Budget estimates 2003-04

Budget estimates 2003-04

June 2003

© Commonwealth of Australia 2003

ISBN 0 642 71257 3


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Membership of the Committee
Report to the Senate
Questions on notice - date for response
Portfolio specific issues
      Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio
      Environment and Heritage portfolio
Appendix 1 - Public hearing agendas


Membership of the Legislation Committee

Senator Alan Eggleston, Chair (LP, WA)*
Senator Sue Mackay, Deputy Chair (ALP, TAS)
Senator Andrew Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senate Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator Santo Santoro (LP, QLD)
Senator Tsebin Tchen (LP, VIC)
*Senator Tchen, Chair on 29 and 30 May 2003

Substitute Members
Senator Brian Greig (AD, WA) to replace Senator Bartlett for matters relating to the Information Technology portfolio
Senator Aden Ridgeway (AD, NSW) to replace Senator Bartlett for matters relating to the Arts portfolio

Participating Members
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (NPA, QLD)
Senator Bob Brown (AG, TAS)
Senator George Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator Kim Carr (ALP, VIC)
Senator Grant Chapman (LP, SA)
Senator John Cherry (AD, QLD) for matters relating to the Communications portfolio
Senator Stephen Conroy (ALP, VIC)
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (LP, NSW)
Senator Christopher Evans (ALP, WA)
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator Alan Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator Jeannie Ferris (LP, SA)
Senator Brian Harradine (Ind, TAS)
Senator Leonard Harris (PHON, QLD)
Senator Susan Knowles (LP, WA)
Senator Meg Lees (Ind, SA)
Senator Ross Lightfoot (LP, WA)
Senator Julian McGauran (NPA, VIC)
Senator Jan McLucas (ALP, QLD)
Senator Brett Mason (LP, QLD)
Senator Shayne Murphy (Ind, TAS)
Senator Kerry Nettle (AG, NSW)
Senator Robert Ray (ALP, VIC)
Senator John Watson (LP, TAS)
Senator Penny Wong (ALP, SA)

Committee Secretariat
Mr Michael McLean, Secretary
Ms Jacquie Hawkins, Research Officer

Committee Address
Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee
S1.57, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au
Internet: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/ecita_ctte/index.htm


Report to the Senate


On 13 May 2003 the Senate referred the following documents to legislation committees for examination and report:

The Committee was required to report to the Senate on 19 June 2003.[2]


The Committee conducted public hearings on the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio on 26, 27, 28 and 29 May 2003 and on the Environment and Heritage portfolio on 29 and 30 May 2003. The original agenda and each of the four revisions made by the Committee in response to changed circumstances are shown in Appendix 1. The evidence given is recorded in Hansard and is available on the Internet at:


Written responses and information provided to the Committee on notice arising from the hearings are compiled as volumes of Additional Information. These volumes are tabled in the Senate and the responses are posted on the Committee’s web page at:


Questions on notice - date for response

In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the Committee has fixed Friday, 8 August 2003 as the date for written answers or additional information to be provided in response to questions placed on notice.

Once again, the Committee expresses its concern about past failures to provide responses in a timely manner and its expectation that responses to questions on notice should be provided to it by the due date.

Portfolio specific issues

During its examination of the 2003-2004 Budget Estimates, the Committee raised a variety of issues which are noted below.

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

The Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Richard Alston, Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts.

The Committee notes that the Department reviewed its Outcome and Output structure during the past year to improve the alignment of its activities and programs.[3]

Outcome 3 - Development of services and provision of a regulatory environment which encourages an efficient and effective communications section for the benefit of all Australians


Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Special Broadcasting Service Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Authority

DCITA Output 3.2 - Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services



Australia Post

Australian Communications Authority

DCITA Output 3.1 - Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services

Information Technology


National Office for the Information Economy

DCITA Output 3.3 - Policy advice and program management that assist the development of the Information and Communications Technology Industry

Arts and Sport

The Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Rod Kemp, Minister for the Arts and Sport.

Outcome 2 - Development of a stronger and internationally competitive Australian sports sector and encouragement of greater participation in sport by all Australians

Australian Sports Drug Agency

Australian Sports Commission

Outcome 1 - Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians

Australia Council

Australian Film Commission

Australian Film, Television and Radio School

Australian Film Finance Corporation

Australian National Maritime Museum

National Archives of Australia

National Gallery of Australia

National Library of Australia

National Museum of Australia

Output 1.1 - Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes access to and excellence in Australia’s cultural activities and preservation and development of our cultural collections

Output 1.2 - Preservation of and access to Old Parliament House, the National Portrait Gallery, ScreenSound Australia and their respective collections

Output 1.3 - National leadership in engaging people in science and technology through development of programs and exhibitions, support for science and learning in schools and interaction with industry partners

This agency has been transferred to the Department of Education, Science and Training as from 1 July 2003.

Environment and Heritage portfolio

Over its two days of hearings on the portfolio, the Committee welcomed Senator the Hon Robert Hill, Minister for Defence, and Senator the Hon Judith Troeth, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, representing the Hon David Kemp MP, Minister for the Environment and Heritage.

The Secretary, Mr Beale, made a statement concerning the portfolio accounts and noting structural and accounting changes.

Outcome 2 - Australia’s interests in Antarctica are advanced

Antarctic Division

Outcome 1 - The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved

Supervising Scientist Division

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

National Oceans Office

Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

Australian Greenhouse Office

Parks Australia

Department of the Environment and Heritage

Approvals and Wildlife Division

Heritage Division

Natural Heritage Division


The Committee thanks the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator the Hon Richard Alston; the Minister for the Arts and Sport, Senator the Hon Rod Kemp; the Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Robert Hill and Senator the Hon Judith Troeth, Parliamentary Secretary, both representing the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, along with officers from both portfolio departments and agencies, for their assistance during this additional estimates process.

Senator Alan Eggleston


Addendum to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee’s
Report on the Budget Estimates 2003-04

ALP members of the Committee note the refusal of Australia Post to answer questions on their budget for the 2002-03 financial year on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.

ALP members note resolutions of the Senate, dating back to 1971, that statutory bodies have no discretion to refuse to answer questions on the expenditure of public money, and that there was no basis to the refusal of Australia Post to answer these questions

ALP members condemn this attempt to close down reasonable and proper Senate estimates questions on the Australia Post budget.

Senator Sue Mackay
Senator Kate Lundy


Appendix 1

The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated to portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Public Hearings: 2003-2004 Budget Estimates

Monday, 26 May 2003 to Thursday 29 May 2003

and Friday, 30 May, if required

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House

Canberra ACT

To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1


MONDAY, 26 MAY 2003

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

Outcome 3-Development of services and provisions of a regulatory environment which encourages an efficient and effective communications sector for the benefit of all Australians


Australian Broadcasting Corporation


Special Broadcasting Service

Australian Broadcasting Authority

DCITA Output 3.2 Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services



TUESDAY, 27 MAY 2003

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts


Continuation of program from Monday, as may be required

Australia Post

Australian Communications Authority

DCITA Output 3.1 Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services

National Office for the Information Economy

DCITA Corporate Services

DCITA Output 3.3 Policy advice and program management that assist the development of the Information and Communications Technology Industry

DCITA Output 3.4 Policy and program management of copyright issues that encourage the production of content and promote reasonable access to research and cultural materials




Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

Outcome 2-Development of a stronger and internationally competitive Australian sports sector and greater encouragement of greater participation in sport by all Australians


Australian Sports Drug Agency

Australian Sports Commission

DCITA Output 2.1 Policy advice, program management and agency support in relation to sports, anti-doping and industry development measures which support the Australian sports sector.

Outcome 1-Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians

Australia Council

Australian Film Commission

Australian Film, Television and Radio School

Film Finance Corporation Australia Limited

Australian National Maritime Museum

National Archives of Australia

National Gallery of Australia

National Library of Australia

National Museum of Australia

DCITA Output 1.1 Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes access to and excellence in Australia’s cultural activities and preservation and development of our cultural collections

DCITA Output 1.2 Preservation of and access to Old Parliament House, the National Portrait Gallery, ScreenSound Australia and their respective collections

DCITA Output 1.3 National leadership in engaging people in science and technology through development of programs and exhibitions, support for science and learning in schools and interaction with industry

National Science and Technology Centre - Questacon



THURSDAY, 29 MAY, 2003

Environment and Heritage Portfolio


Department of Environment and Heritage

Outcome 2-Australia’s interests in Antarctica are advanced

Australian Antarctic Division

Outcome 1-The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved

Supervising Scientist Division

Bureau of Meteorology

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

National Oceans Office

Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

Australian Greenhouse Office

Parks Australia

Department of the Environment and Heritage

Approvals and Wildlife Division

Heritage Division (including Australian Heritage Commission)

Marine and Water Division

Natural Heritage Division

Policy Coordination Division

Strategic Development Division

Sustainable Industries and Atmosphere Division










The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated to portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Public Hearings: 2003-2004 Budget Estimates

Monday, 26 May 2003 to Thursday 29 May 2003

and Friday, 30 May, if required

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House

Canberra ACT

To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1


TUESDAY, 27 MAY 2003

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts



Australia Post

Australian Communications Authority

DCITA Output 3.1 Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services

DCITA Output 3.2 Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services

National Office for the Information Economy

DCITA Corporate Services

DCITA Output 3.3 Policy advice and program management that assist the development of the Information and Communications Technology Industry

DCITA Output 3.4 Policy and program management of copyright issues that encourage the production of content and promote reasonable access to research and cultural materials



The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated to portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Public Hearings: 2003-2004 Budget Estimates

Monday, 26 May 2003 to Thursday 29 May 2003

and Friday, 30 May, if required

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House

Canberra ACT

To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1



Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Outcome 2-Development of a stronger and internationally competitive Australian sports sector and greater encouragement of greater participation in sport by all Australians


Australian Sports Drug Agency

Australian Sports Commission

DCITA Output 2.1 Policy advice, program management and agency support in relation to sports, anti-doping and industry development measures which support the Australian sports sector.

Outcome 1-Development of a rich and stimulating cultural sector for all Australians

Australia Council

Australian Film Commission

Australian Film, Television and Radio School

Film Finance Corporation Australia Limited

Australian National Maritime Museum

National Archives of Australia

National Gallery of Australia

National Library of Australia

National Museum of Australia

DCITA Output 1.1 Policy advice, program management and agency support which promotes access to and excellence in Australia’s cultural activities and preservation and development of our cultural collections

DCITA Output 1.2 Preservation of and access to Old Parliament House, the National Portrait Gallery, ScreenSound Australia and their respective collections

DCITA Output 1.3 National leadership in engaging people in science and technology through development of programs and exhibitions, support for science and learning in schools and interaction with industry

National Science and Technology Centre - Questacon



The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated to portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Public Hearings: 2003-2004 Budget Estimates

Monday, 26 May 2003 to Thursday 29 May 2003

and Friday, 30 May, if required

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House

Canberra ACT

To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1


THURSDAY, 29 MAY, 2003

Environment and Heritage Portfolio

Department of Environment and Heritage


Outcome 2-Australia’s interests in Antarctica are advanced

Australian Antarctic Division

Outcome 1-The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmental significance, is protected and conserved

Supervising Scientist Division

Bureau of Meteorology

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

National Oceans Office

Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

Australian Greenhouse Office

Parks Australia

Department of the Environment and Heritage

Approvals and Wildlife Division

Heritage Division (including Australian Heritage Commission)

Marine and Water Division

Natural Heritage Division

Policy Coordination Division

Strategic Development Division

Sustainable Industries and Atmosphere Division

Any matters not completed in the Environment and Heritage portfolio program will be continued on Friday morning


Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

Outcome 3-Development of services and provisions of a regulatory environment which encourages an efficient and effective communications sector for the benefit of all Australians


National Office for the Information Economy

DCITA Output 3.3 Policy advice and program management that assist the development of the Information and Communications Technology Industry

DCITA Output 3.1 Policy advice and program management which encourages competitively priced and reasonably accessible telecommunications and postal services

DCITA Output 3.2 Policy advice and program management which promote accessible high quality broadcasting services

DCITA Output 3.4 Policy and program management of copyright issues that encourage the production of content and promote reasonable access to research and cultural materials



The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators

Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated to portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Public Hearings: 2003-2004 Budget Estimates

Monday, 26 May 2003 to Thursday 29 May 2003

and Friday, 30 May, if required

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House

Canberra ACT

To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1


FRIDAY, 30 MAY, 2003

Environment and Heritage Portfolio

Department of Environment and Heritage


Environment and Heritage

Natural Heritage Division

Marine and Water Division

Policy Coordination Division

Strategic Development Division

Sustainable Industries and Atmosphere Division

