

Chapter 1 - Overview

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 26, 9 February 2017, pp. 888–889.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 12, 7 November 2016, p. 378.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, No. 2, 31 August 2016, p. 76.

[4]        Journals of the Senate, No. 68, 13 May 2009, pp. 1941–1942.

  - Treasury portfolio

[1]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 6.

[2]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 8.

[3]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 9.

[4]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 16.

[5]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 18.

[6]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 23.

[7]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 32.

[8]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 32.

[9]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, pp. 42–43.

[10]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, pp. 43–44.

[11]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 50.

[12]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 69–70.

[13]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 76.

[14]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 85.

[15]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 85.

[16]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 85.

[17]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 107.

[18]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 March 2017, p. 109.

[19]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 5.

[20]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 5.

[21]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 5–23.

[22]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 26.

Chapter 3 - Industry, Innovation and Science portfolio

[1]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 51.

[2]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 51.

[3]        ANSTO's synchrotron is a machine which produces powerful beams of light that can be used to examine the atomic and molecular detail of materials including medicines, food, biotechnology, nanotechnology and energy.

[4]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 52.

[5]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 53.

[6]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 61.

[7]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 66.

[8]        Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 66.

[9]        Pure science or blue sky science describes scientific research that is carried out in fields where 'real world' applications are not immediately apparent.

[10]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 125.

[11]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 127.

[12]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 128.

[13]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 140.

[14]      Proof Estimates Hansard, 2 March 2017, p. 141.