General statistics—2011

  Autumn Budget/Winter Spring Total
Number of sitting days 11 14 31 56
Hours of sitting 115 hrs 50 mins 125 hrs 49 mins 316 hrs 21 mins 558 hrs
Average length of a sitting day 10 hrs 32 mins 8 hrs 59 mins 10 hrs 12 mins 9 hrs 58 mins
Longest sitting day 22 hrs 34 mins
(24 and 25 March)
10 hrs 48 mins
(23 June)
12 hrs 09 mins (24 November) N/A
Shortest sitting day 4 hrs 34 mins
(1 March)
7 hrs 04 mins
(10 May)
7 hrs 41 mins (16 August) N/A
Questions placed on notice 194
(1/1 - 25/3)
(28/3 - 7/7)
(8/7 - 31/12)
Questions without notice* 261 370 822 1453
Question time held on: 10 sitting days 13 sitting days 30 sitting days 53 sitting days
Average daily number of questions without notice* 26.1 28.5 27.4 27.4
Petitions presented 12 15 27 54
Signatories to petitions 18 628 24 099 8 845 51 572
Delegated legislation - Notices of motion for disallowance:
Given 0 1 5 6
Agreed to 0 0 0 0
Negatived 1 1 1 3
Withdrawn 4 0 3 7
Still before the Senate 0 0 1 1
Statements by the President, Deputy President and the Chair of Committees 3 1 9 13
Ministerial statements 7 13 17 37
Matters of public importance 8 7 17 32
Urgency motions 0 0 2 2
Principal motions agreed to 24 20 63 107
Condolence motions 6 4 5 15
Censure motions 1 0 2 3
Orders for the production of documents 5 3 13 21
Government responses to committee reports 14 23 28 65
Divisions 50 52 175 277

* Includes supplementary questions.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2829301 Both2 Other3 Other4
5 Other6 Other7 Other8 Other9 Other10 Other11
121314 Senate15 Other16 Senate1718
1920 Other21 Other22 Other232425
26 Public holiday27 Public holiday2829 Both30 Senate311
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other