Appendix 1

Appendix 1

The Senate


This document is issued as a guide to Senators
Business listed is subject to change

It should be noted that times allocated for the consideration of outcomes, items and agencies within portfolios are indicative only.

Senators, staff and departments should liaise with secretariats on the progress of portfolios during the estimates process.


Legislation Committee

Public Hearings: Additional Estimates for 2010-11
  Monday, 21 and Tuesday, 22 February 2011
  Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House
Canberra  ACT
  To be televised on Channel 11 and broadcast on Radio 91.1 and





Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Portfolio


Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE)

9.00 am

General questions of the Department




Outcome 1: Reduction of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and negotiation of an effective global solution, through the development and implementation of a national response to climate change; and bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement internationally


Program 1.1: Reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions


Program 1.2: Improving Australia's Energy Efficiency


Program 1.3: Adapting to Climate Change


Program 1.4: Helping to shape a global climate change solution




Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator

Outcome 1: Administer and regulate the national Renewable Energy Target scheme to encourage increased renewable electricity generation

Program 1.1: Renewable Energy Certificate Management

Program 1.2: Managing Compliance with Legislation



7.00 pm

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Portfolio


Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC)


General questions of the Department




Outcome 1: The conservation and protection of Australia's terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems through supporting research, developing information, supporting natural resource management, regulating matters of national environmental significance and managing Commonwealth protected areas


Office of Supervising Scientist


Director of National Parks

Outcome 1: Conservation and appreciation of Commonwealth reserves through the provision of safe visitor access, the control of invasive species and working with stakeholders and neighbours

Program: Parks and Reserves


Bureau of Meteorology

Outcome 1: Informed safety, security, and economic decisions by Governments, industry, and the community through the provision of information, forecasts, services and research relating to weather, climate and water

Program 1.1: Bureau of Meteorology

Program 1.2: Modernisation and Extension of Hydrological Monitoring Systems


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Outcome 1: The long-term protection, ecologically sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef for all Australians and the international community, through the care and development of the Marine Park

Program 1.1: Improving the outlook for the Great Barrier Reef


Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

Outcome 1: Enhanced appreciation and understanding of the natural and cultural values of Sydney for all visitors, through the remediation, conservation and adaptive re-use of, and access to, Trust lands on Sydney Harbour

Program 1.1: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Business


Program 1.1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources


Program 1.2: Environmental Regulation, Information and Research




Outcome 2: Improved capacity of Australian communities and industry to protect the environment by promoting waste reduction and regulating hazardous substances, wastes, pollutants, ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases


Program 2.1:  Reduction and management of wastes, hazardous substances, pollutants, ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases




Outcome 3: Advancement of Australia's strategic, scientific, environmental and economic interests in the Antarctic by protecting, administering and researching the region


Program 3.1:  Antarctic Science, Policy and Presence




Outcome 6: Advance the sustainability of Australia's population, communities and environment through coordination and development of sustainable population and communities policies and supporting affordable housing[1]


Program 6.1:  Affordable Housing




Outcome 5: Participation in, and access to, Australia's culture and heritage through developing and supporting cultural expression, and protecting and conserving Australia's heritage[2]

Outcome 7: Increase protection, awareness and appreciation of Australia's  heritage through the identification, conservation and celebration of natural, indigenous and historic places of national and World Heritage significance


Program 5.2:  Conservation and Protection of Australia's Heritage

Program 7.1:  Conservation and Protection of Australia's Heritage





In continuation

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Portfolio (SEWPaC)

9.00 am

Outcome 4: Adaptation to climate change, wise water use, secure water supplies and improved health of rivers, waterways and freshwater ecosystems by supporting research, and reforming the management and use of water resources


Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Outcome 1: Equitable and sustainable use of the Murray-Darling Basin by governments and the community including through development and implementation of a Basin Plan, operation of the River Murray system, shared natural resource management programs, research, information and advice

Program 1.1: Equitable and sustainable use of the Murray-Darling Basin


Program 4.1:  Water Reform


National Water Commission

Outcome 1: Informed decisions by governments on national water issues, and improved management of Australia's water resources, through advocacy, facilitation and independent advice

Program 1.1: Water Reform



2.00 pm approx

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio


Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE)


General questions of the department




Outcome 1—Develop a vibrant, sustainable and internationally competitive broadband, broadcasting and communications sector, through policy development, advice and program delivery, which promotes the digital economy for all Australians


Australia Post


Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Outcome 1: Informed, educated and entertained audiences–throughout Australia and overseas–through innovative and comprehensive media and related services

Program1.1: ABC Radio

Program 1.2: ABC Television

Program 1.3: Online

Outcome 2: Audience access to ABC satellite and analog terrestrial radio and television transmission services is, at a minimum, maintained year-on-year through the management of Transmission Service Agreements

Program 2.1: ABC Analog Transmission

Outcome3: Audience access to ABC digital television services is provided, in accordance with Government approved implementation policy, through the roll-out and maintenance of the associated distribution and transmission infrastructure

Program 3.1: Access to Digital Television Services

Outcome 4: Audience access to ABC digital radio services is provided, in accordance with Government approved implementation policy, through the rollout and maintenance of the associated distribution and transmission infrastructure

Program 4.1: Access to Digital Radio Services


Special Broadcasting Service 

Outcome 1: Provide multilingual and multicultural services that inform, educate and entertain all Australians and in so doing reflect Australia's multicultural society

Program 1.1: Television

Program 1.2: Radio

Program 1.3: Analogue Transmission and Distribution

Program 1.4: Digital Television Transmission and Distribution

Program 1.5: Digital Radio Transmission and Distribution


Australian Communications and Media Authority

Outcome 1: A communications and media environment that balances the needs of the industry and the Australian community through regulation, education and advice

Program 1.1: Communications regulation, planning and licensing

Program 1.2: Consumer safeguards, education and information


Program 1.2: Telecommunications, Online and Postal Services


Program 1.3: Broadcasting and Digital Television






Program 1.1: Broadband and Communications infrastructure



11.00 pm





Morning tea

10.45 am approx




1.00 pm

2.00 pm


Afternoon tea

3.45 pm approx




6.00 pm

7.00 pm


Tea break

9.00 pm approx


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