Membership of Committee

Membership of Committee

Senate Economics Legislation Committee


Senator Mark Bishop, Chair

Western Australia, ALP

Senator David Bushby, Deputy Chair

Tasmania, LP

Senator Doug Cameron

New South Wales, ALP

Senator Alan Eggleston

Western Australia, LP

Senator Anne Urquhart

Tasmania, ALP

Senator Nick Xenophon

South Australia, IND

Other senators in attendance
Senator the Hon. Eric Abetz

Tasmania, LP

Senator the Hon. George Brandis SC

Queensland, LP

Senator the Hon. Richard Colbeck

Tasmania, LP

Senator Mathias Cormann

Western Australia, LP

Senator Sean Edwards

South Australia, LP

Senator Mitch Fifield

Victoria, LP

Senator Alex Gallacher

South Australia, ALP

Senator the Hon. Bill Heffernan

New South Wales, LP

Senator John Madigan

Victoria, DLP

Senator the Hon. Brett Mason

Queensland, LP

Senator Christine Milne

Tasmania, AG

Senator Fiona Nash

New South Wales, NATS

Senator Stephen Parry

Tasmania, LP

Senator Lee Rhiannon

New South Wales, AG

Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson

Victoria, LP

Senator Scott Ryan

Victoria, LP

Senator Rachel Siewert

Western Australia, AG

Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO

New South Wales, ALP

Senator Glenn Sterle

Western Australia, ALP

Senator Larissa Waters

Queensland, AG

Senator Peter Whish-Wilson

Tasmania, AG

Senator John Williams

New South Wales, NATS


Mr Tim Bryant, Secretary
Ms Morana Kavgic, Acting Research Officer


PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3540
Fax: 02 6277 5719

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