Chapter 2


2.1        This chapter lists the key issues raised for each department, agency and government business enterprise examined during the committee's hearings on the Additional Estimates 2017–18. Page numbers to the proof Hansard are indicated in brackets.

Parliament Portfolio, 26 February 2018

Department of the Senate

Parliamentary Budget Office

Department of Parliamentary Services

Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio, 26 and 27 February 2018

 Australian Public Service Commission

Office for Women

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Digital Transformation Agency

Australian National Audit Office

Office of the Inspector-General

Finance Portfolio, 27 February 2018

ASC Pty Ltd

ANI Pty Ltd

Department of Finance

General/ Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority

Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)

Future Fund Management Agency

Cross Portfolio Indigenous Matters, 2 March 2018

Indigenous Land Corporation

Indigenous Business Australia

Aboriginal Hostels Limited

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet- Outcome 2

Department of Health

Senator James Paterson

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