Department of Climate Change (Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio)

Department of Climate Change (Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio)

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 69KB)

Note: the committee set Friday, 5 December 2008 for the return of answers to Questions on Notice (QON).

Answers to Questions on Notice

QON Department/Agency Senator Topic PDF format


DCC JOHNSTON Breakdown of costs incurred by the Commonwealth for the Garnaut Climate Change Review (PDF 165KB)
CC2 DCC JOHNSTON International travel (PDF 211KB)
CC3     Note: this question was transferred to Treasury. For further details see the index to QON above.  
CC4 DCC XENOPHON Canadian emissions trading scheme (PDF 573KB)
CC5 DCC XENOPHON Industry and NGOs roundtable meetings - List of participants (PDF 320KB)
CC6 DCC FIFIELD Industry and NGOs roundtable meetings (PDF 155KB)
CC7 DCC FIFIELD Meeting notes (PDF 130KB)
CC8 DCC MILNE Feed-in Tariffs (PDF 457KB)
CC9 DCC ABETZ Climate Change Advertising Campaign (PDF 227KB)
CC10 DCC ABETZ Global Average Temperature (PDF 5089KB)
CC11 DCC MILNE Land clearing area estimates (PDF 309KB)
CC12a to CC12c DCC BOSWELL Cost of Government response (PDF 164KB)
CC13a to CC13b DCC RONALDSON Climate Change Advertising Campaign (PDF 340KB)
CC14a to CC14i DCC FIFIELD Climate Change Advertising Campaign (PDF 2213KB)
CC15a to CC15e DCC FIFIELD The Garnaut Climate Change Review (PDF 238KB)
CC16a to CC16g DCC FIFIELD Garnaut Review Final Report: kangaroo meat production (PDF 788KB)
CC17 DCC SIEWERT Funding provided to various organisations (PDF 167KB)
CC18a to CC18b DCC BIRMINGHAM Industry and NGOs roundtable meetings (PDF 181KB)
CC19a to CC19c DCC BIRMINGHAM Selection of Cambridge University Press as the publisher for the Ganraut Climate Change Review (PDF 517KB)
CC20a to CC20c DCC BIRMINGHAM Feed-in Tariffs (PDF 272KB)
CC21 DCC BIRMINGHAM National Strategy for Energy Efficiency (PDF 160KB)
CC22 DCC WILLIAMS Climate Change Science Research (PDF 511KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809