Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator Marise Payne, Chair, LP, NSW
Senator Patricia Crossin, Deputy Chair, ALP, NT
Senator Andrew Bartlett, AD, QLD
Senator Linda Kirk, ALP, SA
Senator Joseph Ludwig, ALP, QLD
Senator the Hon Sandy Macdonald, NATS, NSW
Senator Stephen Parry, LP, TAS
Senator Russell Trood, LP, QLD

Senators in attendance

Senator Andrew Bartlett, Senator Bob Brown, Senator Patricia Crossin (Deputy Chair), Senator Chris Evans, Senator Steve Fielding, Senator Bill Heffernan, Senator Annette Hurley, Senator Linda Kirk, Senator Joseph Ludwig, Senator the Hon. Sandy Macdonald, Senator Kerry Nettle, Senator Stephen Parry, Senator Marise Payne (Chair), Senator Rachel Siewert, Senator Natasha Stott Despoja and Senator Russell Trood.

NOTE: all senators may attend a meeting of a committee in relation to estimates, question witnesses and participate in the deliberation of the committee at such a meeting (see Standing Order 26(8)).


Jackie Morris Committee Secretary
Alex Wilson Estimates Officer
Michael Masters Executive Assistant

Committee address

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affair Committee
SG1 61
Parliament House
PO Box 6100
Tel: 02 6277 3560
Fax: 02 6277 5794

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