Parliamentary Departments

Parliamentary Departments

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 38KB)

Note: The committee set Thursday, 9 April 2009 for the return of answers to Questions on Notice.

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Department/Agency Senator Topic PDF format
P1 Senate MOORE Increase in expenditure on committee activity (PDF 1351KB)
P2 DPS BROWN Office lights in Parliament House (PDF 17KB)
P3 DPS FIFIELD Feedback on Parlinfo (PDF 35KB)
P4 DPS FIFIELD Inquiries into Parlinfo (PDF 8KB)
P5 DPS COLLINS Streaming of Committee hearings by request (PDF 6KB)
P6 DPS MOORE Access statistics for webcasting of Parliament (PDF 7KB)
P7 DPS MOORE Cost for outsourcing Hansard services (PDF 8KB)
P8 DPS FORSHAW Name of catering expert consulted (PDF 4KB)
P9 DPS COLLINS Guidelines for table set-up in the Mural Hall (PDF 109KB)
P10 DPS PARRY Rationale for screening Senators & Members (PDF 12KB)
P11 DPS FERGUSON Change in access policy for spouses of former Members and Senators (PDF 6KB)
P12 DPS POLLEY No. of PDAs returned (PDF 4KB)
P13(a-b) DPS COONAN Expenditure on consultants in 2007-08 (PDF 8KB)
P14(a-b) DPS COONAN Estimated expenditure on consultants in 2008-09 See answer P13
P15 DPS COONAN Estimated expenditure on consultants across forward estimates See answer P13
P16 DPS FIFIELD Emails in regard to Parlinfo from Library Staff (PDF 11KB)
P18(a-b) DPS RONALDSON Damage to MG-8 (PDF 4KB)
P19(a-c) DPS RONALDSON Complaints about security staff in APH (PDF 9KB)
P20(a-b) DPS BOYCE Survey of service satisfaction (PDF 6KB)
P21(a-c) DPS BOYCE Energy consumption target (PDF 10KB)
P22 DPS FIFIELD [Transfer from PM&C] List of artworks in ministerial offices (PDF 5KB) - See also additional information
P23 Senate COONAN Expenditure on consultants in 2007-08 (PDF 13KB)
P24 Senate COONAN Estimated expenditure on consultants in 2008-09 See answer P23
P25 Senate COONAN Estimated expenditure on consultants across forward estimates See answer P23
P26 Senate HUMPHRIES SES positions See answer P23

Additional information and tabled documents

Operating Policies and Procedures No. 10.10 - Parliament House passes (Tabled 23 February 2009) (PDF 3847KB)
Artwork in Ministerial Suites (excluding the Prime Minister's suite - as of 12 March 2009 - Provided in answer to P22 (PDF 157KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809