Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Portfolio specific issues

2.1        This chapter provides an overview of some of the matters raised during the committee's hearings on the Budget estimates 2015–16. The discussion follows the outcome and agency structure.

Environment Portfolio

Department of the Environment

2.2        The committee opened the hearing on Monday, 25 May 2015 with general questions to the Department of the Environment. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Outcome 1: Conserve, protect and sustainably manage Australia's biodiversity, ecosystems, environment and heritage through research, information management, supporting natural resource management, establishing and managing Commonwealth Protected areas, and reducing and regulating the use of pollutants and hazardous substances

2.3        The committee examined under Outcome 1 on Tuesday, 26 May. In relation to Program 1.1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Environment, the committee canvassed matters including:

2.4        Matters canvassed by the committee in relation to Program 1.2: Environmental Information and Research included:

2.5        In Program 1.3: Carbon Pollution Reduction—Land Sector Initiatives matters canvassed by the committee included:

2.6        In relation to Program 1.4: Conservation of Australia's Heritage and the Environment matters canvassed by the committee included:

2.7        In Program 1.5: Environmental Regulation matters canvassed by the committee included:

2.8        In Program 1.6: Management of Hazardous Wastes, Substances and Pollutants matters canvassed by the committee included:

Outcome 2: Reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the impacts of climate change and contribute to the negotiation of an effective global solution to climate change, through developing and implementing a national response to climate change

2.9        Officers from the department were called on Monday, 25 May, in relation to Outcome 2, Program 2.1: Reducing Australia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

2.10      On Tuesday 26 May, the committee canvassed issues in Program 2.2: Adapting to Climate Change including:

Outcome 3: Advancement of Australia's strategic, scientific, environmental and economic interests in the Antarctic by protecting, administering and researching the region

2.11      The committee examined matters on Monday, 25 May, related to Outcome 3, Program 3.1: Antarctica: Science, Policy and Presence. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Outcome 4: Improve the health of rivers and freshwater ecosystems and water use efficiency through implementing water reforms, and ensuring enhanced sustainability, efficiency and productivity in the management and use of water resources

2.12      Officers from the department were called on Monday, 25 May, in relation to Outcome 4, Program 4.1: Water Reform. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

2.13      Officers from the department were called on Tuesday, 26 May, in relation to Program 4.2: Commonwealth Environmental Water Officer. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Bureau of Meteorology

2.14      Officers from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) were called and examined on Monday, 25 May. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Clean Energy Regulator

2.15      The committee called officers from the Clean Energy Regulator on Monday, 25 May. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Climate Change Authority

2.16      The committee called officers from the Climate Change Authority on Tuesday, 26 May. The committee canvassed the following matters:

Director of National Parks

2.17      The Director of National Parks appeared before the committee on Monday, 25 May. Matters canvassed with the Director of National Parks included:

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

2.18      Officers from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) were called and examined on Monday, 25 May. Matters discussed included:

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

2.19      Officers from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority were called and examined on Monday, 25 May. Matters discussed included:

Office of the Supervising Scientist

2.20      On Tuesday, 26 May, the committee discussed the following matters with the Office of the Supervising Scientist:

Communications Portfolio

Department of Communications

2.21      The committee commenced its examination of the Communications portfolio on Wednesday, 27 May 2015, with general questions to the Department of Communications. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Outcome 1: Promote an innovative and competitive communications sector, through policy development, advice and programme delivery, so all Australians can realise the potential of digital technologies and communication services

2.22      The committee called officers on Thursday, 28 May, in relation to Program1.1: Digital Technologies and Communications Services. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Australia Post  

2.23      On Wednesday, 27 May, officers from Australia Post were called and examined. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

2.24      On Wednesday, 27 May, officers from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) were called and examined. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

Australian Communications and Media Authority

2.25      On Thursday, 28 May, officers from the Australian Communications and Media Authority were called and examined. Matters canvassed by the committee included:

National Broadband Network Co

2.26      On Thursday, 28 May, Mr Bill Morrow, Chief Executive Officer, in his opening statement outlined the results of NBN Co quarterly earnings statements. At the conclusion of the opening statement, the committee canvassed the following matters:

Special Broadcasting Service

2.27      In his opening statement, Mr Michael Ebeid, Managing Director, provided the committee with an update of the achievements of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) since the Additional estimates 2014–15 hearing in February. Mr Ebeid stated SBS's achievements included:

2.28      Other matters canvassed by the committee included:

Senator Anne Ruston

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