Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator Patricia Crossin, Chair, ALP, NT
Senator Guy Barnett, Deputy Chair, LP, TAS
Senator David Feeney, ALP, VIC
Senator Mary Jo Fisher, LP, SA
Senator Scott Ludlam, AG, WA
Senator Gavin Marshall, ALP, VIC (Acting Chair from 4pm, 28 May 2009)
Senator Louise Pratt, ALP, WA (substitute for Senator Crossin from 4pm, 28 May 2009)
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, LP, NSW (substitute for Senator Barnett from 4pm, 28 May 2009)

Senators in attendance

Senator Patricia Crossin, (Chair), Senator Guy Barnett (Deputy Chair), Senator David Feeney, Senator Mary Jo Fisher, Senator Scott Ludlam, Senator Gavin Marshall, Senator the Hon Eric Abetz, Senator the Hon Ron Boswell, Senator Mark Bishop, Senator the Hon George Brandis, Senator Jacinta Collins, Senator Steve Fielding, Senator Mitch Fifield, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan, Senator Gary Humphries, Senator Steve Hutchins, Senator Julian McGauran, Senator Claire Moore, Senator Stephen Parry, Senator Louise Pratt, Senator Russell Trood, Senator Nick Xenophon



Mr Peter Hallahan


Mr Tim Watling

Principal Research Officer

Ms Toni Dawes

Principal Research Officer

Ms Monika Sheppard

Senior Research Officer

Ms Margaret Cahill

Estimates Officer

Ms Cassimah Mackay

Executive Assistant


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Telephone: (02) 6277 3560

Parliament House

Fax: (02) 6277 5794



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