Supplementary Budget estimates 2012-2013

Supplementary Budget estimates 2012-2013

Tabled Documents

Item no Tabled by Topic View
1 Department of Defence Opening Statement to Senate Estimates by Mr Simon Lewis, Acting Secretary (PDF 1881KB)
2 Department of Defence Opening Statement Senate Estimates hearing by the Chief of the Defence Force (PDF 1640KB)
3 Senator Johnston

Materiel State Assessment from Captain D A Wardell, Chief Engineer Officer, Royal Navy dated 6 February 2011

(PDF 281KB)
4 Senator Faulkner Photographs of the grave Hugo Throssell, VC, in Karrakatta Cemetery (PDF 714KB)
5 DVA Photographs of the grave Hugo Throssell, VC, in Karrakatta Cemetery (PDF 1659KB)
6 DVA Jurisdictional Policy Advice No. 2005/06 developed by Comcare (PDF 1273KB)
7 AusAID Opening Statement by Mr Peter Baxter, Director General (PDF 646KB)
8 Senator Kroger 'Australian aid flows to UN backers', news article by Gemma Jones, Daily Telegraph (PDF 1435KB)
9 Senator Eggleston Photographs of Daru Hospital and staff quarters taken on 10 June 2012 courtesy of Mr Warren Entsch MP (PDF 3299KB)
10 AusAID Certification of Translation No.s 40/2012, 45/2012 and 41/2012 (PDF 1508KB)
11 Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee

Correspondence from Mr Paul Evans, 'Re: Significant mistakes in the data on BEST grants provided by the Department of Veterans' Affairs', dated 14 October 2012

(PDF 209KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818