

Chapter 1 - Budget Estimates 2011–12

[1]        As a matter of comity between the Houses, neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[2]        Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, Portfolio Budget statements 2011-12, Budget related paper no. 1.15B pp 3-5.

[3]        Senator the Hon Mark Arbib replaced Senator the Hon Chris Evans as Minister at the table after the dinner break on Monday, Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp 87-97.

[4]        Senator the Hon Nick Sherry replaced Senator the Hon Chris Evans and Senator the Hon Mark Arbib as Minister at the table after the afternoon tea break on Tuesday, Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp 63-83.

[5]        See paragraph 1.19 of the Committee's previous report: Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Additional estimates 2010-11, March 2011, pp 4-5.

[6]        Estimates Hansard, 21 February 2011, p. F&PA 31.

[7]        Additional Estimates 2010–11, Department of Parliamentary Services, Answer to question on notice, No 27.

[8]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 43.

[9]        Mr David Kenny, Department of Parliamentary Services, Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 43.

[10]      Mr David Kenny, Department of Parliamentary Services, Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 44.

[11]      Mr Ian McPhee, Australian National Audit Office, Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 35-36.

Chapter 2 - Consideration of portfolios, departments and agencies

[1]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 4-8.

[2]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 3-4.

[3]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 8-12.

[4]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 14.

[5]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 16-19.

[6]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 19-23.

[7]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 23-25, 33-37, 43-48.

[8]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 25-30.

[9]        Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 30-33.

[10]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 19, 37-43.

[11]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 43-51.

[12]      Mr Stephen Brady, Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General, Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 53.

[13]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 53-54.

[14]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 54-57.

[15]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 57.

[16]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 59-66.

[17]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 66-70.

[18]      Mr Ben Rimmer, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, p. F&PA 77.

[19]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 87-97.

[20]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 111-114.

[21]      Estimates Hansard, 23 May 2011, pp F&PA 114-118.

[22]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, p. F&PA 6.

[23]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 11-17.

[24]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 88-95.

[25]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 66-70.

[26]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 70-88.

[27]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 95-99.

[28]      Mr Stephen Sedgwick, Australian Public Service Commission, Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, p. F&PA 23.

[29]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 24-31.

[30]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 31-34.

[31]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 35-44.

[32]      Mr Ian McPhee, Australian National Audit Office, Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, p. F&PA 37.

[33]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 44-50.

[34]      Mr Allan Asher, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, p. F&PA 50.

[35]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 50-53.

[36]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 53-56.

[37]      Estimates Hansard, 24 May 2011, pp F&PA 57-63.

[38]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 3.

[39]      Ms Glenys Beauchamp, Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 3.

[40]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 3-12.

[41]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 12-31.

[42]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 31-39.

[43]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 42.

[44]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 45.

[45]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 44-51.

[46]      Mr Michael Sammells, Medibank Private, Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 70.

[47]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 71-72.

[48]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 77-81, Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2011, p. F&PA 37.

[49]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 85, Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2011, p. F&PA 28

[50]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, pp F&PA 97-104.

[51]      Mr David Tune, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2011, p. F&PA 95.

[52]      Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2011, p. F&PA 17.

[53]      Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2011, p. F&PA 18.

[54]      Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2011, pp F&PA 18-22.

Appendix 2 - Index to Hansard Transcripts[1]

[1]        Hansard page numbers referred to in this appendix are based on proof Hansards. Page numbers may vary slightly in the final Official Hansard transcripts.