Report to the senate
November 1997
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Table of contents
Quality of documentation
Questions on notice
Restriction on Committee sitting times
Release of majority report on Telstra
Commercial in confidence
Availability of documentation to Senators and Committees
The changes to the budget system and introduction of accrual accounting
Communications, the Information Economy and the Arts Portfolio
Environment Portfolio
5. ATTACHMENT A (Available on request from the Secretariat)
ATTACHMENT B (Available on request from the Secretariat)
ATTACHMENT C (Available on request from the Secretariat)
1. Members
Senator J Tierney, Chair (LP, NSW)
the Hon C Schacht, Deputy Chair (ALP, SA)
A Bartlett, (AD, QLD)
A Eggleston (LP, WA)
K Lundy (ALP, ACT)
R Lightfoot (LP, WA)
2. Substitute Members
G Chapman (LP, SA)
for Senator Tierney for the consideration of Additional Estimates.
3. Acting Chair
Senator A
Eggleston (LP, WA)
To act as
Chair for the Committee's consideration of Additional Estimates.
4. Participating Members
Senator E Abetz (LP, TAS)
L Allison (AD, VIC)
the Hon N Bolkus (ALP, SA)
R Boswell (NPA, QLD)
B Brown (Australian Greens, TAS)
P Calvert (LP, TAS)
G Campbell (ALP, NSW)
K Carr (ALP, VIC)
the Hon B Collins (ALP, NT)
M Colston (IND, QLD)
H Coonan (LP, NSW)
B Cooney (ALP, VIC)
W Crane (LP, WA)
the Hon J Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
A Ferguson (LP, SA)
B Harradine (IND, TAS)
J Hogg (ALP, QLD)
S Mackay (ALP, TAS)
D Margetts (GWA, WA)
S Murphy (ALP, TAS)
B Neal (ALP, NSW)
Senator W O'Chee (NPA, QLD)
5. Secretariat
Dr Pauline Moore (Secretary)
Miss Tara Ducker (Research Officer)
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: (02) 6277 3525
Report to the
- On 30
October 1997, the Senate referred the following documents to the Committee
for examination and report:
- Particulars of proposed additional
expenditure in relation to the parliamentary departments in respect of the year
ending on 30 June 1998.
- Particulars of proposed additional
expenditure for the service of the year ending on 30 June 1998.
- Particulars of certain proposed
additional expenditure in respect of the year ending 30 June 1998.
- Final budget outcome 1996-97 (tabled on 23 September 1997).
- Provisions for running costs borrowings - Statements and
supporting applications of issues, dated April, May and June 1997 (tabled on 17 June, 26 August and 3 September
2. That the Committee consider the
proposed expenditure, the provisions for running costs borrowings and the final
budget outcome, in the legislation committee groupings agreed to on 1 May 1996
as amended on 2 September 1997 and 21 October 1997.
3. That the Committee report to the Senate
on or before 26 November 1997.
General issues
4. Quality of
The Senate Finance and Public
Administration Committee is continuing a report into the documentation provided
for Budget and Additional Estimates.
Committee Members have been asked to comment on the quality of documentation
utilised at Estimates hearings.
There were no specific statements
made during the Committee's hearings on the usefulness of documentation).[1]
Committee Members advised that the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements
(PAES) for both Portfolios were clear and easy to follow.
Reference was made in the Senate
Chamber to the fact that the Advance to the Minister of Finance was not tabled
and referred to Legislation Committees until 19 November 1997. By then this Committee had completed the
majority of its Additional Estimates hearings, thus effectively precluding
scrutiny of the Advance to the Minister for Finance during those hearings. As the Committee is due to report on the
Advance, as well as on the other budgetary documents by 26 November 1997, it is
not satisfactory to defer scrutiny to the supplementary additional estimates
hearings next year. The Committee
believes that in future, as has been the practice, the Advance to the Minister
for Finance be referred to the Legislation Committees at the same time as other
budgetary documents are referred for scrutiny and report.
References to annual reports were
briefly made during the examination of sub-program 1.6, National Gallery of
Australia[2] and sub-program 1.7 National
Library of Australia.[3]
5. Questions on notice -
specific dates for response
The Committee agreed that the
date for replies to the majority of questions on notice would be 30 January
1998. Where Senators required answers
prior to that time, they were asked to nominate specific dates. Senators have taken the opportunity to
require answers to some questions prior to Christmas.
6. Restriction on
Committee sitting times - need for the Committee to comment if it finds the
hours specified for Estimates too restricting;
On 21 October 1997 the Senate
agreed the dates and times of sitting for Estimates, with the commencement time
being 9.00 a.m. and finishing time being 'approximately 11.00 p.m.' and
approximately 3.45 p.m. The Committee
found that these time limits were useful to some degree as a means of
establishing a timetable and being able to keep to this with some
exceptions. Nonetheless, the Committee
did identify some problems, especially the limited flexibility to continue
hearings within the Senate's framework.
The hearing on 13 November ended
at 11.50 p.m. after a brief discussion earlier in the evening about the exact
meaning of 'approximately'. Advice had
been received from the Clerk Assistant (Committees) and this is at Attachment
A. The Committee agreed that, as it was
not able to finish by midnight, it would adjourn the hearing.[4]
The Committee suggests that while
the days for Estimates hearings are to be set by the Senate, it is the
Committees themselves which should agree on general principles as to timetables
and on the hours allocated for hearings.
This ensures that the Committee itself is then able to change times by
Senator Lundy was unable to leave
the Economics Legislation Committee on 20 November to ask questions on the
National Office of Information Economy (NOIE).
The Committee noted that Senator Lundy had dual commitments and would
consequently put her questions on notice.[5]
7. Release of majority
report on Telstra - matter to be considered by the Committee
In previous Estimates hearings
the Deputy Chair of the Committee, Senator Schacht, has raised the issue of a
majority report being provided to a Minister's office prior to tabling.[6]
The issue is also being investigated by the References Committee.
On 20 November 1997 Senator
Alston provided a response to the issues raised by Senator Schacht on this
matter.[7] A letter from the previous Secretary of the
Committee was tabled at the hearing (Attachment B). The Acting Chair of the Committee stated that
the matter should be considered further in a private meeting.[8]
8. 'Commercial in
The issue of information being
considered 'commercial in confidence' has been more obvious in previous
Estimates hearings, and is the subject of an advice provided by the Deputy
Clerk (Attachment C). Although the issue
was not significant during these hearings, Senator Lundy noted previous
9. Availability of
documentation to Senators and Committees
Senator Brown raised the issue of
availability of information. Certain
material had been requested under the Freedom
of Information Act, 1982, but had not been provided to Senator Brown on the
grounds that some of the material was:
- protected by 'legal professional privilege';
- involved Commonwealth relations with a State; or
- included internal working documents.[10]
The provision of information to a
Committee as opposed to an individual Senator was not considered in detail,
although it appeared that the required material would not be made available to
a Committee should such a request be made.[11]
10. The changes to the
budget system and introduction of accrual accounting
Senator Faulkner noted that in a
key change to the Commonwealth budget system, the Department of Finance will
'no longer generate or attest the accuracy of financial estimates.' The task will in future be undertaken by the
individual departments and this system would be introduced as part of the shift
to accrual budgeting.[12]
Program specific issues
11. Communications, the
Information Economy and the Arts Portfolio
Several questions and questions
on notice were asked about:
- Funding of projects from the Federation Funds;[13] and in respect of the National
Museum of Australia;[14]
- The process of evaluating submissions in the
competition to design the National Museum;[15]
- Staffing of the Office of Information Economy;[16]
- The possible referral of the bill(s) with respect to
the sale of the National Transmission Agency, subsequently the bills were
referred to this Committee on 19 November 1997;[17]
- Telstra operations;[18]
- Telstra -
Casualties of Telstra (CoT) Issues.
There was limited reference to and discussion of the so-called CoT
cases, with questions being placed on notice to the Telecommunications
Industry Ombudsman and Telstra.
This reflects the fact that the Committee is inquiring separately
into aspects of some CoT cases through the establishment in September -
October 1997 of an external Working Party which is to report to the
Committee by the end of the year.
12. Environment
Several issues were
raised, including
- the extent of community involvement in the
preparation of an issues paper on climate change issues.[19]
The issue of consultation was also raised by Senator Margetts in
relation to proposed reforms of environmental legislation;[20]
- the extent to which various studies had been
undertaken prior to construction commencing on Walla Weir (QLD);[21]
- administration issues relating to the Great Barrier
Reef Marine Park Authority, including the costs of administrative reviews;[22]
- priorities in environment, particularly Regional
Forest Agreement assessments and the extent to which these are accepted;[23]
- expenditure of National Heritage Trust Funds;[24]
- possible contamination of Shark Bay;[25] and
- the closure of Mount McCall Road.[26]
13. The Committee expresses its appreciation of the assistance
given during its hearings by Senators the Hon Richard Alston and the Hon Robert
Hill. The Committee also acknowledges
the attendance and cooperation of departmental and agency officers and the
services of the Parliamentary staff involved in the estimates process.
John Tierney