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Budget estimates 2009-2010

Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio

Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 June 2009

Defence portfolio

Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 June 2009

Monday, 1 June, 2009


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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In attendance 1
Portfolio overview 5-14, 34-57
Outcome 1: The advancement of Australia’s international strategic, security and economic interests including through bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement on Australian Government foreign and trade policies.
Program 1.1: Other departmental  
North Asia 67; 02Jun09, 31-39
South–East Asia 94-102, 112-118
Americas 57
Europe 02Jun09, 4-8
South and West Asia, Middle East and Africa 58-67, 102-112
Pacific 89-93; 02Jun09, 30
International organisations and legal issues 15-34, 69-88; 92Jun09, 8-18, 39
Bilateral, regional and multilateral trade negotiations 02Jun09, 97-109
Trade development/policy coordination & Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation 02Jun09, 109
Outcome 2: The protection and welfare of Australians abroad and access to secure international travel documentation through timely and responsive travel advice and consular and passport services overseas
Program 2.1 and 2.3: Consular services 02Jun09, 7-27, 40
Program 2.2 and 2.4: Passport services 02Jun09, 28-30
Outcome 3: A secure Australian Government presence overseas through the provision of security services and information and communications technology infrastructure, and the management of the Commonwealth’s overseas owned estate.
Program 3.2: Overseas property 02Jun09, 4-7

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

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In attendance 3
Outcome 1: Agriculture in developing countries and Australia is more productive and sustainable as a result of better technologies, practices, policies and systems.
Program 1: International agricultural research and development 42-47

Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

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In attendance 3
Outcome 1: To assist developing countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in line with Australia’s national interest.
Program 1.1: Official development assistance—PNG and Pacific 47-87
Program 1.2: Official development assistance—East Asia 47-87
Program 1.3: Official development assistance—Africa, South and Central Asia, Middle East and other 47-87
Program 1.4: Official development assistance—Emergency, humanitarian and refugee programs 47-87
Program 1.5: Official development assistance—Multilateral replenishments 47-87
Program 1.6: Official development assistance—UN, Commonwealth and other international organisations 47-87
Program 1.7: Official development assistance—NGO, volunteer and community programs 47-87
Outcome 2: Australia’s national interest advanced by implementing a partnership between Australia and Indonesia for reconstruction and development.
Program 2.1: East Asia 47-87

Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)

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In attendance 4
Outcome 1: Advance Australia’s trade and investment interests through information, advice and services to businesses, industry and governments.
Program 1.1: Trade and investment development 88-97
Program 1.2: Trade development schemes (Export Market Development Grants) 88-97
Outcome 2: The protection and welfare of Australians abroad through timely and responsive consular and passport services in specific locations overseas.  
Program 2.1: Consular, passport services 88-97

Wednesday, 3 June and Thursday 4 June, 2009


Department of Defence

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In attendance 1
Portfolio overview and budget summary 15-24, 27-33, 80-97; 04Jun09, 29-38, 55-57
White paper 35-66, 72-80; 04Jun09, 4-29
Outcome 1: The protection and advancement of Australia’s national interests through the provision of military capabilities and promotion of security and stability
Program 1.2: Navy capabilities 60, 115
Program 1.6: Defence support 24-26, 34, 90; 04Jun09, 61-64
Program 1.11: Capability development 75-78
Program 1.13: People strategies and policy 102-107, 113-115; 04Jun09, 38
Outcome 3: Support to the Australian community and civilian authorities as requested by Government
Program 3.1: Defence contribution to national support tasks in Australia Exercise Talisman Sabre 97-102; 04Jun09, 60, 72

Thursday 4 June, 2009

Defence Materiel Organisation

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DMO Outcome 1: Contributing to the preparedness of the Australian Defence Force organisation through acquisition and through-life support of military equipment and supplies.
DMO program 1.1: Management of capability acquisition 39-71
DMO program 1.2: Management of capability sustainment 39-71
DMO program 1.3: Provision of policy advice and management services 39-71

Defence Housing Australia

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In attendance 2
General questions 72-92

Thursday 4 June, 2009

Department of Veterans' Affairs

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In attendance 2
Portfolio overview and budget summary 78-98
Outcome 1: Compensation and support Maintain and enhance the financial wellbeing and98 self-sufficiency of eligible persons and their dependants through access to income support, compensation, and other support services, including advice and information about entitlements.
Program 1.1: Veterans’ income support and allowances 78-98
Program 1.2: Veterans’ disability support 78-98
Program 1.3: Assistance to Defence widow(er)s and dependants 78-98
Program 1.4: Assistance and other compensation for veterans and dependants 78-98
Program 1.5: Veterans’ children education scheme 78-98
Program 1.6: Rehabilitation compensation acts payments—income support and compensation 78-98
Program 1.7: Adjustments to the rehabilitation compensation acts liability provisions—income support and compensation 78-98
Outcome 2: Health Maintain and enhance the physical wellbeing and quality of the life of eligible persons and their dependents through health and other care services that promote early intervention, prevention and treatment, including advice and information about health service entitlements.
Program 2.1: General medical consultations and services 78-98
Program 2.2: Veterans’ hospital services 78-98
Program 2.3: Veterans’ pharmaceutical benefits 78-98
Program 2.4: Veterans’ community care and support 78-98
Program 2.5: Veterans’ counselling and other health services 78-98
Program 2.6: Rehabilitation compensation acts—health and counselling and other health services 78-98
Program 2.7: Adjustment to the rehabilitation compensation acts liability provisions—health and counselling and other health services 78-98
Outcome 3: Commemorations Acknowledgement and commemoration of those who served Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations through promoting recognition of service and sacrifice, preservation of Australia’s wartime heritage, and official commemorations.
Program 3.1: War graves and commemorations 78-98
Program 3.2: Gallipoli related activities 78-98

Thursday 4 June, 2009

Australian War Memorial

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In attendance 2
Outcome 1: Australians remembering, interpreting and understanding the Australian experience of war and its enduring impact through maintaining and developing the national memorial, its collection exhibition of historical material, commemorative ceremonies and research.
Program 1.1: Commemorative ceremonies 98-105
Program 1.2: National memorial and grounds 98-105
Program 1.3: National collection 98-105
Program 1.4: Exhibitions 98-105
Program 1.5: Interpretive services 98-105
Program 1.6: Promotion and community services 98-105
Program 1.7: Research and information dissemination 98-105
Program 1.8: Visitor services 98-105

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