Chapter 2
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
This chapter contains the key issues discussed during the 2011-12 additional
estimates hearings for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio. A
complete list of all the topics discussed, and relevant page numbers, can be
found at Appendix 3.
The committee heard evidence from the department on Monday 13 February 2012.
The hearing was conducted in the following order:
- Finance & Business Support/Government/Information
Services/People & Service Delivery
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and
- Biosecurity
- Wheat Exports Australia
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority
- Sustainable Resource Management
- Climate Change
- Agricultural Productivity
- Trade and Market Access
- Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Finance & Business Support/Government/Information Services/People &
Service Delivery
The committee discussed the processes and costs involved in DAFF’s
mission statement, which was released on 14 September 2011. The departmental
secretary, Dr Conall O’Connell explained that the purpose of the strategic
statement was to ensure that DAFF’s work is well targeted and clearly aligned,
to communicate what DAFF’s principal priorities are to both staff and the
public. Work on the strategic statement was predominantly internal, through the
normal work of the executive, however, $76 627 was spent on a consultant who
provided a review of the corporate identities across DAFF’s portfolios. The
process for designing the strategic statement involved DAFF’s executive holding
sessions with staff across DAFF, discussing the identity, mission, and vision
of the department to ensure that staff understood what the objectives were, and
also to get feedback as to how to better state those objectives.[1]
The discontinuation of the position of Principal Plant Scientist was raised.
Officers explained that the position was originally filled by a Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) officer on secondment,
but that at the end of the secondment it was decided that the work of that
position would be shared across the Plant Biosecurity Division. Officers also
told the committee that DAFF’s relationship with CSIRO continues, particularly
in relation to biosecurity, but also on a number of other key areas that affect
agriculture, fisheries and forestry.[2]
The committee also discussed the following:
- costs incurred for a Blake Dawson Waldron contract;
- hospitality spending by the Minister; and
- the number and costs of mobile phones provided to DAFF officers.[3]
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)
Continuing its interest from Budget Estimates 2011-12, the committee
discussed the costs and processes involved in producing the Foreign Investment
and Australian Agriculture report. The committee heard that the Rural
Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) funded ABARES $131 000
over two years for the report, which was then published by RIRDC. The committee
queried the figures used in the report to calculate the amount of agricultural
businesses that are foreign owned. Officers told the committee that the figures
contained in the report are based on data from an Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS) survey conducted in 2011, and that the figures used ‘faithfully
reflect the results of the ABS survey’.[4]
The committee asked ABARES about the modelling used for its research
into food production and food security in Australia. Officers informed the
committee that traditionally, modelling predictions are done over a five year
period, with predictions based on normal seasonal conditions. In the past,
ABARES looked at providing a range of forecasts based on market based factors,
however it was found to be extremely difficult. Officers told the committee
that with the potential for significant variability in the future, ABARES may
need to adjust its modelling to provide a range of forecasts.[5]
The committee discussed ABARES’ report on the impact of the new carbon
tax policy arrangements on agriculture. Officers informed the committee that
while agriculture is exempt (in terms of direct emissions from agriculture),
the new policy arrangements have indirect effects on the industry, through
changes in input prices, and the potential for marketing charges to be passed down
from processors to farmers. The report found that the dairy industry was the
most affected, which was mainly due to increased electricity costs. Officers
told the committee that working off the assumption that 100 per cent of the increased
processing costs would be passed back to farmers, the average dairy farm would
lose approximately $4000 per annum. However, officers were keen to explain that
the $4000 figure:
...was on the basis of 100 per cent, which is the high end,
and on the assumption that there is no other change in behaviour by the dairy
farms to manage that extra, or there is no additional support going into it. So
that is very much a worst case scenario.[6]
The committee began its discussions with Biosecurity on live animal
export issues, with the animal welfare division. The committee sought an update
on live cattle to Indonesia, and compliance with supply chain assurances by
exporters, since the introduction of the new live exports scheme. Officers told
the committee that since the resumption of trade to Indonesia, 66 Notice of
Intentions (NOIs) have been submitted, of which, 61 have been approved. From 7
July 2011 (the date that the export ban was lifted), to 31 December 2011,
a total of 186 767 cattle and buffalo were exported, which made a total of 402
517 exported for the 2011 calendar year.[7]
Officers informed the committee that initial audit reports are conducted
for each NOI, against each facility, and that these are published on DAFF’s
website. However, the performance reports are required 180 days after export,
or 10 days after the last animal slaughtered, meaning that at the time of
additional estimates, end-of-performance audit reports had not yet been
received. Officers told the committee the reports are due to be received
throughout February 2012.[8]
The committee asked the Minister and the Secretary to describe the
reaction of the Bahrain and Qatar Governments, as countries that import live
animals from Australia, to the new requirements being placed on Australian
exporters. Dr O’Connell told the committee that the response was positive,
with an acceptance that the measures were to be managed by industry. The
Minister agreed with the Secretary’s summary, adding that this is the biggest
single reform to Australia’s live animal export market.[9]
In continuing its interest from previous estimates, the committee asked
officers for information on an incident in January 2012, where Asian honey bees
were detected onboard a vessel in Townsville. Officers began by detailing the arrangements
in place to prevent and/or minimise the risk of Asian honey bees entering
Australia. These arrangements include container cleanliness operations,
mandatory reporting by ship's masters, and maintaining a high degree of
awareness among people that work in these areas.[10]
Officers informed the committee that in this particular incident,
officers were made aware that bees had been seen near a shipping container on
the vessel, a pest controller was called, and the 250 bees were exterminated.
Using remote diagnostics, images of the bees were sent to an entomologist in
Brisbane, where it was confirmed that the 250 bees were Asian honey bees.
Officers told the committee that:
The very positive part of this story is it identifies how the
department and the people working in the wharfs have a higher degree of
awareness and work in conjunction with each other.[11]
The committee heard that this was a cooperative effort between DAFF and
the Queensland department, with the initial work conducted by DAFF, and the ongoing
surveillance and trapping done by Queensland officers.[12]
The committee sought further information on an answer to a question on
notice from Supplementary Budget Estimates 2011-12, involving the illegal
importation of food products from Korea. Officers informed the committee that
some of the food products were cooked, and some were uncooked, but that they
had all arrived frozen. They were deliberately not declared in the normal
import process, with products either improperly described, or not listed on the
declaration at all.[13]
Overall, approximately 100 tonnes of food products were seized from the
Quarantine Approved Premise, and from retail outlets such as restaurants and
grocery stores. Officers obtained a large quantity of electronic records and
paper records, which is being analysed. Evidence is also being gathered for
We have 14 briefs of evidence that are being compiled. One of
those matters is already in the system and was recently where a matter was put
over for trial in Queensland. One further matter is with the Director of Public
Prosecutions and 12 other matters are at various stages of compilation.[14]
Dr O'Connell further added, to underscore the seriousness of the
situation, that somebody convicted of illegal importation can get up to 10
years in prison, and a commercial entity can be fined over $1 million for
illegal importation offences.[15]
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
The committee sought further information on the cost recovery budget
changes and levy fee increases that AFMA recently introduced. AFMA explained
that any cost recovery changes are prepared in line with the Fisheries
Management Act 1991 and the Cost Recovery Impact Statement 2010. AFMA also
told the committee that while some areas have experienced an increase, 12 of
AFMA's 18 fisheries have seen a cost recovery budget decrease for 2011-12.[16]
Officers also informed the committee that over the last five years, AFMA's cost
recovery has increased by 2.1 per cent.[17]
The committee asked for examples of drivers that resulted in a change in
the budget. AFMA raised the Bass Strait scallop fishery as an example, which
alleged that there was a significant kill in its fishery, due to seismic
testing. AFMA informed the committee that because of the significant changes in
the operating environment of that fishery, at the industry's request, AFMA had
to change its management structure to adjust to those changes. AFMA also
informed the committee that, again at industry's request, it undertook research
that looked into the impact of seismic surveys, and found no correlation. Officers
emphasised that the result of the research is 'not to say that there is not an
impact' but that nevertheless, an additional cost was incurred. The
Commonwealth contributed some funding to assist in the study, but AFMA is
required by the legislation to cost recover those services provided to the
The committee discussed steps taken in reducing the number of sea lions
accidentally entangled in gill nets. AFMA informed the committee that a report
by the South Australian Research Development Institute (SARDI) in March 2010[19]
suggested that as many as 374 sea lions were being killed in each 18-month
cycle. Officers noted that this is a high number, especially for an endangered
species, and that AFMA has an obligation under the Fisheries Management Act
1991 to manage the interactions between fisheries and endangered species,
to ensure that fishing activities are not driving a species towards extinction.[20]
The cost recovered budget for gillnet hook and trap fisheries, from
2010-11 to 2011-12, saw a 35.4 per cent increase.[21]
Officers attribute part of this increase to the change in management operations
as a result of the apparent increase in the risks posed to sea lions and
dolphins in that fishery.[22]
Officers also informed the committee that since the formal management plan was
introduced in May 2010, reports indicate that four sea lion mortalities have
occurred. The committee heard that the reduced risk is as a result of fishers,
and the management arrangements, working together.[23]
The committee sought an update on the Commonwealth fisheries harvest
strategy. AFMA told the committee that the details and formal timeline had not
yet been settled, but that draft terms of reference, draft timetables,
arrangements and work plans were expected to be finalised by the end of March 2012.
Officers informed the committee that the harvest policy has been recognised as
a successful tool for fisheries policy, and that while discussions around the
definition of "by-catch" and "by‑product" would
occur, the process is more 'a matter of refinement rather than a dramatic
Sustainable Resource Management
In continuing its interest from Budget Estimates 2011-12, the committee
sought an update on the Australian Feral Camel Management Project (the project).
Officers told the committee that $19 million was allocated over a four-year
period, targeting up to 350 000 camels, and that 2012-13 will be the
fourth year of the project. Officers also informed the committee that in
mid-2008, the estimated number of feral camels was one million, and that it was
an increasing number.[25]
The committee heard that due to the unseasonable rainfall in 2010-11,
the numbers of camels culled dropped to 13 000, 10 000 less than the previous
year. The committee sought further information on commercial parties and
whether or not their participation is welcome. Officers told the committee that
in some remote areas it would not be economic to seek commercial involvement,
however, in some areas it is encouraged to work with commercial parties and
that there is 'nothing to stop them doing that within the scope of the
The committee sought further information on DAFF's involvement in the
management of the Biodiversity Fund and the Carbon Farming Initiative.
Officers explained that it is a multi-departmental approach, with the
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
(SEWPaC) managing the Biodiversity Fund and Natural Resources Management
planning, and DAFF managing the Action on the Ground program, as part of the
Carbon Farming Initiative.[27]
Officers emphasised that the staff involved across all programs meet
regularly to discuss details and arrangements, and DAFF officers in Caring for
Our Country and Landcare Australia have been briefed on all elements of the
program to enable them to help community groups, farmers and any others access
elements of the program.[28]
Climate Change
The committee sought an update from its Budget Estimates 2011-12 hearing
on farmers affected by the closure of the Exceptional Circumstances Exit Grant
(ECEG). Officers informed the committee that DAFF is currently investigating a
range of claims made by people who believe that they have been disenfranchised
by the closure of the ECEG. The circumstances of these people are being
assessed by DAFF and the Department of Human Services, and assistance has been
provided to those wishing to lodge act-of-grace applications with the
Department of Finance and Deregulation.[29]
Officers told the committee that seven individuals have lodged
act-of-grace applications, and DAFF has contacted a further 14 to advise them
of the act-of-grace process, and to offer to coordinate a meeting with a rural
financial counsellor to assist them if they wish to lodge an application.
Officers also told the committee that there is no set time period in which the
applications need to be made, but that officers are trying to move things along
as quickly as possible.[30]
The committee heard that there were some applicants to the ECEG that had
provided their applications and met the criteria before the ECEG closed,
however, details were still being finalised and had therefore not yet been
processed. Dr O'Connell informed the committee that these applicants will
be paid.[31]
The committee sought further information on the conservation agreement
between the Commonwealth, Forestry Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government. Specifically,
the committee sought clarification on the terms of the agreement that provided
the protection of 99½ per cent of 430 000 hectares of high-conservation-value
forests. Officers informed the committee that the intergovernmental agreement
provided this protection, however, clause 26 of the agreement states that where
harvesting work has already begun within the nominated area, rescheduling will
occur as soon as practicable, and that a list of coupes to be harvested will be
agreed to by the governments and signatories.[32]
The department agreed to take a number of questions on notice in
relation to:
- the number of coupes agreed to be harvested;
- the scheduling of logging and completion dates for harvesting in
the agreed protected area;
- the oversight of the closure of the Tasmanian Forest Industry
Development and Assistance Programs;
- investigation into reimbursements made prior to receipt of the
required reporting documentation; and
- details on the meetings of the Tasmanian Forest Agreement
Independent Verification Group.[33]
The committee discussed DAFF's work with the Asia-Pacific Forestry
Skills and the Capacity Building Program. Officers told the committee that
there are currently two projects, one in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and one in
Indonesia. Officers explained that it has been difficult to get the Indonesian
project up and running, due to negotiations over the 'subsidiary agreement',
which gives Australian officials the ability to not pay tax in Indonesia.
Officers told the committee that DAFF is also looking at other options in place
of this arrangement.
The project in PNG, however, is in conjunction with the Food and
Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, and looks at promoting
sustainable forest management by developing effective systems of forest
planning, monitoring, and control in PNG.[34]
Trade and Market Access
The committee raised a number of agricultural issues in relation to the
Trans‑Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreements, and sought further
information on these. The committee heard that there have been 10 rounds of TPP
so far, with a further round scheduled for the second week of March.[35]
Of the particular agricultural issues raised, the committee heard that
issues of genetically modified crops or country of origin labelling has not
been discussed at those meetings. Officers confirmed that quarantine and
phytosanitary measures are not up for negotiation, and that one of Australia's
goals in the TPP process is to seek reaffirmation of the World Trade
Organisation's role in dealing with sanitary and phytosanitary matters.[36]
The committee sought an update in Thailand's suspension of imports of
cherries and stone fruit from 1 January 2012. Officers, by way of providing
background, informed the committee that Thailand has been working on
establishing import conditions for a range of horticultural products over the
last few years. Some interim import conditions were established to allow trade
to continue, however, these conditions required a verification audit to be
undertaken as part of that process. The audit was originally scheduled for
December 2011, but at the request of industry, the audit visit was postponed.
Officers explained to the committee that the suspension in January 2012 was as
a result of this.[37]
Dr O'Connell emphasised that at the time the audit was postponed, it was
made clear to industry that if the audit did not go ahead, there would be a
suspension of trade.[38]
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
The committee sought further information on the suspension of Diuron, a
weedkiller, during wet summer months and high-rainfall times. APVMA told the
committee that in July 2011 a report was released which raised concerns about
the risks the weedkiller posed to aquatic environments. APVMA also told the
committee that it had received approximately 70 submissions that question some
of the assumptions used in that report, and also provide new data.[39]
APVMA informed the committee that given that the body of evidence to
assess was so large, and the seriousness of the concerns raised in the report,
interim risk mitigation measures were put in place while APVMA undertook the
extensive assessment. Officers also told the committee, to demonstrate the
timeframe between notification and suspension, the notification was in July
2011, and the decision for the suspension was not finalised until December
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