Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio (including cross-portfolio on Indigenous matters)

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Senator the Hon Penny Wong Opening Statement 28 May 2024 76 KB
Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Australian Public Service Commissioner Opening Statement 30 May 2024 89 KB
Ms Jody Broun, Chief Executive Officer, National Indigenous Australians Agency Opening Statement 7 June 2024 122 KB
Senator Dorinda Cox Agreement to implement the justice policy partnership
7 June 2024 145 KB
Senator Dorinda Cox Justice policy partnership meeting 9 summary
7 June 2024 171 KB
Ms Letitia Hope, Deputy Secretary, Department of Social Services Housing Sector Strengthening Plan
7 June 2024 609 KB
Anindilyakwa Land Council Opening Statement and Attachment 7 June 2024 8 508 KB
Central Land Council Opening Statement 7 June 2024 528 KB
Northern Land Council Opening Statement
7 June 2024 166 KB
Tiwi Land Council Opening Statement
7 June 2024 81 KB
Senator Kerrynne Liddle Commonwealth Child Safe Framework 7 June 2024 443 KB
Ms Tricia Stroud, Registrar of Indigenous Corporations Opening Statement 7 June 2024 458 KB
Mr Michael Borg, Chief Executive Officer, Outback Stores Pty Ltd Opening Statement 7 June 2024 416 KB
Ms Kirsty Moore, Chief Executive Officer, Indigenous Business Australia Opening Statement 7 June 2024 1 214 KB
Ms Elly Patira, Chief Executive Officer, Norther Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation Opening Statement 7 June 2024 59 KB
Mr Napau Pedro Stephen AM, Torres Strait Regional Authority Chair
 Opening Statement 25 June 2024 20 KB

Additional information

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Ms Carla Jago, A/g Deputy Auditor-General, Australian National Audit Office ANAO Audit Summary May 2024
17 May 2024
208 KB
National Indigenous Australians Agency NIAA Grants Report 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 18 June 2024 3689 KB
National Indigenous Australians Agency
NIAA Responses to hearing QoNs 7 June 2024 7 June 2024 81 KB
National Indigenous Australians Agency NIAA Responses to hearing QoNs 7 June and 25 June 2024 25 June 2024  206 KB 
Mr Charlie Kaddy, A/g Chief Executive Officer, Torres Strait Regional Authority  Letter of Correction  25 June 2024  1,451 KB