Committee address

Committee address

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818

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This document was produced by the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

Committee membership

Committee members
Senator Jonathon Duniam, Chair (from 21 August 2017) LP, TAS
Senator Janet Rice, Deputy Chair (from 4 September 2017) AG, VIC
Senator Anthony Chisholm ALP, QLD
Senator Linda Reynolds CSC (Chair to 21 August 2017) LP, WA
Senator Anne Urquhart ALP, TAS
Senator John Williams NP, NSW
Substitute member
Senator Scott Ludlam (AG, WA) for Senator Peter Whish-Wilson (AG, TAS) on 25 May 2017
Former member
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Deputy Chair (to 4 September 2017) AG, TAS
Senators in attendance
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz LP, TAS
Senator Chris Back LP, WA
Senator Carol Brown ALP, TAS
Senator David Bushby LP, TAS
Senator the Hon Kim Carr ALP, VIC
Senator Sam Dastyari ALP, NSW
Senator Katy Gallagher ALP, ACT
Senator Stirling Griff NXT, SA
Senator Pauline Hanson PHON, QLD
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore NXT, SA
Senator David Leyonhjelm LDP, NSW
Senator Sue Lines ALP, WA
Senator Scott Ludlam AG, WA
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy ALP, NT
Senator Bridget McKenzie NATS, VIC
Senator Nick McKim AG, TAS
Senator Claire Moore ALP, QLD
Senator Deborah O'Neill ALP, NSW
Senator Lee Rhiannon AG, NSW
Senator Janet Rice AG, VIC
Senator Malcolm Roberts PHON, QLD
Senator Rachel Siewert AG, WA
Senator the Hon Lisa Singh ALP, TAS
Senator Larissa Waters AG, QLD
Senator Nick Xenophon IND, SA

Committee secretariat

Ms Christine McDonald, Secretary
Mr Michael Perks, Research Officer

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