Members of the Legislation Committee

Members of the Legislation Committee


Substitute Members

* Senator Natasha Stott Despoja, AD, SA to replace Senator Andrew Bartlett for matters relating to the Attorney-General's Portfolio

Participating Members

Senator the Hon. Eric Abetz, LP, TAS
Senator Lyn Allison, AD, VIC
Senator G. Barnett, LP, TAS
Senator C. Bernardi, LP, SA
Senator Mark Bishop, ALP, WA
Senator George Brandis, LP, QLD
Senator Bob Brown, AG, TAS
Senator George Campbell, ALP, NSW
Senator Kim Carr, ALP, VIC
Senator Grant Chapman, LP, SA
Senator the Hon R Colbeck, LP, TAS
Senator Stephen Conroy, ALP, VIC
Senator Alan Eggleston, LP, WA
Senator Christopher Evans, ALP, WA
Senator the Hon. John Faulkner, ALP, NSW
Senator Alan Ferguson, LP, SA
Senator Jeannie Ferris, LP, SA
Senator Steve Fielding, FFP, VIC
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, LP, NSW
Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan, LP, NSW
Senator John Hogg, ALP, QLD
Senator Gary Humphries, LP, ACT
Senator Annette Hurley, ALP, SA
Senator Barnaby Joyce, NATS, QLD
Senator Ross Lightfoot, LP, WA
Senator Joseph Ludwig, ALP, QLD
Senator Kate Lundy, ALP, ACT
Senator the Hon Ian MacDonald, LP, QLD
Senator Julian McGauran, NPA, VIC
Senator Jan McLucas, ALP, QLD
Senator Christine Milne, AG, TAS
Senator Kerry Nettle, AG, NSW
Senator Stephen Parry, LP, TAS
Senator the Hon Kay Paterson, LP, VIC
Senator Robert Ray, ALP, VIC
Senator the Hon. Nick Sherry, ALP, TAS
Senator Rachel Siewert, AG, WA
Senator Ursula Stephens, ALP, NSW
Senator Russell Trood, LP, QLD
Senator John Watson, LP, TAS


Mr Jonathan Curtis - Secretary
Ms Marina Seminara - Research Officer
Ms Julie Connor - Executive Assistant

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