes Yes   Yes
22/11/2011 Senate Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Participants in British Nuclear Tests) Bill 2011 – Xenophon request for amendment* No No No Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate Taxation – Proposed mining tax – Proposed suspension of standing orders* No Yes No Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate Business of the Senate notice of motion no.1 – Reference to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee* No Yes No Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 579 – Uranium* No Yes No Yes   No
23/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 586 – Order for production of documents* No Yes No Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 581 – Polish independence* No Yes No Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 585 – Tertiary education sector* No No Yes No   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 576 – Free trade agreement* No No Yes Yes   Yes
23/11/2011 Committee Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendment* No Yes No Yes   No
23/11/2011 Committee Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   No
23/11/2011 Committee Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011 – Sections to stand as printed* Yes No Yes No   Yes
23/11/2011 Committee Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011 – That the bill be agreed to* Yes No Yes No   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011 – Remaining stages* Yes No Yes No   Yes
23/11/2011 Senate Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 8) Bill 2011 – That a Schedule stand as printed* Yes No Yes No   Yes
24/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 580 – West Papua* No No Yes Yes   No
24/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 596 – Iran exiles in Iraq* No No Yes Yes   No
24/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 582 – Establishment of a select committee on the Australia Network service* No Yes No Yes  
24/11/2011 Senate General business notice of motion no. 599 – Tasmanian timber heritage* No Yes No Yes  
24/11/2011 Senate Proposed censure* No No Yes No  
24/11/2011 Committee Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No No   No
24/11/2011 Committee Work Health and Safety (Transitional and consequential Provisions) Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No No   No
24/11/2011 Senate Corporations (Fees) Amendment Bill 2011 – second reading amendment* No Yes No Yes   Yes
24/11/2011 Senate Auditor–General Amendment Bill 2011 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   Yes
24/11/2011 Senate Auditor–General Amendment Bill 2011 – remaining stages* Yes No Yes No   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Days of meeting* Yes No Yes No   No
25/11/2011 Committee Competition and Consumer Bill 2011–Xenophon amendments* No No No Yes   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010 – Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 – Stand as printed* Yes No Yes Yes   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011 – Second reading* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011–Third reading* Yes Yes No Yes   Yes
25/11/2011 Senate Suspension of standing orders* No No Yes No   Yes

Parliament House Calendar

January 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
78 Senate91011 Senate1213
14151617 House of Representatives18 Senate1920
21 Senate22 Other23 Other24252627
28 Other29 Other30 Other31 Senate123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other