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- ANZUS alliance
- Asian currency crisis and its effect on Australia
- Aspects of HREOC's annual report 2000-01 concerning immigration
detention centres
- Australia's defence relations with the United States
- Australia's efforts to promote and protect freedom of religion
and belief
- Australia's maritime strategy
- Australia's relations with Indonesia
- Australia's relations with Papua New Guinea
- Australia's relations with the Middle East
- Australia's relations with the United Nations
- Australia's relations with the United Nations in the post Cold
War environment
- Australia's relationship with ASEAN
- Australia's trade and investment relations with Central
- Australia's trade and investment relationship with South
- Australia's trade relationship with India
- Australian Aid Program
- Australian government loan to Papua New Guinea
- Bougainville: the peace process and beyond
- Circumstances of the sinking of HMAS Sydney
- Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Defence Strategy Debate
- Embassy of Israel
- Enterprising Australia - planning, preparing and profiting from
trade and investment
- Examination of the Defence Annual Report/Military justice
- Expanding Australia's trade and investment relationship with
the economies of the Gulf States
- Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio - review of annual
- Hong Kong's transder to Chinese sovereignty
- Hong Kong's transfer to Chinese sovereignty
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission - public
- Human rights and good governance education in the Asia Pacific
- Human rights conditions in migration detention centres
- Implications of Australia's exports of services to Indonesia
and Hong Kong
- Level of funding for Defence
- Link between aid and human rights
- Military justice procedures
- Private Briefing: Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr
Kofi Annan
- Public seminar - Optimising Australian trade beyond 2000
- Public Seminar - The Australian-Cambodian relationship
- Regional dialogue on human rights
- Review of annual reports 2001-02
- Review of Defence annual report 2001-02
- Review of Defence annual report 2002-03
- Review of Defence report 2000-01
- Review of Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio annual reports
- Review of the Simons report
- Scrutiny of the World Trade Organisation
- The Commonwealth of Nations in the 21st Century
- The Suitability of the Australian army for peacetime,
peacekeeping and war
- Transition management in the Australian Defence Force
- Watching brief on the war on terrorism
- World debt
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