Senate Economics Legislation Committee

Senate Economics Legislation Committee

Senator David Bushby, Chair Tasmania, LP
Senator Mark Bishop, Deputy Chair Western Australia, ALP
Senator Anne Ruston* Western Australia, LP
(*substituting for Senator Alan Eggleston) (Western Australia, LP)
Senator Alex Gallacher* South Australia, ALP
(*substituting for Senator Louise Pratt) (Western Australia, ALP)
Senator John Williams New South Wales, NATS
Senator Nick Xenophon South Australia, IND

Senators in attendance
Senator Cory Bernardi South Australia, LP
Senator Mark Bishop Western Australia, ALP
Senator David Bushby Tasmania, LP
Senator the Hon Kim Carr Victoria, ALP
Senator the Hon Jacinta Collins Victoria, ALP
Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy Victoria, ALP
Senator Sam Dastyari New South Wales, ALP
Senator Richard Di Natale Victoria, AG
Senator Sean Edwards South Australia, LP
Senator Alex Gallacher South Australia, ALP
Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan New South Wales, LP
Senator John Madigan Victoria, DLP
Senator the Hon Jan McLucas Queensland, ALP
Senator Christine Milne Tasmania, AG
Senator Scott Ludlam Western Australia, AG
Senator Lee Rhiannon New South Wales, AG
Senator Anne Ruston South Australia, LP
Senator Zed Seselja Australian Capital Territory, LP
Senator Glenn Sterle Western Australia, ALP
Senator Larissa Waters Queensland, AG
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania, AG
Senator John Williams New South Wales, NATS
Senator the Hon Penny Wong South Australia, ALP
Senator Penny Wright South Australia, AG
Senator Nick Xenophon South Australia, IND


Dr Kathleen Dermody, Secretary
Dr Jon Bell, Acting Secretary
Mr Tim Bryant, Secretary
Mr Stephen Palethorpe, Secretary
Mr Gerry McInally, Acting Secretary
Mr Ivan Powell, Secretary
Ms Leonie Lam, Research Officer

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3540
Fax: 02 6277 5719

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