Additional Estimates 2007-08 (February 2008)

Additional Estimates 2007-08 (February 2008)

Department of Climate Change (Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio)

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 36KB)

QoN Department/Agency Senator Topic PDF format
CC1a DCC MINCHIN Ministerial appointments (PDF 46KB)
CC1b DCC MINCHIN Ministerial appointments (PDF 48KB)
CC1c DCC MINCHIN Ministerial appointments (PDF 51KB)
CC1d DCC MINCHIN Funding transfers (PDF 49KB)
CC1e DCC MINCHIN Government's election commitments
Revised answer
(PDF 40KB)
(PDF 44KB)
CC2a ORER MINCHIN Appointments to statutory authorities (PDF 34KB)
CC2b ORER MINCHIN Vacancies to be filled by Ministerial appointments (PDF 42KB)
CC2d ORER MINCHIN Requests to move funds within each portfolio (PDF 44KB)
CC2e ORER MINCHIN Government's election commitments
Revised answer
(PDF 40KB)
(PDF 41KB)
CC3 DCC JOHNTSON Professor Ross Garnaut's employment contract (PDF 678KB)
CC4 DCC I. MACDONALD Dr Martin Parkinson's travel costs for the UNFCCC COP 13 (PDF 51KB)
CC5 DCC FORSHAW Attendance at Bogor Pre-COP 13 meeting (PDF 41KB)
CC6 DCC I. MACDONALD Professor Garnaut's attendance at May estimates (PDF 43KB)
CC7 DCC I. MACDONALD Australia's contributions to world emissions (PDF 173KB)
CC8 DCC I. MACDONALD Land Use Change and Forestry sector greenhouse gas emissions (PDF 93KB)
CC9 DCC I. MACDONALD Australia's influence over global emissions (PDF 57KB)
CC10 DCC ALLISON Timetable for design of ETS (PDF 798KB)
CC11 DCC ALLISON Renewable Energy Target (PDF 48KB)
CC12 DCC ALLISON Greenhouse gas abatement (PDF 78KB)
CC13 DCC MILNE FutureGen coal project (PDF 45KB)
CC14 DCC I. MACDONALD Relative benefits and costs of an emissions trading scheme to a carbon tax (PDF 1354KB)
CC15 DCC JOYCE Professor Garnaut's qualifications (PDF 34KB)
CC16 DCC JOYCE Garnaut Climate Change Review (PDF 50KB)
CC17 DCC JOYCE Garnaut Climate Change Review and 2050 Emissions Reduction Target (PDF 48KB)
CC18 DCC JOYCE Impact of the 2050 Emissions Reduction Target (PDF 49KB)
CC19 DCC JOYCE Australia's influence over global emissions (PDF 65KB)
CC20a DCC BROWN Ministerial meetings (PDF 45KB)
CC20b DCC BROWN Ministerial meetings (PDF 41KB)
CC20c DCC BROWN Ministerial meetings (PDF 40KB)
CC20d DCC BROWN Ministerial meetings (PDF 49KB)
CC21 DCC BROWN Carbon Tax (PDF 815KB)
CC22     This question was transferred to the Dept. of Env. for an answer.  
CC23 DCC SIEWERT Global Initiatives on Forests and Climate (PDF 44KB)
CC24 DCC SIEWERT Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership (PDF 51KB)
CC25 DCC SIEWERT Global Initiative on Forests and Climate and Indonesia (PDF 273KB)
CC26a DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 44KB)
CC26b DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 47KB)
CC26c DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 39KB)
CC26d DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 41KB)
CC26e DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 39KB)
CC26f DCC I. MACDONALD Bali Climate Change Conference (PDF 40KB)
CC26c-f DCC I. MACDONALD Revised answer (PDF 470KB)

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