

CHAPTER 1 - Overview

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 92, 12 May 2015, p. 2561.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 76, 10 February 2015, pp 2116–2117.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, No. 1, 12 November 2013, p. 16.

[4]        Portfolio Budget Statements 2015–16, Education and Training portfolio, pp 18–19.

[5]        The Senate, Standing Orders and other orders of the Senate, July 2014, SO 26.

[6]        Journals of the Senate, No. 68, 13 May 2009, p. 1941. The order was moved by Senator Cormann.

[7]        Information will be published at the following website address:

CHAPTER 2 - Employment portfolio

[1]        Ms Renée Leon, Secretary, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015,
p. 5.

[2]        Ms Renée Leon, Secretary, Department of Employment Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015, p. 12.

[3]        Ms Renée Leon, Secretary, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015,
p. 35.

[4]        Ms Renée Leon, Secretary, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015,
p. 39; Mr Martin Hehir, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard,
1 June 2015, pp 39–40.

[5]        Ms Margaret Kidd, Group Manager, Labour Market Strategy Group, Department of Employment Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015, p. 52.

[6]        Ms Margaret Kidd, Group Manager, Labour Market Strategy Group, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015, p. 52.

[7]        Dr Alison Morehead, Group Manager, Workplace Relations Policy Group, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015, p.114.

[8]        Dr Alison Morehead, Group Manager, Workplace Relations Policy Group, Department of Employment, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015, p. 115.

[9]        Ms Renée Leon, Secretary, Department of Employment Estimates Hansard, 1 June 2015,
p. 120.

[10]      Ms Natalie James, Fair Work Ombudsman, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 10.

[11]      Ms Lynda McAlary-Smith, Executive Director, Proactive Compliance and Education, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, pp 13–14.

[12]      Ms Lynda McAlary-Smith, Executive Director, Proactive Compliance and Education, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 14.

[13]      Ms Lynda McAlary-Smith, Executive Director, Proactive Compliance and Education, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 13.

[14]      Ms Natalie James, Fair Work Ombudsman, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 25.

[15]      Ms Natalie James, Fair Work Ombudsman, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 46.

[16]      Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Director, Fair Work Building and Construction, Estimates Hansard,
2 June 2015, p. 73.

[17]      Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Director, Fair Work Building and Construction, Estimates Hansard,
2 June 2015, p. 72, 112 and 119–21.

[18]      Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Director, Fair Work Building and Construction, Estimates Hansard,
2 June 2015, p. 75.

[19]      Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Director, Fair Work Building and Construction, Estimates Hansard,
2 June 2015, p. 109.

[20]      Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, Director, Fair Work Building and Construction, Estimates Hansard,

2 June 2015, pp 81-82.

[21]      Ms Julia Collins, Branch Manager, Work Health and Safety Network, Safe Work Australia, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 127.

[22]      Ms Julia Collins, Branch Manager, Work Health and Safety Network, Safe Work Australia, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, pp 127–8.

[23]      Ms Jo Wood, Group Manager, Economic Strategy Group, Department of Employment, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 130.

[24]      Ms Louise McSorley, Acting Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 133.

[25]      Ms Louise McSorley, Acting Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, pp. 132–3.

[26]      Mr Peter Tighe, Chief Executive Officer, Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 135.

[27]      Mr Peter Tighe, Chief Executive Officer, Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 136.

[28]      Mr Chris Enright, Director, Regulatory Compliance, Fair Work Commission, Estimates Hansard, 2 June 2015, p. 138.

Chapter 3 - Education and Training portfolio

[1]        Mr Russell Taylor, Principal, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 4.

[2]        Mr Russell Taylor, Principal, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 4.

[3]        Mr Russell Taylor, Principal, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 5.

[4]        Mr Russell Taylor, Principal, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 5.

[5]        Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 7.

[6]        Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 21.

[7]        Mr Robert Griew, Associate Secretary, Higher Education, Research and International, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 8.

[8]        Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 15.

[9]        Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, pp 17 and 18–19.

[10]      Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 12.

[11]      Professor Nicholas Saunders, Chief Commissioner, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 25.

[12]      Professor Nicholas Saunders, Chief Commissioner, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 27.

[13]      Professor Nicholas Saunders, Chief Commissioner, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 27.

[14]      Mr Christopher Robinson, Chief Commissioner, Australian Skills and Quality Authority, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 39.

[15]      Mr Christopher Robinson, Chief Commissioner, Australian Skills and Quality Authority, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 39.

[16]      Mr Christopher Robinson, Chief Commissioner, Australian Skills and Quality Authority, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 45.

[17]      Mr Christopher Robinson, Chief Commissioner, Australian Skills and Quality Authority, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 41.

[18]      Mr Robert Griew, Associate Secretary, Higher Education, Research and International, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, pp 57–8.

[19]      Dr Subho Banerjee, Deputy Secretary, Skills and Training, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 66.

[20]      Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 67.

[21]      Mr Robert Griew, Associate Secretary, Higher Education, Research and International, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, pp 82–6.

[22]      Mr Robert Griew, Associate Secretary, Higher Education, Research and International, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 87.

[23]      Dr Subho Banerjee, Deputy Secretary, Skills and Training, Department of Education and Training, and Mr Craig Robertson., Group Manager, Skills Policy, Estimates Hansard,
3 June 2015, p. 64.

[24]      Mr Robert Griew, Associate Secretary, Higher Education, Research and International, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 99.

[25]      Mr Dom English, Group Manager, Research and Economic, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 99.

[26]      Ms Melissa Reardon, Director, Higher Education Reform, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 3 June 2015, p. 110.

[27]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 9.

[28]      Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 17.

[29]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 11.

[30]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 24.

[31]      Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 29.

[32]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, pp 25–26.

[33]      Mr Robert Randall, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 52.

[34]      Senator the Honourable Scott Ryan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 66

[35]      Dr Stanley Rabinowitz, General Manager, Assessment and Reporting, Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 56.


[37]      Ms Margery Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 91.

[38]      Williams v Commonwealth of Australia (2012) 248 CLR 156; Williams v Commonwealth of Australia [2014] HCA 23.

[39]      Senator the Honourable Scott Ryan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 112.

[40]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 96.

[41]      Mr Tony Cook, Associate Secretary, Schools and Youth, Department of Education and Training, Estimates Hansard, 4 June 2015, p. 146.