Budget estimates 2008-09
24 June 2008
© Commonwealth of Australia 2008
ISBN 978-0-642-71923-2
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Membership |
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Report to the Senate |
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Questions on notice
Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Budget Portfolio Statement
Portfolio overview
Output 1.1
1.1.1-North Asia
1.1.2-South East Asia
1.1.5-South and West Asia, the Middle East and Africa
1.1.7-Bilateral, regional and multi-lateral trade negotiations
1.1.9-International organisations, legal and environment
1.1.10-Security, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
1.2-Secure government communications and security of overseas missions
1.3-Services to other agencies in Australia and overseas
1.4-Services to diplomatic and consular representatives in Australia
2.1-Consular and passport services
3.1-Public information services and public diplomacy
Defence portfolio
Department of Defence
Portfolio Budget Statement
Changes to outcome and output structure
Chief of the Defence Force opening statement
Secretary’s opening statement
Portfolio overview and budget summary
Output group 1.1 Office of the Secretary and Chief of the Defence Force
Output group 1.12 Chief Financial Officer
Output group 1.14 Superannuation and housing support services for current
and retired Defence personnel and other administered items
Output group 2.1 Operations contributing to the security of the immediate
neighbourhood and Output group 2.2 Operations supporting wider interests
Output group 3.1 Defence contribution to support tasks in Australia
Capability development: Output group 1.11 Capability development
Defence Materiel Organisation
Capital facilities and Defence support
Output group 1.6 Defence support
People: Output group 1.13 People strategies and policy
Remaining Defence outputs
Output group 1.2 Navy capabilities
Output group 1.4 Air Force capabilities
Output group 1.7 Defence science and technology
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Portfolio overview/Corporate and general matters
Outcome 1-Income support and compensation
Outcome 2-Health
Outcome 3-Commemorations
Outcome 4-Advice and information
Outcome 5-Joint DVA/Defence support services
Output group 6
Australian War Memorial
Acknowledgements |
Additional comments from Coalition Senators |
(PDF 316KB) |
*PDF Format Only |
Index to proof transcripts |
(PDF 136KB) |
Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)
Defence portfolio
Department of Defence
Department of Veterans’ Affairs |
Appendix 1-Defence organisation outcome structure |
(PDF 136KB) |
For further information, contact:
Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600