Chapter 2
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
This chapter contains the key issues discussed during the 2009-2010
budget estimates hearings for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
portfolio. A complete list of all the topics discussed, and relevant page
numbers, can be found at appendix 3.
The committee heard evidence from the department on Monday 25 May and
Tuesday 26 May 2009. The hearing was conducted in the following order:
Corporate Services/Corporate Finance/Corporate Policy
Land and Water Australia
Wheat Exports Australia
Meat and Livestock Australia
Climate Change
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Sustainable Resource Management
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Trade and Market Access
Quarantine and Biosecurity Policy Unit
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Biosecurity Australia
Australian Wool Innovation
Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Agricultural Productivity
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Grains Research and Development Corporation
Bureau of Rural Sciences
Secretary's overview
In his opening remarks to the committee, the secretary, Dr Conall
O'Connell, sought to clarify aspects of the department's budget for 2009-10. He
indicated that drought funding estimates have been revised downward by $433
million due to a decrease in the number of areas that are Exceptional
Circumstances (EC) declared. He explained that the budget papers can appear to
show a greater reduction, as funds previously recorded in this portfolio for EC
interest rate subsidies are now accounted for by the Treasury as part of the
financial relations reforms stemming from the COAG agreement.[1]
Biosecurity funding has been received for a number of lapsing programs,
pending the government's consideration of reforms to the biosecurity framework
proposed by the Beale review. The 40 percent subsidy of AQIS fees and charges
provided to the agricultural export industry is due to expire as scheduled at
the end of 2008-09, equating to $37.4 million. Fees for 2009-10 are under
discussion with industry clients.[2]
The government has decided to cease funding for Land and Water Australia
(LWA), providing savings of $6.3 million in 2009-10 and $13 million in each of
the out years. Funding has been reduced by $3 million per year for the Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC).[3]
The department is subject to a 3.25 percent efficiency dividend,
amounting to $5.935 million. This year the department has also been asked to
find further efficiencies of $800,000 in relation to information technology
spending as a result of the Gershon review. In addition, the department is
subject to a savings measure of $3.4 million, equating to 1.2 percent of the
department's departmental appropriation. This will require a reduction in
departmental and agency running costs. To manage outcomes within its
appropriation while maintaining the department in a financially secure
position, it is estimated that staffing levels may need to decrease by about
six percent, or 250 ASL.[4]
Corporate Services/Corporate Finance/Corporate Policy
The committee began by expressing concern about the level of cuts to the
department's budget for 2009-2010, in particular the application of the 1.2
percent savings measures in addition to the 3.25 percent efficiency dividend.
The Minister indicated that he considered there had been a range of both
inadvertent and deliberate misrepresentations about the size of the budget
cuts. The Secretary added that most other departments also had savings
The committee was interested in the impact of the savings measures on
staffing levels, estimated to decrease by six percent, equivalent to 250 staff.
The secretary indicated that no decisions have been taken on how this will be
managed. The department is currently assessing priorities, taking into account
statutory requirements, government priorities and other needs. The secretary
emphasised that any changes to staffing levels will not come from the
frontline, that is, AQIS, quarantine and export staff.[6]
He explained that:
it is our intention to achieve changes to staffing levels
primarily through managing normal turnover and placing staff in suitable
positions within the department or, if necessary, other departments. We will
minimise reliance on voluntary redundancies and there should be no need for an
open offer of voluntary redundancies. It is also our aim to achieve no
involuntary redundancies.[7]
In addition, a freeze has been placed on next year's graduate program of
approximately 60 positions.[8]
The committee questioned the rationale behind the decision to abolish LWA,
given its importance as a central research organisation. In response, the
Minister stated that:
A great deal has changed since Land and Water was established
over 20 years ago. Natural resource management is now a mainstream issue for
government, the community and the R&D network generally. Land and Water
Australia has played an important role in progressing innovative responses to
natural resource management issues and it, rightly and justly, is proud of its
contribution. Land and Water Australia has created momentum that is now being
carried forward by major natural resource management programs funded by the
government, including the $2.25 billion Caring for our Country program, the $13
billion water reform and the $130 million investment program Australia Farming
Future initiative. This was a policy decision taken as part of the budget and
the government stands by the decision to end this program.[9]
The committee was interested in the impact of the decision on existing
contracts. The department indicated that LWA will receive an appropriation this
year of $6.7 million, firstly, to wind-up the organisation itself and, secondly,
to enable transition to occur in relation to key research programs managed by
LWA. It is anticipated that a number of programs will be continued, including
the Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries (CCRSPI); Managing
Climate Variability; Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge (TRaCK); the
National Program for Sustainable Irrigation; and the Australian Agriculture and
Natural Resources Online (AANRO) facility. The committee was informed that
negotiations to identify new hosts for these programs are underway at the
moment. The Minister has asked LWA to identify which programs and projects may
possibly be continued and which may be modified or transferred to another
agency to manage.[10]
The committee raised concerns that some of the initiatives mentioned by
the Minister as replacement programs for those managed by LWA, such as Caring
for Country (see paragraph 2.10 above) are not research-based. The department
pointed out that:
there now exist a significant number of bodies with a policy
and research interest in land and water issues which exist now but did not
exist at the time Land and Water Australia was established. And they are to
varying degrees purchasers and in some cases conductors of research.[11]
The committee also highlighted LWA's important role in carrying out a
range of projects around natural resource management and in relation to
knowledge brokering. The committee questioned who would now assume
responsibility for networking and liaising between all research organisations.
The department indicated that it is working through those issues with LWA at
the moment.[12]
The committee also sought information about:
rationale for removing drought-related payments to the states
from the department to Treasury (Proof Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2009, pp
explanation of the application of the efficiency dividend and
specific savings measures (pp 16–20);
Gershon review and cuts to IT spending; contract with new IT
service provider (pp 20–22); and
administrative support for Minister's video on the departmental
website (pp 31–33).
Land and Water Australia (LWA)
In his opening statement, the Executive Director, Dr Michael Robinson,
indicated that while the LWA board accepts the government's decision to abolish
the corporation and is committed to managing the wind-up of the organisation as
professionally as possible, they are
deeply disappointed at the government's decision to abolish
Land and Water Australia and reduce government investment in research and
The committee sought information about the projects LWA is currently
running either on its own or in partnership with other research organisations
or industry groups and legal liability in relation to funding agreements. LWA
indicated that it has about 120 research projects on its books and it has given
in-principle commitment to another 26. LWA is about to begin an assessment of each
project as to its relative priority and make a judgement, according to its
budget, as to what will continue in what form. The 26 projects will be assessed
according to the stage of negotiations they have reached. Some have already
signed a contract while others are at earlier stages in the process.[14]
The committee asked whether there had been any formal undertaking from
the government in relation to the future of the Climate Change Research
Strategy for Primary Industries (CCRSPI). The department indicated that the
Minister has made it clear that CCRSPI is a priority, with the department
expected to play a role in ensuring it is maintained and continues. LWA
explained that the CCRSPI steering committee recently met to find a new
managing agent. LWA continued:
All of the partners, which include all the RDCs and PISC
agencies, the Commonwealth and CSIRO, have reiterated their commitment to
continuing CCRSPI but it is a matter of finding a managing agent who has the
independence and partnership brokering role that we have played to carry on the
role in the same way. That is the process we are working through.[15]
The committee also pursued the following matters:
rationale for abolishing LWA and cutting research funding for
agriculture (Proof Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2009, pp 34 and
estimated number of job losses and loss of research capacity if
current projects do not go ahead (pp 38, 39–40, 41–42 and 44);
timeframe for the process to determine the future of programs and
projects currently managed by LWA (p. 42);
cost of termination of building lease (pp 43–44); and
breakdown of funding allocation for winding-up LWA (pp 47–49).
LWA was also discussed with the departmental executive under the section
on Corporate Services/Corporate Finance/Corporate Policy at paragraphs 2.10–2.13.
Wheat Exports Australia (WEA)
The committee sought an assessment of the first year's operation of the
new deregulated market. WEA responded that 'the system had gone about as well
as it could do'. There are now 23 accredited exporters and a majority of those
have been actively exporting grain. Feedback provided to WEA indicates that
people within the industry are 'generally fairly comfortable' with the
accreditation scheme.[16]
WEA considers that all of the companies it has a close association with
through the accreditation scheme have been performing 'well and creditably'.
WEA observed that while the accreditation process is rigorous and difficult,
some of the smaller or medium-sized companies have actually improved their
systems, such as governance, risk management or credit facilities, as a result
of the accreditation process. WEA pointed out that there have been some
teething problems, particularly at the ports, however, the bulk handlers have
responded 'very openly and well'.[17]
WEA informed the committee that, since deregulation, a number of
companies have established new markets in countries such as Rwanda, Mozambique
and Israel. While quantities have been small, WEA sees this as an encouraging
The committee was also interested in the impact of deregulation on wheat
exporting costs. WEA advised that overall, bulk cargo rates have come down by
95 percent.[19]
WEA emphasised that the prime issue to be addressed at present is the
access undertaking process, which is due to come into effect on 1 October 2009.
Providers of export port terminal services need to have an access undertaking
if they wish to be accredited. To date, three major bodies have submitted their
draft access undertakings to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
(ACCC), namely CBH, ABB and GrainCorp.[20]
WEA explained that while it has no role in developing the access undertakings,
it has had discussions with the ACCC and will provide them with assistance and
advice if requested.[21]
The committee also discussed the following matters:
issues in relation to current access arrangements for port
terminals (Proof Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2009, p. 53);
reviews of the grain freight rail networks in NSW and WA (pp 57
and 61);
update on delays with unloading of road freight at Newcastle
terminal (pp 57–58); and
factors taken into account during assessment of applications for
accreditation (pp 58–59).
Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA)
The committee was interested to know how Meat and Livestock Australia
(MLA) will be affected by budget cutbacks. MLA explained that it is largely
funded by levies and private sources, with the exception of a significant
amount of government funding through the matching R&D dollar, so there has
been no change to its income streams.[22]
The committee sought information about the impact of the proposed
removal of the 40 percent quarantine exporter's subsidy and the extent to which
Australian producers may be disadvantaged in comparison with overseas competitors.
MLA indicated that the additional cost will be around $32 million–$34 million
for meat inspection. It is widely recognised in the meat and livestock industry
that all costs apportioned to a processor will either be passed back to the
grower or forward to the consumer. MLA also pointed out that this will be an
additional impost that American producers do not incur.[23]
The committee held a long discussion with MLA about the impact of the Emissions
Trading Scheme (ETS)/Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) on production
costs and profitability. MLA described its role in relation to this issue as
twofold: primarily, MLA devotes its energies to stimulate and lift demand for
Australian meat domestically and worldwide; separately, its research portfolio
is carrying out research into any imposts, burdens or impacts relating to
production or productivity. This has included funding of a number of research
projects into the possible effects of climate change.[24]
The committee also heard evidence on the following matters:
consultation with the government on AQIS fees (Proof Estimates
Hansard, 25 May 2009, p. 66);
assumptions behind research into the impact of CPRS conducted by
the Centre for International Economics (CIE) and modelling by ABARE (pp 67–68
and 71–73);
extent to which meat processors will qualify for assistance as
emissions-intensive and trade-exposed (EITEs) (pp 75–76);
NSW proposal to introduce a meat labelling program; Primary
Industries Ministerial Council working group examination of consumer labelling
for meat (pp 77–78); and
research into methane emissions from sheep and cattle
(pp 82–84).
Climate Change; and Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics (ABARE)
The Climate Change division and ABARE appeared together.
The committee was interested in the extent of ABARE's research into the
impact of climate change, the ETS, and the CPRS on agriculture. In particular,
it asked whether ABARE had considered factors such as the impact at a state
level, flow-on effects on rural communities, population shifts from rural to
urban areas and so on. ABARE indicated that while it has not, as yet, looked at
the impact of the CPRS below the national level, it is part of its work plan to
do so.[25]
In relation to flow-on effects on rural and regional communities, ABARE
explained that it is limited to a certain extent by lack of data which makes it
difficult to develop comprehensive modelling across the country. Data is
available on the economy and employment at a fairly fine-grain level, but not
on some of the social impacts. Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE,
I sense a fair bit of frustration about the modelling work
that we do, but I think it just goes to the limitations of modelling itself.
There is only so far you can go with the level of data we have in the country.
If we do not have fine-grain data from the ABS in relation to population trends
and dynamics and things like that, it is not worth the effort of modelling it.[26]
The committee sought an update on forestry Managed Investment Schemes (MIS),
in particular, arrangements for the ongoing management of Timbercorp and Great
Southern plantations while they are in the hands of the receivers. The
department indicated that the Minister has met with the receivers and discussed
the handling of the administration process and employee issues. The department
observed that:
It is pretty difficult, if not impossible, to say anything
about that at this stage because the whole question of ownership of those
assets is not clear. Timbercorp and Great Southern are both in the hands of
receivers, so at this stage they remain owned by the current owners. No
decision has been taken as to who the future owners might be or what the
management arrangements for them might be, so what we have to do at this stage
is await the outcome of the process that the receivers have to go through. The
receivers have to follow corporate law in doing their job in terms of an
orderly treatment, wind-up if that is the case, or whatever, of those
corporations and assets in the interests of the owners. Then, from there on, I
think there is a question as to how they might be managed, but it is impossible
to say—and indeed we cannot really prejudge—what the ownership arrangements
might be and what the management arrangements might be.[27]
The department suggested that as these are privately owned pieces of
land containing privately owned assets, issues of land use and management of
fire risk, feral animals, weeds and so on are most appropriately dealt with at
the state government level.[28]
The committee was interested to know whether the government intends to
review the effectiveness of forestry MIS. In response, the Minister indicated
that there are three sets of intersecting policy issues across three portfolio
Firstly, there are my responsibilities in respect of
corporate law managed investment schemes—the direct regulation and supervision
of the investment entities themselves. It is not appropriate for me to go into
those issues here and now. The second group of policy issues relate to tax
treatment. That is an issue for Minister Bowen and the Treasurer. The third set
of issues which would be appropriate here are the various issues around the
agricultural effect on production markets et cetera.[29]
The department added that it will be examining the consequences of the
two failed MIS with a view to providing advice to the government on whether
there are issues to be addressed. However, 'that is at the preliminary stage here
and now'.[30]
The committee also heard evidence on:
drought policy review process (Proof Estimates Hansard, 25
May 2009, pp 86–87);
funding for research into climate change impacts on the
agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector, including the Climate Change
Research program (pp 91–93 and 103–104);
cost of impact of the CPRS on the dairy industry (pp 96, 97–100
and 101);
National Carbon Accounting Toolbox – development of a standard
methodology for measuring and modelling the impact of soil carbon under different
farm practices (pp 102–103); and
update on the government's election commitments in relation to forestry,
including: addressing forestry skills shortages; boosting the export of forest
products; forestry industry database; development of regulatory framework to
restrict illegally logged timber; preparing forest industries for climate
change (pp 114–118 and 122).
Sustainable Resource Management
The committee sought detailed information on the Caring for Country
program, including the following:
breakdown of funding for the Caring for Country program –
regional base funding, competitive grants and administration component (Proof
Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2009, pp 122–124);
methodology for determining regional allocations (pp 123–127
and 135);
assessment of applications for competitive grants by multijurisdictional
community panels; assessment framework; standard assessment tool (pp 127
and 131–133);
grant application process (pp 127 and 129); and
steps taken to improve transparency in decision making to achieve
expected project outcomes (p 133).
The following matters were also raised by the committee:
replacement for Defeating the Weed Menace program; funding for
the National Weeds and Productivity Research program; cost of weeds to
Australia (Proof Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2009, pp 138–140);
work of the Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee; progress on
the recreational fishing industry development strategy; funding allocated under
the Recreational Fishing Community Grants program; funding options for Recfish
Australia (pp 140–142); and
impact of the Coral Sea conservation zone on commercial and
recreational fishing; statistics in relation to the Eastern Tuna and Billfish fishery
and Coral Sea fishery; bioregional marine planning processes (Proof
Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2009, pp 4–13).
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
The committee heard evidence on the following issues:
update on patrols of the Oceanic Viking to the Southern
Ocean (Proof Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2009, pp 14–15);
incursions in the north-west fishing zone; discussions with the
East Timorese government about illegal fishing in East Timorese waters
(p. 16);
update on the amalgamation of management advisory committees (MACs)
(p. 17); and
change to AFMA's funding basis when it became an FMA Act agency
(p. 17).
Trade and Market Access
2.40 The committee discussed the following matters:
funding for the Live Trade Animal Welfare Partnership, replacing
the Live Animal Trade Program; proportion of industry to government funding;
operation of the new program (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, pp 19–20);
progress towards the resumption of the live cattle and sheep
trade into Egypt (pp 21–22);
operation of Australia's existing Live Animal Trade Program;
improvements since the program began in 2004-05 (pp 22–23);
export trade in southern bluefin tuna; quotas for Australia and
Japan; review of quotas (pp 23–24);
update on the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) (pp 25–27); and
role of agricultural attachés;
plans to reduce the number of staff in Brussels and Washington and combine the
positions in Paris and Rome (pp 27–28).
Quarantine and Biosecurity Policy Unit; Australian Quarantine and
Inspection Service (AQIS); and Biosecurity Australia
The Quarantine and Biosecurity Policy Unit, Australian Quarantine and
Inspection Service (AQIS), and Biosecurity Australia appeared together.
The committee raised concerns about the proposed return to full cost
recovery of AQIS fees, following the government's decision to cease the 40
percent quarantine export subsidy paid to exporters. The department indicated that
the cost saving to the government is expected to be around $37 million to $41
million per year depending on the volume of exports.
The department advised that the export subsidy:
...was a measure introduced eight years ago. The decision was
made when it was renewed four years ago that it would in fact lapse. The
previous government made that decision. The decision that it would lapse on 30
June this year was clearly communicated to all parties. The Beale review looked
at that and many other issues and reached the same conclusion—that the
assistance measure should lapse—and that is the action that has been taken.[31]
The department explained that since the decision was taken by the
government to formally endorse the recommendations of the Beale report, its
officers have met a number of times with each of the six commodity groups that
are affected by the increase in the export certification charge. A departmental
officer observed:
Specifically, there is always concern when exporters are
confronted with an increase. This is a large increase that they have to respond
to in terms of their business. So I have spent significant time with each of
those sectors to respond with a set of fees and charges that seek to be the
most reasonable you could have in reintroducing full cost to these industries.[32]
In terms of the impact on affected businesses, the department advised
that the industries have not given specific details, however, industry groups
have suggested that the increased fees and charges will have an impact in terms
of competitiveness with international markets. The department pointed out that
it has received independent economic advice about the impact of currency
movements in comparison with the $40 million increase:
For the meat program, for example, less than half a cent
movement in currency offsets the total cost of the $40 million. For
horticulture in terms of the subsidy down around $2 million, that is less of an
event. In terms of competitiveness in international markets, the $40 million is
probably almost unrecognisable in terms of its impact at this stage.[33]
The committee was also interested in the potential for AQIS to introduce
productivity gains and efficiencies to bring about reduced costs. The
department explained that AQIS is scrutinised every year in terms of the costs
underpinning its delivery of services, and if these are wound back too tightly,
its regulatory oversight becomes frail. The department continued:
If it is reviewed by importing countries, there is the risk
that they will actually delist the country from accessing that market. So you
have to run that regulatory framework in a robust way without imposing any
unnecessary additional costs on the industry sector.
So you need to maintain an infrastructure there. Yes, there
is a capacity to create efficiencies, and I concede that point, but I do not
concede that you could ever create a 40 per cent efficiency without actually
putting at risk export markets. So I think there is a big percentage that is an
efficiency opportunity. I think there is also an investment there that gives
you sustainable long-term benefits, in terms of export market opportunities and
the robustness of our system in the face of very difficult international trade
environments at the moment. So there is a bit of a balancing act between those
two items.[34]
The committee discussed a range of issues in relation to AQIS fees and
charges. For further details please see listing at appendix 3.
The committee also raised the following matters:
importation of uncooked dry marinated green prawns into Australia;
concerns that the regulations are inadequate to protect against marinade being
rinsed off then used for fish bait or by restaurants as a cheap source of raw
prawns instead of more expensive local product; justification for the dry
marinade being adequate to protect the Australian prawn industry (Proof
Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2009, pp 30–34);
update on equine influenza and preparation for the coming
breeding season; changes implemented as a result of the previous outbreak
(pp 64–65);
development of an Australian standard for organic production;
AQIS' ongoing involvement in certification (pp 65–70);
progress towards resumption of red meat and wild game exports to the
Russian Federation following suspension of 19 processing plants due to
microbial contamination in meat (pp 72–73); and
removal of irradiation as an option for treating imported dried
cat food due to its harmful effect on the health of cats; irradiation of other
products including some types of dog food and dried pigs' ears (pp 73–74).
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI)
The committee discussed the following issues with AWI:
actions taken in the last three months since new Chief Executive
Officer, Ms Brenda McGahan, joined AWI (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, p. 76);
AWI marketing and branding strategy using the Woolmark; marketing
of Australian wool products, including Australian Merino (pp 76–77 and
management of conflicts of interest on AWI board, including Dr
Meredith Shiel's connection with the drug Tri-Solfen; governance procedures (pp 77–79);
commercial release of clips (pp 82 and 85); and
progress towards the phasing out of mulesing by the end of 2010 (pp 83–84).
Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health (PIAPH)
The committee raised the following matters:
role of the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in swine
flu diagnostic surveillance (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, p. 99);
changes in AAHL's diagnostic workload over the past few years (pp 99–100);
PIAPH's budget (pp 100–101);
progress toward eradication of the red imported fire ant (p. 101);
update on the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) (pp 101–102).
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
The committee raised concerns about the use of the triazine herbicides
such as Atrazine and Simazine, following their discovery in drinking water
supplies in Hobart and a number of other places in Tasmania. The committee
noted that in 2004 the APVMA concluded that the labelling instructions for
Atrazine were inadequate and needed improvement. The APVMA explained that the
recommendations from its review were implemented in early 2008 when changes to
the labelling were made.[35]
The committee pointed to work conducted by the CSIRO which expressed
concern about endocrine disruption caused by this group of herbicides. The APVMA
responded that it looked at endocrine disruption potential in quite extensive
detail as part of its Atrazine review, and was unable to conclude that there
was sufficient evidence that it was going to occur at a level that would be
harmful to humans.[36]
The APVMA continued:
Having said that, we are continuing to investigate all the
research that is going on in the area that is suggesting that there may be
other modes of action that may not have been taken into account, and we have
asked the Office of Chemical Safety within the Department of Health and Ageing
to review all the newest literature and provide a report to us. We expect to
have that report finalised in the near future.
...Today, with the information that we have before us, we are
confident [that it is not a problem for human health]. If new science comes up,
which happens in these areas continuously, we keep an eye on any new
developments. But we can only make a decision today based on the information
that we have before us today.[37]
The committee was interested in the difference between the Australian
and European framework for assessing chemicals, noting that Atrazine has been
prohibited in Europe. The APVMA confirmed that Atrazine is no longer available
in Europe as it has been removed from the listing of approved chemicals. It was
removed due to insufficient monitoring studies for the authorities to be
satisfied that it would not get into waterways, rather than human health
The APVMA informed the committee that:
In Europe, they have a regular re-registration program where
the companies have to put in a full submission of all the data and there is a
new assessment made from scratch. Then, when they come to the end of that
assessment, they decide whether they have all the data and either include the
chemical or exclude the chemical.
In Australia we have a program reviewing new concerns with
chemicals and, at the end of the process, if we come up with a concern about
the chemical, the legislation actually requires us to look for risk mitigation
before we can remove the chemical. So, in our instance, we also came to the
conclusion that there were insufficient monitoring studies when we looked at
Atrazine, but we actually went out there and required the industry to generate
those monitoring studies so that we would be able to make a decision with the
knowledge rather than without the knowledge.[39]
The committee also pursued the following matters:
review of APVMA's cost recovery arrangements (Proof Estimates
Hansard, 26 May 2009, pp 87–88);
update on work being done in relation to permits issued for minor
use, including stakeholder liaison (pp 90–91);
pesticides and herbicides registered for use by the forestry
industry in Tasmania; work done to assess the toxicology of the mixture of
those chemicals (pp 96–97); and
use of chemicals by Tasmanian forestry industry that are not
registered for general use by APVMA; use of chemicals under research permits (pp 97–98).
Agricultural Productivity
The committee was interested in the productivity performance of
Australia's agricultural sector over the past decade, in view of its importance
as a world food supplier. The department indicated that
Over the last 30 years Australian agriculture has had a very
strong productivity performance...way above what the economy-wide average is for
productivity growth—by our measurement, by about 1.5 per cent a year. Since the
turn of the century, though, we have begun to notice that the rate of growth of
productivity has begun to fall. We think that might have something to do with
the fact that it has been a couple of dry years. ...productivity is simply a
measure of outputs by inputs. It is not a measure of absolute production but
simply a measure of efficiency of production, so when the outputs fall, as they
do during drought, then you are going to expect a decline in productivity. It
is hard to be definitive about that, because it is a fairly imprecise measure
at the national level, but there are certainly some concerns—and we have
certainly been expressing them—that agricultural productivity, broadacre
productivity, might have been falling over the last eight to nine years.[40]
The committee also sought information on the following issues:
impact of amendments to Division 7A of the tax laws on farms
owned by family companies; extent to which the department was consulted by
Treasury in the development of this measure (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, pp 102–105);
review of the Horticultural Code of Conduct (pp 107–108);
'Grown in Australia' label operated by the Australian Made
Campaign Ltd (pp 108–109);
Food Regulation Ministerial Council's review of food labelling across
Australia (pp 109–110);
research into the long-term impact of non-forestry managed
investment schemes on agricultural production (pp 110–112); and
Regional Food Producers Innovation and Productivity program (pp 112–115).
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC)
The committee raised concerns about the RIRDC's budget which has been
reduced by $3 million per year for the next four years. The committee was
interested to know how the funding cut will be managed. The RIRDC indicated that
the Minister has provided some broad guidance to the RIRDC's board on the
implementation of the budget measure. The Minister has asked that:
the corporation’s vital role in investing in priority
research for a range of new, emerging and established small industries, funded
in part by industry levy collections, not be affected and suggest[ed] that
savings might be made through administrative overheads and prioritisation
within the corporation’s national rural industries portfolio. He also suggested
that within that, if possible, the priority programs such as Rural People and
Learning Systems, Rural Leadership and farm health and safety continue to
receive the board’s attention.[41]
The RIRDC explained that its board has considered and agreed on a set of
principles for implementing the reduction to its budget, as follows:
...first, that we address the government’s directions and
priorities; second, that it has consistency with corporate and industry
strategy and delivering on our objectives to the maximum extent possible;
third, that we minimise reputation and relationship impact; fourth, minimise
impacts on staff and deal, in the best way possible, with any affected staff;
next, that we review and assess commitments, which is to say that we will open
up existing contracts as part of this review process; next, that any staff and
supplier impacts follow activity reductions; next, that we continue our focus
and existing focus on efficiency and effectiveness; next, that we are
transparent and explicit in implementing these cuts; and, finally, that we
communicate clearly about them. So that is our intention as we apply those
principles to our revised budget.[42]
The RIRDC stated that the board's decision will be incorporated into its
draft annual operating plan, due to be lodged with the Minister by 31 May,
however, this year an extension has been granted until 16 June. Under statutory
requirements, the annual operating plan must be submitted to the Minister for
his approval by 30 June, and will take effect from 1 July.[43]
The committee also discussed:
invitations to the RIRDC's rural women's award; continuation of
RIRDC's sponsorship (Proof Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2009, pp 115
and 121–122);
impact of budget cuts on RIRDC's work with new and emerging
industries (pp 116 and 118–119);
other possible sources of funding for the RIRDC (pp 117 and
120–121); and
R&D budget; five-year R&D plan; R&D program (pp 118,
121 and 122).
Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
The committee was again interested in the issue of genetically modified
(GM) crops. It sought information about the yields for GM canola from the
national variety trials undertaken by the GRDC. The GRDC indicated that of the
five specific yield trials carried out, three failed due to poor climatic
conditions and the other two trials harvested returned similar yields with some
of the conventional canolas in front. A number of reports have been released
based on the results of the field trials. In addition, the GRDC has commenced a
survey of growers in southern NSW and Victoria who grew canola last year. It is
expected that this will be an ongoing study for the next three years.[44]
The committee raised concerns from some growers about the decision by
GrainCorp to bin GM and non-GM canola together, given their 2008 statement in
which they were very clear about maintaining segregation. The GRDC advised
this year the industry has decided to have two standards for
canola, given that there is GM production and non-GM production. Previously it
only had one standard. One standard will be for combined GM and non-GM crops
and the second standard will be for non-GM crops only. Farmers have the option
to pursue the second standard only if they want to. But it is an industry
driven standard.[45]
The committee asked about the benefits of binning the two crops
together. In the GRDC's opinion, as many of the markets do not differentiate
between GM or non-GM canola, the extra cost of segregation was not justified.
The GRDC observed that 'from GrainCorp's perspective, it is an efficiency
measure, a cost-saving measure'.[46]
The committee also discussed:
new wheat classification panel (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, pp 123–124);
research into other potential GM traits in crops such as wheat
and barley (p. 125);
additional costs associated with segregation of non-GM canola;
feedback from growers (pp 126–127); and
ongoing GM trials across Australia (p. 127).
Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS)
The committee heard evidence on the following matters:
modelling of drivers for land use change; clarification of the
definition of 'marginal land' (Proof Estimates Hansard,
26 May 2009, pp 129–131);
modelling in relation to fish species considered at risk;
production of the Fisheries Status Report (p. 131);
research into the relationship between forestry and rainfall
generation (p. 133); and
monitoring of soil health and assessment of the impact of the
drought on soil health (pp 133–134).
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