
Number of divisions:
Divisions in the Senate: 117
Divisions in committee of the whole: 35
Total: 152
*Government in majority: 114
#Ayes and noes were equal and so the question was negatived: 16
Date Type Subject Govt Opp AG FFP Ind
2/02/2010 Senate Proposed suspension of Standing Orders* No No Yes No Yes
2/02/2010 Senate Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment Bill 2009 - Xenophon/AG second reading amendment* No No Yes No Yes
3/02/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - China - Death penalty* No No Yes Yes Yes
3/02/2010 Senate Immigration - Tamil asylum seekers* No No Yes No Yes
3/02/2010 Senate Environment - Boobook Declaration for biodiversity protection* No No Yes No Yes
4/02/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - West Papua - Mr Viktor Kaisiepo* No No Yes No Yes
4/02/2010 Senate Law and Justice - International students - Safety and welfare* No No Yes Yes Yes
4/02/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - President of the United States of America - Dalai Lama* No No Yes No Yes
4/02/2010 Committee Education Services for Overseas Students (Re-registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009 - Opp amendment No Yes No Yes Yes
4/02/2010 Committee Education Services for Overseas Students (Re-registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009 - Xenophon/AG amendment No Yes Yes Yes Yes
22/02/2010 Senate Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2010 and 10 related bills - Motion that the bills proceed without formalities# Yes No Yes No Yes
22/02/2010 Committee Education Services for Overseas Students (Re-registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009 - Motion that the committee not insist on the amendments to which the House has disagreed* Yes Yes No No No
23/02/2010 Senate Australian Greens motion censuring the Government - Opp amendment# No Yes No Yes No
23/02/2010 Senate Australian Greens motion to censure the Government No Yes Yes Yes Yes
24/02/2010 Senate Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2010 and 10 related bills - Proposed exemption from the cut-off# Yes No Yes No Yes
24/02/2010 Senate AG motion to suspend standing orders to give precedence to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010* No No Yes No Yes
24/02/2010 Senate Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge) Bill 2009 [No. 2] - AG second reading amendment* No No Yes No No
24/02/2010 Senate Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives (Medicare Levy Surcharge) Bill 2009 [No. 2] and a related bill - second reading Yes No Yes No No
24/02/2010 Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy - Variation of appointment No Yes No Yes Yes
24/02/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - China - Mr Liu Xiaobo* No No Yes No Yes
24/02/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Dalai Lama* No No Yes No Yes
25/02/2010 Senate Industry - Industrial manslaughter* No No Yes Yes Yes
25/02/2010 Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee - Proposed reference* No No Yes Yes Yes
25/02/2010 Senate Economics Legislation Committee -Proposed reference* No Yes No Yes No
25/02/2010 Senate Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009 - Second reading* No No Yes No No
9/03/2010 Senate Hours of meeting and routine of business - Variation - AG amendment* No No Yes No Yes
9/03/2010 Senate Economics - Home builders warranty insurance* No No Yes No Yes
9/03/2010 Senate Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2009 [No.2] - Second reading# Yes No Yes No -
10/03/2010 Committee Australian Centre for Renewable Energy Bill 2009 - AG amendments* No No Yes No Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Suspension of standing orders* No Yes No No No
10/03/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Burma - Human rights* No No Yes No Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Dalai Lama* No No Yes No Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Law and Justice - Australian Federal Police search of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ships - Proposed order for the production of documents* No No Yes Yes Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - West Papua self determination* No No Yes No Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Law and Justice - Trial of anti-whaling activists in Japan* No No Yes Yes Yes
10/03/2010 Senate Law and Justice - Compliance with certain International Labour Organisation conventions* No No Yes No No
11/03/2010 Senate Defence - Afghanistan - Australian Defence Force operation* No No Yes No Yes
11/03/2010 Senate Finance - Automated teller machines - Fees* No No Yes Yes Yes
11/03/2010 Senate National Health Determinations - Disallowance No Yes No Yes Yes
11/03/2010 Senate Economics References Committee - Proposed reference* No No Yes No Yes
15/03/2010 Senate Food Importation (Bovine Meat Standards) Bill 2010 - Motion that the question be now put No Yes Yes Yes Yes
15/03/2010 Senate Food Importation (Bovine Meat Standards) Bill 2010 - Second reading No Yes Yes Yes Yes
15/03/2010 Senate Food Importation (Bovine Meat Standards) Bill 2010 - Third reading No Yes Yes Yes Yes
16/03/2010 Committee Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009 - AG amendment to Govt amendments* No No Yes Yes Yes
16/03/2010 Committee Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Bill 2009 - Senator Xenophon amendment* No No Yes Yes Yes
16/03/2010 Committee Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Bill 2009 - Senator Xenophon amendment* No No Yes Yes Yes
17/03/2010 Committee Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support for Students) Bill 2009 [No.2] - Opp amendment to Govt amendment# No Yes No Yes No
17/03/2010 Senate Law and Justice - Illegal whaling* No No Yes Yes Yes
18/03/2010 Senate Administration - Political advertising* No No Yes Yes Yes
18/03/2010 Senate Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty* No No Yes Yes Yes
18/03/2010 Senate Economics References Committee - Proposed reference* No No Yes No Yes
11/05/2010 Senate Environment - Protection of the Millewa forests* No No Yes No Yes
11/05/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Proposed US House of Representatives resolution on the removal of US armed forces from Afghanistan* No No Yes No Yes
12/05/2010 Committee Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 1) Bill 2010 - AG amendment* No No Yes Yes Yes
12/05/2010 Committee Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 1) Bill 2010 - AG amendment* No No Yes No Yes
12/05/2010 Senate Immigration - Asylum claims - Sri Lanka and Afghanistan* No No Yes No Yes
12/05/2010 Senate Immigration - Boat arrivals - Review of protocol* No No Yes Yes Yes
12/05/2010 Senate Transport - Australian east coast - Feasibility of a high speed rail network* No No Yes Yes Yes
13/05/2010 Senate Environment - Global population* No No Yes No Yes
13/05/2010 Senate Environment - Offshore petroleum exploration - Margaret River* No No Yes No Yes
15/06/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Development aid* No No Yes No Yes
16/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010 - AG requests for amendments* No No Yes No -
16/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010 - AG requests for amendments* No No Yes No -
16/06/2010 Senate Days and Hours of Meeting and Routine of Business - Proposed Variation Yes No Yes No -
16/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No Yes -
16/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments opposing certain clauses etc# Yes No Yes No -
17/06/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Gaza - Blockade* No No Yes No -
17/06/2010 Senate Immigration - World Refugee Day 2010* No No Yes No -
17/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010 - AG amendments* No No Yes No -
17/06/2010 Committee Paid Parental (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2010 - Part 1 of Schedule 2 stand as printed Yes No Yes No -
21/06/2010 Senate Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - AG second reading amendment* No No Yes No -
21/06/2010 Senate Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform and Reinstatement of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009 - AG second reading amendment* No No Yes No No
21/06/2010 Senate Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform and Reinstatement of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2009 - Second reading* Yes Yes No Yes Yes
22/06/2010 Senate Proposed suspension of standing orders* No No Yes Yes Yes
22/06/2010 Senate Environment - Renewable energy* No No Yes No Yes
22/06/2010 Senate Transport - Vehicle fuel efficiency standards* No No Yes No Yes
22/06/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Vice President of the People’s Republic of China* No No Yes No -
22/06/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Dalai Lama and Tibet* No No Yes No -
22/06/2010 Senate Environment - Adelaide water supply* No No Yes No -
22/06/2010 Senate Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2010 [No. 2] - Second reading No Yes No Yes Yes
22/06/2010 Senate Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2010 [No. 2] - Remaining stages be agreed to and the bill be passed No Yes No Yes Yes
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - AG amendments* No No Yes No -
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments# No Yes No Yes No
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - Opposition amendment* No Yes No No No
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - Items 111 and 112 stand as printed* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - Senator Xenophon amendment# No Yes No No Yes
23/06/2010 Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee - Appearance of President of Fair Work Australia at hearings Yes No Yes No -
23/06/2010 Senate Mandatory requirement for last resort builders home warranty insurance* No No Yes Yes -
23/06/2010 Committee Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments No Yes No Yes Yes
24/06/2010 Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee - AG amendment to proposed reference Yes No Yes No No
24/06/2010 Senate Taxation - ‘Robin Hood tax’* No No Yes No No
29/09/2010 Senate Environment — Radioactive waste* No No Yes No No
29/09/2010 Senate Immigration detention* No No Yes No Yes
30/09/2010 Senate Industry — Australian Building and Construction Industry# No Yes No Yes No
30/09/2010 Senate Indigenous Australians — Proposed acquisition of land at James Price Point in the Kimberley* No No Yes No Yes
25/10/2010 Senate Consideration of the Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2010) No No Yes No Yes
25/10/2010 Senate Tobacco advertising* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
26/10/2010 Senate Environment—Proposed mining tax—Order for the production of documents No Yes No Yes Yes
26/10/2010 Senate Environment—Emission reductions* No No Yes No Yes
28/10/2010 Senate Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee—Proposed amendment to reference No Yes No Yes No
28/10/2010 Senate Environment—Santos and British Gas coal seam gas projects—Amendment to motion* Yes Yes No Yes Yes
28/10/2010 Senate Environment—Santos and British Gas coal seam gas projects—Amendment to motion* Yes Yes No No No
28/10/2010 Senate Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee—Proposed amendment to reference (recommittal of vote)# No Yes No Yes No
15/11/2010 Senate Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly* No No Yes No -
16/11/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - Tibet* No No Yes No Yes
16/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders - Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010 and message no. 38 from the House of Representatives# No Yes No Yes No
17/11/2010 Committee Australian National Preventive Health Agency Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
17/11/2010 Senate Taxation -  GST Agreement - Order for the production of documents No Yes No Yes Yes
17/11/2010 Senate Environment - Non-biodegradable plastic bags* No No Yes No Yes
17/11/2010 Senate Foreign Affairs - China - Mr Liu Xiaobo* No No Yes No Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation ) Bill 2010 - Motion to give precedence# Yes No Yes No Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Communications - National Broadband Network - Order for the production of documents - That paragraph (c) be agreed to No Yes No Yes Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Environment - Greenhouse trigger* No No Yes No Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Environment - Climate change* No No Yes No Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Suspension of standing orders to allow for debate on a motion relating to an order for the production of documents concerning the NBN No Yes No Yes Yes
18/11/2010 Senate Motion relating to an order for the production of documents concerning the National Broadband Network* No Yes No No No
22/11/2010 Senate National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Bill 2010 - Opposition second reading amendment* No Yes No No No
22/11/2010 Committee Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
23/11/2010 Senate Health - GST Agreement - Proposed variation - Order for production of documents No Yes No Yes Yes
23/11/2010 Senate Economics References Committee - Proposed reference* No No Yes Yes -
24/11/2010 Senate Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Second reading* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
24/11/2010 Senate Environment - Tasmanian forests# Yes No Yes No Yes
24/11/2010 Senate Communications - National Broadband Network - Proposed order for production of documents# No Yes No Yes No
24/11/2010 Senate Environment - Global carbon budget* No No Yes No Yes
24/11/2010 Senate Suspension of standing orders - Closure of debate* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
24/11/2010 Senate Suspension of standing orders* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Suspension of standing orders* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to give precedence to a motion to vary the hours - Closure* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to give precedence to a motion to vary the hours* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Brandis to take note of a response by the President - Closure* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Brandis to take note of a response by the President* No Yes No No No
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to vary the hours of meeting and routine of business - Closure* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to vary the hours of meeting and routine of business* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Brandis to move an amendment to the motion to vary the hours of meeting - Closure* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Brandis to move an amendment to the motion to vary the hours of meeting* No Yes No No No
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Macdonald to take note of a ruling by the President - Closure* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Senate Motion to suspend standing orders to allow Senator Macdonald to take note of a ruling by the President* No Yes No No No
25/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
25/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Items stand as printed* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
25/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
25/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Australian Greens amendment* Yes No Yes No Yes
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Australian Greens amendment (Recommittal of vote)# Yes No Yes No Yes
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments# No Yes No Yes No
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Australian Greens amendment* No No Yes No Yes
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Closure on motion to suspend standing orders to move to extend the committee stage* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Motion to suspend standing orders to move to extend the committee stage* No Yes No No No
26/11/2010 Committee Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Opposition amendments* No Yes No No No
26/11/2010 Senate Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Motion to suspend standing orders* No Yes No No No
26/11/2010 Senate Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Motion to suspend standing orders to allow further debate on the bill* No Yes No No No
26/11/2010 Senate Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2010 - Remaining stages and bill be passed* Yes No Yes Yes Yes
26/11/2010 Senate Extradition (United Arab Emirates) Regulations 2010 - Proposed disallowance* No No Yes No -

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December 2020

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