

Additional Estimates 2008–09 - Report to the Senate

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 52, 4 December 2008, p. 1446.

[2]        Transcript page numbers for the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[3]        Transcript page numbers for the Office of the Chief Scientist, refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[4]        Transcript page numbers for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[5]        Transcript page numbers for the Australian Research Council (ARC), refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[6]        Transcript page numbers for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[7]        Transcript page numbers for the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[8]        Transcript page numbers for Tourism Australia, refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[9]        Transcript page numbers for the Treasury – outcome 1, refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[10]      Transcript page numbers for the Treasury – outcome 4, refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[11]      Transcript page numbers for the Treasury – outcome 2, refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[12]      Treasury – outcome 3 and the Australian Taxation Office were heard together.  Transcript page numbers for the Treasury – outcome 3 and the ATO, refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[13]      Transcript page numbers for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[14]      Transcript page numbers for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) refer to Proof Hansard, 25 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[15]      Transcript page numbers for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[16]      Transcript page numbers for the Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM), refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[17]      Transcript page numbers for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

[18]      Transcript page numbers for the Productivity Commission refer to Proof Hansard, 26 February 2009 (see the index at Appendix 2 of this report).

Appendix 4 - Portfolio structure and outcomes for the Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Portfolio[1]

[1]        Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2008-09, Innovation, Industry, Science and Research portfolio, p. 4.

Appendix 5 - Portfolio structure and outcomes for the Resources, Energy and Tourism Portfolio[1]

[1]        Portfolio Budget Statements 2008-09, Resources, Energy and Tourism portfolio, p. 5.

Appendix 6 - Portfolio structure and outcomes for the Treasury Portfolio[1]

[1]        Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2008-09, Treasury portfolio, pp 4–5.