Appendix 1

Documents tabled

Agriculture portfolio

Tabled during 23 February 2015 hearing

1.      Chronology of key events relating to the hepatitis A virus outbreak linked to imported berries from China. Tabled by Ms Raelene Vivian, First Assistant Secretary, Compliance Division, Department of Agriculture.

2.      Correspondence from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Tabled by Ms Rona Mellor PSM, Deputy Secretary, Department of Agriculture.

3.      Document containing a summary of the current Patties Foods testing program for imported berries. Tabled by Ms Raelene Vivian, First Assistant Secretary, Compliance Division, Department of Agriculture.

Tabled during 5 March 2015 hearing

4.      Opening statement. Tabled by Dr Paul Grimes, Secretary, Department of Agriculture.

5.      Correspondence between the Department of Agriculture and the office of the Minister for Agriculture on 20 October 2014. Tabled by Ms Kerrie-Anne Luscombe, General Counsel, Department of Agriculture.

Infrastructure and Regional Development portfolio

Tabled during 24 February 2015 hearing

1.      New South Wales Auditor-General's December 2014 report titled 'WestConnex: Assurance to the Government'. Tabled by Senator Doug Cameron.

2.      Answer from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to Question on Notice No. 148 from Budget Estimates 2014-15. Tabled by Senator Doug Cameron.

3.      Document outlining a list of air carriers of which all operations are subject to a ban within the EU. Tabled by Mr Mike Mrdak, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

4.      Article entitled 'Reforms bid forces tourism firm to sell' from the Cairns Post, 28 January 2015. Tabled by Senator Glenn Sterle.

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