Budget estimates 2013–14

Budget estimates 2013–14


1.1                  On 14 May 2013 the Senate referred the following documents to standing committees for examination and report:

1.2        Standing committees were required to report to the Senate on 25 June 2013.[2]


1.3        The committee conducted public hearings with the Climate Change outcome of the Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education portfolio on 27 May 2013; the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio on 28 and 29 May 2013 and the Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy portfolio on 29 and 30 May 2013. The committee's public hearings program is at Appendix 1. Documents tabled during the hearings are listed at Appendix 2.

1.4        Written answers and information provided to the committee in response to questions on notice arising from the hearings are tabled in the Senate and posted on the committee’s web page.

1.5        Links to the transcripts of these public hearings and to answers and additional information are available on the Internet at:


Questions on notice – date for response

1.6        In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the committee agreed that the date for the return of written answers or additional information in response to questions placed on notice during the 27–30 May hearings, be Friday, 26 July 2013.

Procedural and other matters

Changes to portfolios

1.7        Under changes to the machinery of government of March 2013 the Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Portfolio was disbanded. The amended Administrative Arrangements Order transferred all climate change responsibilities to the Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education portfolio and all energy efficiency responsibilities to the Resources, Energy and Tourism portfolio.

1.8        On 15 May 2013, the Senate allocated responsibility for Climate Change matters to the Environment and Communications Committee.[3]

Late answers to questions on notice

1.9        As in previous estimates reports, the committee again expresses its concern about the time taken to receive answers to questions taken on notice.

1.10      The committee notes that it had set Friday, 12 April 2013 as the date for the return of answers to questions taken on notice during the Additional Estimates held in February 2013. However, at that date there was a total of 772 answers outstanding to 929 questions on notice across the three portfolios, as follows:

1.11      The last of these late answers were submitted in the days prior to and during the Budget Estimates hearings.

1.12      The committee reiterates its expectation that answers to questions on notice should be provided to the committee by the due date.

Portfolio specific issues

1.13      On the first day of its examination of the 2013–14 Budget Estimates, the committee called and examined officers from the Climate Change outcome area of the Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (IICCSRTE) portfolio including the Clean Energy Regulator and the Climate Change Authority.

1.14      The committee welcomed Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Science and Research, representing the Minister for Climate Change, Industry and Innovation, the Hon Greg Combet MP.

1.15      The committee raised a range of matters which are noted below. The page references beside each matter refer to the proof transcript for Monday, 27 May 2013.

Climate Change, Outcome 4: Reduction of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and negotiation of an effective global solution, through the development and implementation of a national response to climate change; and bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement internationally

1.16      Before commencing general questions of the department, the chair noted that general questions of the department concerning corporate administrative matters should be addressed to the relevant area of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary, scheduled to appear the following week before the Economics Legislation Committee. Questions commenced including about:

1.17      At the conclusion of general questions, the committee called departmental officers in relation to Program 4.1: Reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Matters raised included:

1.18      Officers from the Clean Energy Regulator were called and examined. Matters raised included:

1.19      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 4.2: Adapting to Climate Change. Matters raised included:

1.20      Officers from the Climate Change Authority were called and examined. Matters raised included:

1.21      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 4.3: Helping to shape a global climate change solution. Matters raised included:

1.22      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 4.4: Program Support. Matters raised included:

Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) portfolio

1.23      On the second day of hearings, the committee called and examined officers from the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio.

1.24      The committee welcomed Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Science and Research, representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon Tony Burke MP.

1.25      The committee raised a range of matters which are noted below. The page references beside each matter refer to the proof transcript for Tuesday, 28 May 2013.

1.26      General questions were asked of the department about:

1.27      The committee called agencies and departmental officers in relation to Outcome 1 commencing with the Bureau of Meteorology which was called and examined. Matters raised included:

1.28      The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority was called and examined. Matters raised included:

1.29      The Director of National Parks was called and examined. Matters raised included:

1.30      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 1.1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Environment. Matters raised included:

1.31      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 1.2: Environmental Information and Research. Matters raised included:

1.32      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 1.3: Carbon Pollution Reduction – Land Sector Initiatives. Matters raised included:

1.33      Officers were called and examined in relation to Outcome 2, Program 2.1: Management of Hazardous Wastes, Substances and Pollutants. Matters raised included:

1.34      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 2.2: Sustainable Communities. Matters raised included:

1.35      Officers were called and examined in relation to Outcome 3, Program 3.1: Antarctica: Science, Policy and Presence. Matters raised included:

1.36      On the third day of hearings, the committee continued its examination of the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio, commencing with Outcome 5.

1.37      The page references beside each matter below refer to the proof transcript for Wednesday, 29 May 2013.

1.38      The committee welcomed Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Science and Research, representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and officers.

1.39      Officers were called and examined in relation to Outcome 4, together with officers from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and the National Water Commission. Matters raised included:

1.40      Officers were called and examined in relation to Outcome 6, Program 6.1 together with officers from the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office.

1.41      The chair welcomed Senator the Hon Jan McLucas, Minister for Human Services, representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.

1.42      Officers were called and examined in relation to Outcome 5, Program 5.1: Conservation of Australia's Heritage and Environment. Matters raised included:

1.43      Officers were called and examined in relation to Program 5.2: Environmental Regulation, commencing with the          Office of Supervising Scientist (OSS). Matters raised included:

1.44      Departmental officers were then called in relation to Program 5.2. Matters raised included:

Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy portfolio

1.45      At the conclusion of its examination of the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio, the committee called and examined officers from the Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy portfolio.

1.46      The committee welcomed Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

1.47      Questioning commenced of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Matters raised included:

1.48      Questioning commenced of the Telecommunications Universal Service Management Authority. The chair welcomed Mr Robert Lomdahl to his first estimates appearance and invited him to make an opening statement. Questioning commenced and matters raised included:

1.49      Questioning commenced of the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Matters raised included:

1.50      On the fourth day of hearings, the committee continued its examination of the Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy portfolio.

1.51      The committee welcomed Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

1.52      The committee raised a range of matters which are noted below. The page references beside each matter refer to the proof transcript for Thursday, 30 May 2013.

1.53      Before general questions commenced, the Minister made a statement about a number of recent issues relating to the handling of asbestos in telecommunications infrastructure. Questioning then commenced of the department. Matters raised included:

1.54      Officers from the Special Broadcasting Service were called and examined. Mr Michael Ebeid, Managing Director, made a brief opening statement after which questioning commenced. Matters raised included:

1.55      Officers from the department were called and examined in relation to Program 1.3: Broadcasting and Digital Television. Matters raised included:

1.56      Officers from Australia Post were called and examined. Mr Ahmed Fahour, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, made an opening statement. Matters raised included:

1.57      Officers from the department were called and examined in relation to Program 1.2: Digital Economy and Postal Services. Matters raised included:

1.58      Officers from the department were called and examined in relation to Program 1.1: Broadband and Communications Infrastructure. Matters raised included:

1.59      The NBN Co was then called and examined. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Mike Quigley made an opening statement and tabled updated Activity Profile sheets indicating premises passed, take-up rates, average usage rates and results of a retail price survey. Questioning commenced and matters raised included:


1.60      The committee thanks Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Science and Research; Senator the Hon Jan McLucas, Minister for Human Services; Senator the Hon David Feeney, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence; and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, along with officers from the three portfolio departments and agencies, for their assistance during this Budget estimates process. The committee also thanks Hansard, Broadcasting and the committee secretariat.


Senator Doug Cameron

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