Appendix 2 - Changes to Outcome / Output Structures

Appendix 2 - Changes to Outcome / Output Structures

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet



Outcome 1

Sound and well coordinated government policies, programs and decision making processes

Output Group 1

Economic and Industry Policy

Output 1.1

Economic and Industry Policy

Output Group 2

Social Policy

Output 2.1

Social Policy

Output 2.2

Work and Family

Output 2.3

Social Inclusion

Output Group 3

International and National Security Policy

Output 3.1

International Policy

Output 3.2

National Security Policy

Output 3.3

APEC Taskforce[1]

Output Group 4

Strategic Policy

Output 4.1

Strategic Policy

Output Group 5

Support Services for Government Operation

Output 5.1

Cabinet Support

Output 5.2

Machinery of Government

Output 5.3

Support to Official Establishments

Output 5.4

Support for Ministerial Offices

Output 5.5

Ceremonial and Hospitality

Output 5.6

Freedom of Information and Privacy Policy

Output 5.7

2020 Summit[2]

Output 5.8

Government Communications[3]

Future Fund Management Agency




Managing and growing publicly funded investments to meet future financial needs and contribute to the prosperity of future generations of Australians

Output 1.1

Management of the Future Fund

Output 1.2

Management of the Higher Education Endowment Fund

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