Budget Estimates 2001-02
Report (HTML format)
Family and Community Services Portfolio
Hansard transcript
30 May 2001 (HTML & PDF)
Answers to questions on notice
Additional Information Received VOLUME 1 - Centrelink, AIFS and FaCS Output Groups: Cross outputs, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 (August 2001) - INDEX and ANSWERS to Estimates questions on notice relating to the hearing held on 30
May 2001 |
(PDF 550KB) |
Health and Ageing Portfolio
Hansard transcripts
28 May 2001 (PDF format)
29 May 2001 (PDF format)
Answers to questions on notice
Additional Information Received VOLUME 2 - Cross portfolio & Outcomes 1-9 (August 2001) - INDEX and ANSWERS to Estimates questions on notice relating to the hearings held on 28
and 29 May 2001
[excluding answers to questions taken on notice at the hearings for Outcomes 3, 6, 9 which
had not been provided to the Committee by DHAC by 28.08.01 - See Volume 3] |
(PDF 1312KB) |
Additional Information Received VOLUME 3 - Outcomes 1, 3, 6, 9 (May 2002) - INDEX and ANSWERS to Estimates questions on notice relating to the hearings held on 28
and 29 May 2001
which were not provided in time to be included in Additional Information Volume 2, tabled
in August 2001 |
(PDF 186KB) |
For further information, contact:
Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600