Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator Claire Moore, Chair

ALP, Queensland

Senator Rachel Siewert, Deputy Chair

AG, Western Australia

Senator Judith Adams

LP, Western Australia

Senator Sue Boyce

LP, Queensland

Senator Carol Brown

ALP, Tasmania

Senator Mark Furner

ALP, Queensland

Senators in attendance

Senator Clare Moore (Chair), Senator Rachel Siewert (Deputy Chair), Senator Judith Adams, Senator Sue Boyce, Senator Carol Brown, Senator Mark Furner, Senator the Hon Eric Abetz, Senator Guy Barnett, Senator Corey Bernardi, Senator Catryna Bilyk, Senator Doug Cameron, Senator Michaelia Cash, Senator Fierravanti-Wells, Senator Mitch Fifield, Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan, Senator Gary Humphries, Senator Scott Ludlam, Senator Anne McEwen, Senator Marise Payne, Senator the Hon Helen Polley, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion, Senator John Williams, Senator Dana Wortley, Senator Nick Xenophon


Dr Timothy Kendall

Acting Committee Secretary

Ms Cassimah Mackay

Research Officer

Suite S1.59

Telephone: (02) 6277 3515

Parliament House

Fax: (02) 6277 5829



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