

Budget Estimates 2009–10 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, 12 May 2008, p. 1920.

[2]        As a matter of comity between the Houses, it is traditional that neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[3]        Department of Finance and Deregulation, Portfolio Budget Statement 2009–10, p. 29.

[4]        Appendix 3 provides an index to the Hansard transcripts.

[5]        Journals of the Senate, 13.5.09, p. 1941

[6]        Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, p. 80.

[7]        Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, p. 81.

[8]        Government Guidelines for Official Witnesses before Parliamentary Committees and Related Matters–November 1989, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, pp 8–9. Document is available from - accessed 17 May 2009.

[9]        Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, p. 90.

[10]      Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, p. 91.

[11]      Dr Ian Watt, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 17.

[12]      Ms Kathryn Campbell, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 88.

[13]      Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 32.

[14]      Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 33.

[15]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 34.

[16]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 32.

[17]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 56.

[18]      Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, pp 97–98

[19]      Eligibility and Allocation Policy, AGIMO, available at: Accessed on 17 June 2009.

[20]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 108.

Parliamentary Departments

[1]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 4.

[2]        'Senate Committee Activities' Report to Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee – Budget estimates 2009–10, p. 4.

[3]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 6.

[4]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 5.

[5]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 13.

[6]        Mr Alan Thompson, DPS, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 15.

[7]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 26.

[8]        Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 26.

Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio

[1]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 45

[2]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, pp 45–46.

[3]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 48

[4]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 48

[5]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 52.

[6]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 53.

[7]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 62

[8]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 67.

[9]        Mr Stephen Brady, OOSGG, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 68

[10]      See discussion, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 86, p. 102.

[11]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 92.

[12]      For full detail, please see Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 92.

[13]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 28.

[14]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 25.

[15]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 26.

[16]      Mr Mike Mrdak, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 27.

[17]      Budget Paper No. 2, p. 372. Note that funding was provided in additional estimates 2008-09 under 'Departmental output, tba'.

[18]      Mr Angus Campbell, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 102

[19]      Mr Angus Campbell, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 25.5.09, p. 104.

[20]      Dr Rob Floyd, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, pp 4-5.

[21]      Dr Rob Floyd, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 7.

[22]      Dr Rob Floyd, PM&C, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 5.

[23]      Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Special Minister of State, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 90.

[24]      Ms Karen Curtis, Privacy Commissioner, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 39.

[25]      Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 91.

[26]      Mr Peter White, ANAO, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 90.

[27]      Mr Michael White, ANAO, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 92.

[28]      Mr Steve Chapman, ANAO, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 94.

[29]      Mr Steve Chapman, ANAO, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, pp 94–95

[30]      Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 110

[31]      Mr Ian Carnell, IGIS, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 113.

[32]      Mr Ian Carnell, IGIS, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, pp 113–114.

[33]      Mr Peter Varghese, ONA, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 116.

[34]      Mr Peter Varghese, ONA, Estimates Hansard, 26.5.09, p. 117.

Finance and Deregulation Portfolio

[1]        Dr Ian Watt, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 3.

[2]        Dr Paul Grimes, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, pp 3–4

[3]        Dr Ian Watt, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 5.

[4]        Budget Paper No. 1 2009–10, p. 8-4

[5]        Dr Paul Grimes, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 6.

[6]        Dr Paul Grimes, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 6.

[7]        Dr Paul Grimes, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 6.

[8]        Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 10

[9]        Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 11.

[10]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 11

[11]      Mr Paul Saunders, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 11

[12]      Mr Simon Lewis, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 34.

[13]      Senator the Hon Helen Coonan, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 34.

[14]      Senator the Hon Nick Sherry, Minister representing the Finance Minister, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 34.

[15]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 82

[16]      Ms Susan Page, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, pp 82–83

[17]      Ms Susan Page, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 85.

[18]      Ms Susan Page, Finance, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 86.

[19]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 105.

[20]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 105.

[21]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, pp 105–106

[22]      Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, pp 14–15.

[23]      Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 58.

[24]      Mr George Savvides, Medibank, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 65.

[25]      Mr George Savvides, Medibank, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 68.

[26]      Mr Paul Costello, FFMA, Estimates Hansard, 27.5.09, p. 113.

[27]      Mr Ed Killesteyn, AEC, Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, pp 35–36.

Human Services Portfolio

[1]        Ms Helen Williams, DHS, Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 55.

[2]        Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 57.

[3]        Ms Helen Williams, DHS, Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 57.

[4]        Ms Helen Williams, DHS, Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, pp 59–60.

[5]        Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 62.

[6]        Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 73.

[7]        Estimates Hansard, 28.5.09, p. 74.

Department of Climate Change

[1]        Dr Martin Parkinson, DCC, Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 7.

[2]        Dr Martin Parkinson, DCC, Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 7.

[3]        Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 8.

[4]        Mr Blair Comley, DCC, Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 8.

[5]        Mr Blair Comley, DCC, Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 9.

[6]        Mr Blair Comley, DCC, Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 15.

[7]        Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 16.

[8]        Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 17

[9]        Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 17.

[10]      Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 20.

[11]      Estimates Hansard, 29.5.09, p. 21

Appendix 2 - Transition tables[1]

Appendix 3 - Index to Hansard Transcripts[1]

[1]        Page numbers correspond to the proof Hansards. Sometimes there are slight variations with the final version.