Attendance of senators in divisions—2010

Number of divisions:
Divisions in the Senate: 117
Divisions in committee of the whole: 35
Total: 152
Senator Senate Committee
Abetz 45 12
Hogg 60 16
Adams 88 21
Humphries 60 24
Arbib 52 12
Hurley 102 21
Back 95 19
Hutchins 82 18
Barnett 76 24
Johnston 58 15
Bernardi 93 28
Joyce 52 23
Bilyk 112 35
Kroger 66 23
Birmingham 63 27
Ludlam 116 35
Bishop 107 25
Ludwig 102 25
Boswell 68 24
Lundy 94 30
Boyce 78 26
Macdonald 65 20
Brandis 52 21
McEwen 113 34
Brown, C L 99 30
McGauran 61 22
Brown, R J 117 35
McLucas 101 34
Bushby 82 25
Marshall 110 35
Cameron 111 34
Mason 53 24
Carr 48 15
Milne 116 35
Cash 83 30
Minchin 44 21
Colbeck 96 31
Moore 116 35
Collins 93 27
Nash 93 23
Conroy 48 17
O Brien 62 16
Coonan 52 21
Parry 116 35
Cormann 90 21
Payne 55 14
Crossin 101 35
Polley 99 30
Eggleston 20 10
Pratt 112 34
Evans 20 11
Ronaldson 55 13
Farrell 102 22
Ryan 79 24
Faulkner 46 12
Scullion 58 25
Feeney 110 33
Sherry 57 15
Ferguson 82 26
Siewert 117 35
Fielding 117 35
Stephens 77 32
Fierravanti-Wells 60 25
Sterle 103 32
Fifield 88 27
Troeth 103 30
Fisher 73 27
Trood 66 26
Forshaw 102 30
Williams 83 31
Furner 109 35
Wong 34 19
Hanson-Young 109 32
Wortley 114 32
Heffernan 48 14
Xenophon 104 28

Parliament House Calendar

March 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
25262728291 Other2
3 Senate4 Other5 Other6 Senate7 Senate89
1011 Other12 Other13 Senate14 Senate15 Other16
17 Both18 Both19 Both20 Both21 Senate22 Other23
24 Both25 Both26 Both27 Senate2829 Senate30
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other