

Chapter 1 - Budget Estimates 2013–14

[1]        As a matter of comity between the Houses neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[2]        Portfolio Budget Statements 2013–14, Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio, p. 21.

Chapter 2 - Parliamentary departments and portfolio issues

[1]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 4.

[2]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 5.

[3]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 29.

[4]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 3–4 and 5–6.

[5]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 8.

[6]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 7–9.

[7]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 9.

[8]        Mr Phil Bowen PSM, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 10.

[9]        Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 11–19.

[10]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 19–20.

[11]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 20.

[12]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 28.

[13]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 30.

[14]      Ms Carol Mills, Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Services, Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 22.

[15]      Ms Carol Mills, Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Services, Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 22–23.

[16]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 40–41.

[17]      Ms Carol Mills, Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Services, Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 43.

[18]      Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, The Performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services – Final Report, November 2012, p. 44.

[19]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 62.

[20]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 85.

[21]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 63–67.

[22]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 100-108; and Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013,
pp 15-17.

[23]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 18–21.

[24]      Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, pp 45–47.

[25]      Mr Stephen Brady CVO, Official Secretary to the Governor-General, Committee Hansard, 27 May 2013, p. 47.

[26]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 24–25.

[27]      Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General, Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 24–26.

[28]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 26–30.

[29]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 30–42 and 47–54.

[30]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, p. 43.

[31]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, pp 42–47.

[32]      Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, p. 55.

[33]      Mr Richard Maude, Director-General, Office of National Assessments, Committee Hansard, 28 May 2013, p. 57.

[34]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 13–17.

[35]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 19–22.

[36]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 23–25.

[37]      Mr David Tune, Secretary, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 29.

[38]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 29.

[39]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 30.

[40]      Mr David Tune, Secretary, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 30.

[41]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 33.

[42]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 50–53.

[43]      Senator the Hon. Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 55.

[44]      Mr David Tune, Secretary, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 56.

[45]      Mr David Neal, Chief Investment Officer, Future Fund Management Agency, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 5.

[46]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 6.

[47]      Dr Stein Helgeby, Deputy Secretary, Governance and Resource management Group, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 6–7.

[48]      Mr David Neal, Chief Investment Officer, Future Fund Management Agency, Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 11.

[49]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 8.

[50]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, p. 9.

[51]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 38–39.

[52]      Committee Hansard, 29 May 2013, pp 40–43.

[53]      Committee Hansard, 30 May 2013, pp 4–5.

[54]      Committee Hansard, 30 May 2013, pp 5–16.

[55]      Committee Hansard, 30 May 2013, pp 47–74.

Appendix 2 - Index to Hansard transcripts

[1]        Hansard page numbers referred to in this appendix are based on proof Hansards. Page numbers may vary slightly in the final Office Hansard transcripts.